2017 Quilt Show Application
Application due May 10, 2017
I have read the rules and will abide by them. (sign)______
Name of exhibitor______
Address______City, State, zip______
You have my permission to photograph my quilt. Yes______No______
***Quilt size _____ X______inchesQuilt Category (please check one)
Viewer’s choice categories – one ribbon per category(please check one)
___ Lap quilt, any method___ Bed size quilt, hand pieced, hand quilted
___ Baby or crib quilt ___ Bed size quilt, machine pieced, hand quilted or hand pieced and machine quilted
___ Wall hanging / art quilt ___ Bed size quilt, machine pieced, machine quilted
___ Miscellaneous – any other ___ Youth, made by exhibitor, 16 or younger
quilted item (______age of exhibitor)
___ Older quilt, before 1960(may be used for Bed Turning and not judged)
The quilt’s story –color, pattern, quilter, and interesting story connected to quilt. Please limit to 1,000 words. Attach additional paper to application form is needed.
Quilted by self______other______
May 1920, 2017 Old Brookville High School Gym
2017 Quilt Show Rules and Application Form
Please read entire application before completing
A $5.00 donation will be collected for each quilt exhibited for the Franklin County Homemakers and Quilt Batts community projects fund. The $5.00 will be collected at the time of entry. Please make checks payable to Franklin County Quilt Show. Exhibitor will receive one admission ticket for personal use to visit the quilt show once.
Quilts must be preregistered byMay 10, 2017 by mail, e-mail, or turned in to the Franklin County Extension Office, Government Center, 1010 Franklin Avenue, Room 214, Brookville, IN 47012.
Acknowledgement of pattern designer and of quilter (if not done by exhibitor) should be included in quilt story if this information is known.
With the exception of the Challenge Category, Quilts must be brought to the gym on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. If this is not possible, call the Extension Office, 765-647-3511, and leave your phone number and other arrangements will be made.
A Viewer’s Choice ribbon will be awarded in each of category except the challenge category and quilts used in the Bed Turning.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place monetary awards will be made in the Challenge category. The 2017 challenge is “Quilts of Valor”. Please see the Challenge Quilt Entry form for specific guidelines.
Quilts can be picked up on Saturday, May 20 from 6:00 until 7:00 p.m. Please make other arrangements if this time is not possible.
The committee reserves the right to refuse any quilt or item that is deemed not appropriate for this quilt show.
A quilt may be entered in only one category. The exhibitor will choose the category, however the committee reserves the right to change categories if deemed more appropriate.
All reasonable care will be taken to make sure that the condition of the quilts are maintained, however neither the committee nor the Franklin County Extension Homemakers or Quilt Batts can be held responsible for damages that could occur.
Questions? Call 765-647-6360 or 765-647-5661
E-mail or visit
to download applications, or pick up forms at the Extension Office
Visit us on Facebook @ Franklin County Quilt Show