FRC Mount Nasura - Task Allocations – 2017
1 Consistory Chairman - Rev R Bredenhof
- Chair all meetings
- Write Pastoral Column for the bulletin and congregational news for liturgy sheet.
2. Consistory General Deputy and Vice Chairman – Br H Swarts
- Emergency sermon reader.
- Write Pastoral column for bulletin and congregational news for the liturgy sheet (in absence of chairman).
- General Deputy.
3. Consistory General Secretary – Br E Swarts
- Contact address for all correspondence etc addressed to the church.
- Forward all mail to clerks for agendas and archives.
- Write Annual Report of the church for the congregational meetings.
- Minutes of all congregational meetings (including election meetings).
- Prepare AGM and GM agendas in collaboration with the Chairman.
- Co-ordinate printing (with S van der Laan) and distribute AGM and GM reports.
- Look after announcements to be made in church and the announcement book.
- Send out congregational emails and print hardcopy of same for those not on email.
- Govern distribution of information via pigeon holes and bulletin boards in church foyer.
4. Consistory Recording Clerk – Br DJ Swarts
- Minutes of all Consistory meetings.
- Schedule Pulpit supply, serving elders (i.e. shake hand of minister) and Lord’s Supper arrangements.
- Prepare Liturgy Sheet including announcements and information and forward to distribution list and Br S van der Laan for printing.
5. Consistory with Deacons Recording Clerk and archives- Br D deVos
- Prepare consistory calendar
- Prepare Consistory with deacon agendas in collaboration with the Chairman.
- Prepare Consistory agendas in collaboration with the Chairman.
- Minutes of all Consistory with Deacons meetings.
- Brief reports of Consistory with Deacons meetings
- Collect the mail from Post Office and distribute all incoming correspondence
- Take care of Consistory archives (Consistory and Consistory with Deacons)
- Update Decision Record and Consistory Practices and Procedures as required
- Update Yearbook editor of any changes of Council positions.
6. Consistory Corresponding Clerk Elders and Deacons - Br H Faas
- Take care of all outgoing correspondence.
- Send internal memos to sub-committees as required.
- Ensure procedures for arranging Classis are followed and in place and put into practice.
- Forward copies to clerks for agendas and archives.
7. Consistory Church Membership records- Br J vanderPlas
- Attestations (including letter to congregation to which the members departs).
- Holy Supper certificates.
- Lord’s Supper attendance list.
- Update and maintain ward list.
- Maintain the Welcome Pack and print for distribution to new members.
- Advise yearbook editor of births, deaths, arrivals, departures, confession of faith.
8. Consistory Election of Office Bearers and printing - Br GJ deVos
- Prepare and print ballots papers, attendance list, tally papers.
- Print liturgy sheet and pass to sexton.
- Print AGM material
9. Consistory Youth Club Liaison - Br M Schiebaan
- Meet with youth club leaders regularly and whenever considered necessary.
- Schedule for visits to youth clubs and catechism classes.
- Organise wedding Bibles and certificates.
- Organise baptism certificates. (Printed by Ian Swarts)
- Organise books for Public Profession of Faith students
10. Deacons
- Chairman - Br G Heys; Secretary -Br S van der Laan; -Treasurer -Br J deJager
- Women’s Auxiliary: , Sr A Lewis, Sr E de Jager, Sr.R Schoof, Sr N Swarts
- Care and Share: Sr H Kleyn, Sr E Numan
11. Committee of Management:
- Chairman - Br M Schiebaan; Secretary - Br M Mazoue; Treasurer - Br C van Dijk; Property Maintenance - Br P Ballast; Consistory Liaison - Br G Heys.
- Sextons – Br A Louw and Br P Numan
- Cleaner - Sr J Byl; Gardener – Br J deJager
1st December 2016