Fred Yates prize: Researcher of the year, 2018

Nomination form

About the nominee:

Title, first name, surname
Current post
Email address
Publications (including any in press)
Details of any grants held
Previous relevant roles / posts with dates
Personal statement from the nominee (max. 150 words)

About the nominator:

Title, first name, surname
Current post
Email address
Reason for nomination (max. 150 words)

Please tick boxes below to confirm:

Nominee is a current SSA member / Nominee is willing and able to attend the SSA annual Symposium in 2018* to receive their award and present their work

*Maximum £500 towards expenses will be reimbursed by the SSA

The prize will be awarded at the annual SSA Symposium to a researcher who is in the early or mid part of her or his career who has made a significant and specific contribution to the addictions field in recent years. The recipient of the prize will receive a cheque for £2,000 and a certificate which includes the words 'for a significant contribution to the work of the addictions field'. The recipient will be invited to present their research at that year's Symposium, for which their attendance expenses will be reimbursed.

Nominees must:

▪be a member of the Society

▪be nominated by a member of the Society

▪be in the early stages of their research career, no more than 5 years since attaining a graduate or post-graduate qualification

▪be an active researcher in the field of addiction

▪have one or more publications (or manuscripts accepted for publication) in the previous 12 months, and a minimum of 2 publications in the previous 5 years

▪have demonstrated enthusiasm and potential future leadership. This may be through developing a novel programme of work or contributing to new or improved clinical practice or an enhanced understanding of addiction

Nominations from Society members are to be received by the end of January. Nominations should have a nominator and the above-specified supporting information, outlining how the nominee meets the selection criteria. A selection panel of three individuals is appointed each year from the Society's Board of Trustees. Please use one additional sheet (maximum) if necessary. If possible, please also attach the nominee’s CV.