Fredericton North Heritage Association

Meeting of November 4, 2008

Held at St. Mary’s’ Parish hall

Fredericton North, NB

Present Were: Dave Neil, Chair; Ernie McFadzen, Bob Corbett, Ann Corbett, Bob Mabie, Jean Mabie, George Wood, Koral Lavorgna, Juan Esteppa (City Heritage Officer), Fred White, Florence Gilby, Marjorie Hughes, Eleanor Stillwell, Bob McNeil, Shirley Hovey, Ian Robertson, Jim McElman, Carol Randall.

Special Guest, Jana Jones, Acting Director, York Manor.

Regrets; Frank (McAloon?)

Presentation of History Project at York Manor.

Ernie McFadzen introduced Jana Jones and invited her to give her presentation.

Ms. Jones ran a video on Gerald Hilderbrand’s life history that was produced by volunteers at York Manor using a methodology they purchased from Life Biology ( the project has 20 students paired up. They complete a 250-page questionnaire with the subject of the video. They then enter the information into a computer program and get related photos to make digital slides that fit the scene. The Lions club has provided some project funding to support a Grant Application and other project funding they have received. Bill Randall of the Third Age Center at St. Thomas started the project. There have been about 15 biographies produced at York Manor to date. Ernie thanked Ms. Jones for her presentation.

Presentation On City’s St. Mary’s’ Neighbourhood Heritage Building Study Project:

The President invited City Heritage Officer, Juan Esteppa, to make a presentation on the City’s study of the St. Mary’s’ neighbourhood for the development area bounded by St. Mary’s’ Street, Cliff Street, the new Highway On-Ramp, the River and the Walking Trail. The report covers approximately 100 properties. The Study process will be similar to that currently underway for the Queen Square area. This is a preliminary notice of the study work that is going on and the Association will be invited to participate in the study at a later date. Mr. Esteppa was thanked for taking time to come to the meeting and for his interest. The Association looks forward to working further with the City on this project.

Approval of the Agenda was moved and seconded by Bob Corbett and Bob Mabie. Carried.

Minutes of the Last Meeting.

Fred White and Carol Randall moved and seconded the approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting. Carried.

Business arising:

Holy Trinity Church - Ian noted that more specific direction is required before a letter can be sent. Discussion on what the FNHA could and should do ensued. It was noted that our fiscal resources do not allow us to participate with funding assistance. It was agreed that moral support in the form of a letter would be appropriate. Fred White read a draft letter that could be sent. Move by Ian and Bob Corbett that the letter is sent. Carried.

Book Launch and Next Meeting:

Robert McNeil advised that the Galleys are ready and the book will be printed soon, and will cost $30 a copy. Carol thanked Juan Esteppa, City Representative, for providing copies of pictures for some buildings covered in the book.

Next Meeting was moved by Shirley Hovey and Fred White to include the Book Launch and be the week of December 2, at whatever date Ernie could arrange it.

Digital (Virtual) Exhibit Grant Application:

Fred White reported on behalf of Ron Howse that he had submitted the application to the Canadian Heritage Information Network and confirmation of the registration ahs been received by e-mail. We are awaiting the forms and will complete them when they are received. Peter Malmberg has agreed to assist with the historical aspect of the project, if the Digital Exhibit is about the River History and the North side of Fredericton, which was his master’s degree topic.

2009 Heritage Week Program:

Ernie McFadzen noted that Heritage Week is Feb 9-16 with Transportation as the Theme. Moved by Fred White and Seconded by Ian Robertson that Ernie be authorized to prepare a program for Heritage Week. Carried Unanimously.


Juan Esteppa advised that the City have a $100,000 Cultural Grant Program that FNHA could apply for, if they wished. The grant levels are from $10,000 to $15,000.

The application forms are on the Web.

Annual General Meeting Dates:

Fred and Carol moved and seconded that the AGM be incorporated into the Heritage week Celebrations. Carried.

JFK Memorial:

Ernie reported that the JFK Memorial is at Alumni Memorial Building and is well placed.

Financial Report:

Fred White reported that the Credit Union had given him a bank balance of $1,463.70 as of today’s date.


Carol Reported that there are 25 active and paid up members. A new member. Shari Evans, was reported.

Executive Committee Meeting Report:

The Committee tabled the executive Committee Minutes from a Meeting of October 27, 2008. As the meeting dealt mainly with a review of the constitution and by-laws, no recommendations came from this meeting.

Nominating Committee:

The President will appoint a Nominating committee. George Wood agreed to chair the Committee, if the President chose to appoint him.

Preservation & Planning Committee

It was agreed that the Preservation and Planning Committee be made a Standing Committee. There was no motion. Ian Robertson, Committee Chair, had left the meeting, due to business commitments,. Therefore, no report was provided.


Ernie thanked Jim McElman for his co-operation in providing the facilities to hold meeting.

Operations Manual:

Ernie and George wood reported that an Operations Manual is being prepared and they outlined some of the areas covered by the manual. It is a working tool and will be available to anyone who wishes to use it.


Bob Corbett moved adjournment at 3:53 PM.

Fred White, Secretary