Franklin Basketball Association Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2012
Attendee’s: Jeff Gray, Pete Cacioppo, Steve Harvey, Matt Sousa, Steve Dunbar, Mike Vinson, John Loukota, Ed Cousineau, Joe Scaringello, Tony Calderone, Ed Cousineau, Harry Mitchell.
Previous meeting minutes are posted on website for review.
Jeff Gray gave a brief update regarding the incoming 8th grade boy’s team. Last year there were 4 families that chose to leave the program after a tumultuous first half of the season. After review, with input form the Advisory Board, the Executive Board unanimously decided on not allowing these families to return to the team for the 8th grade season.
Jeff Gray with input form Marty Baker discussed the financial difficulties regarding the upcoming season. Participation fees are expected to rise significantly. Fundraising ideas were discussed and efforts will increase during the season.
Mike Vinson brought up a proposal of allowing a coach to sit each player once during the season if that team had 13 players. There was some light discussion with no motion brought forward. It’s expected this will be discussed more at a future meeting.
The primary objective of the evening was to vote for or against a proposal put forth by the Executive Board to change the by laws of the organization.
Questions and concerns regarding the proposal were clarified and discussed.
After discussions about the proposal a motion was presented by Tony Calderone and seconded by Ed Cousineau to change the try out notification from 30 days to 21 days prior to tryouts. Voting was unanimous to make the change
Another motion was presented by Tony Calderone and seconded by Ed Cousineau to change the Coaches representative language. The change would read: Each year coaches in good standing will elect two (2) individuals to represent all coaches as one-year term members of the Executive Board. These Coach Representatives will occupy two positions on the Executive Board and in that capacity will participate in administrative decisions of the Association. Voting was unanimous to make the change.
After these motions were approved, Pete Cacioppo motioned to approve the change in by law proposal from the Executive Board. Marty baker seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous to adopt the proposal.
According to the new by laws, 2 coach’s representatives are now necessary to complete the Executive Board. Steve Dunbar nominated John Loukota and Mike Vinson nominated Matt Souza. John and Matt were unanimously voted in as the Coaches Representative and are now members of the Executive Board.
John Loukota motions to adjourn the meeting Pete Cacioppo seconds the motion.
Meeting Adjourned.