Franklin Little League Tee Ball Rules 2014
For the entire season,games will have a time limit of 1hour. The inning you are in at 1 hour will be finished but no new inning can begin.
Rules for Safety, Little League, and Conduct:
1.Ball will be a low compression T-ball (level 1)
2.No throwing of bats.
3.The pitcher must occupy the pitching circle when ball is hit
4.NO Bunting
5.Sliding: Players cannot slide head first into any base, only on a return to the base. Players will be warned and then sent off the field of play!
7.Conduct: Head coaches are responsible for all assistant coaches, players, and parent’s conduct during all games. Unpartisan-like conduct will not be tolerated.
Rules for Mandatory Play:
1.Batting Lineup will include every player present.
2.Defense can have an unlimited number of players on the field. However, the infield maximum is 6. 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, and up to two pitchers.
3.Each player must have at least one full inning in the field.
Rules for Coaching:
Maximum of four coaches on the field on offense is allowed.
- Coach Pitching the ball (only if no tee is being used)
- Coach with batter
- First Base Coach
- Third Base Coach
Defense may opt to have coaches in the outfield.
1.Use jersey numbers as batting lineup. Reverse the order next inning.
2.Try to “flip” your infield and outfield during defense halfway through opponent’s batting order. Switching infielders/outfielders will give everyone a chance to see a new position.
3.Discourage team and parents from tallying runs. Instead focus on plays made or outs.
Rules Progress for Games After April ______
Game Play:
Batting- Start of Season
- Tee should always be 1st option and encouraged for those that need it.
- Coach may opt to pitch to player. Coach may throw a maximum of three pitches and then hitter MUST use a tee.
Batting- Progressive Rules
- Tee can still be 1st option.
- For Batters that choose pitches-He/she gets three swinging misses and/or a maximum of five pitches overall. A fifth pitch or a third swinging strike means at bat is over (EXCEPTION – FOUL BALLS). Coaches may elect to use tee after fourth pitch or second strike.
Stopping Play- Games Before April 22nd
- Runners must stop when ball is under control with a defensive player within the base lines. If a player is over halfway between bases he can be awarded that base. (UMPIRE WILL CALL TIME AND USE HIS JUDGEMENT)
- On overthrows to first base batter/runner must stay at 1st base.
Stopping Play- Games After April 22nd
- Runners must stop when ball is under control with a defensive player inside the pitcher’s circle OR defense has stopped the lead runner. If a player is over halfway between bases he can be awarded that base. (UMPIRE WILL CALL TIME AND USE HIS JUDGEMENT)
- On overthrows to first base batter/runner can be awarded 2nd base.
Changing Sides- Games Before April 22nd
- Continuous batting order. Every player will bat in their half of the inning.
- On the last batter, defense must get the ball and touch home plate to end inning.
Changing Sides- Games After April 22nd
- Outs will be recognized and runners will be removed from base. However, we will still allow every child to bat in the inning.
- On the last batter of the inning, defense must get batter out at 1st base or get ball and touch home plate to end that inning.