Framework planner Year 4 Autumn Term


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
3 days / Place value, ordering, estimating, rounding
Reading numbers from scales / Read and write whole numbers to at least 10000 in figures and words, and know what each digit represents. / Numbers to 10 000 /
  • Number names, ordinal numbers


/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
7-11, 62-68 / 9 / 7-8 / 2 / 2 / 19, 35-38

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 62
Fun Run
Revising number names to 1000
Specific Starter for Numbers to 10000 TF 7-11

Specific Starter for Numbers to 10000 TF 7-11

Main Teaching / 1 More runners TF 63
Extending number names to 1000
2 Number names for multiples of 1000 TF 64-65 /

3 Number names for 4-digit numbers TF 65-66

/ 4 Castle visitors TF 66-67
Introducing ordinal number names thirtieth, fortieth …hundredth and notation 30th, 40th … 100th
Core Activities /

Pupil Activities TF 66

1 Pupil Sheet 9
Number words and numerals /

Pupil Activities TF 66

2Writing digits in 4-digit numbers
3Making and writing 4-digit numbers
Textbook page 7 TF 68 /

Textbook page 8 TF 68

Support / Consolidate reading and writing number names to 1000 and for multiples of 1000. /

Pupil Activities TF 66

1 Pupil Sheet 9
Number words and numerals / Textbook page 8 TF 68
With the pupils as a group create a display of the ordinal names tenth, twentieth, … hundredth before they do the page.
Extension /

Pupil Activities TF 66

1 Pupil Sheet 9
Number words and numerals
2 Writing digits in 4-digit numbers /

Pupil Activities TF 66

3 Making and writing 4-digit numbers
As each pupil selects four cards ask them to make the largest number they can. Recording (in words) only the numbers they create, ask each child to use a calculator to find the total of all their numbers. The highest total wins. / Textbook page 8TF 68
In pairs give the pupils a set of 1 – 100 number cards. Ask them to select 10 cards, write in figures and words the equivalent ordinal numbers and then order them from smallest to largest.
Plenary /

Consolidate reading and writing number names to 1000 and for multiples of 1000.

/ Follow-up for Textbook page 7
TF 68
Home Activity 2

Follow-up for Textbook page 8

TF 68

Check-up 2
Additional notes
Extra Resources


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
5 days / Understanding + and 
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and )
Pencil and paper procedures
(+ and )
Making decisions and checking results / Consolidate understanding of relationship between + and -.
Count on or back in repeated steps of 1, 10 or 100.
Partition into tens and units, adding the tens first.
Identify near doubles, using known doubles (e.g. 150 + 160).
Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust.
Continue to use the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Add 3 or 4 small numbers, finding pairs totalling 10, or 9 or 11.
Add three two-digit multiples of 10, such as 40 + 70 + 50.
Use known number facts and place value to add or subtract mentally, including any pair of two-digit whole numbers.
Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions/subtractions. / Addition to 1000 /
  • Addition to 100: mental strategies


PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
11-16, 84-91
Unit 3:
Addition to 1000 / 11-12 / 11-14 / 3 / 4 / 6, 19-25, 34

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 84
Number rows /
Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16

Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16

/ Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16 / Specific Starter for Addition to 1000 TF 11-16
Main Teaching / 1 Revising addition involving two-digit multiples of 10 TF 85 /

2 Pairs TF 86

Finding pairs of two-digit numbers which total 100 or 60 / 3 Double-up TF 86-87
Addition doubles from 20 + 20 to 50 + 50
4 Near doubles TF 87-88 /

5 Adding two-digit numbers with bridging TF 88-89


6 Snakes and ladders TF 89-90

Adding several small numbers
Core Activities /

Pupil Activity TF 85

1 Pupil Sheet 11
A multiple of 10 and a two-digit number /

Pupil Activity TF 86

1 Pupil Sheet 12
Pairs totalling 100, 60

Pupil Activity TF 88

1 Card doubles
Textbook page 11 TF 91 /

Textbook page 12 TF 91


Textbook pages 13-14 TF 91

Support /

Pupil Activity TF 85

1 Pupil Sheet 11
With the pupils as a group do further questions adding two multiples of 10 before doing the sheet. /

Pupil Activity TF 86

1 Pupil Sheet 12
Write a set of numbers less than 40. For each number, ask pupils to write down the number making a total 40. Repeat for 30 and 50. /

Pupil Activity TF 88

1 Card doubles
Place the cards face up and work as a group to match them successfully. / Textbook page 12TF 91
Provide a 0 – 100 number line for support. / Textbook pages 13-14 TF 91
Provide a 0 – 100 number line for support. Work through the page orally with the pupils as a group before asking them to do it independently.
Extension /

Pupil Activity TF 85

1 Pupil Sheet 11
Give each pair of pupils a set of multiple cards from 10 to 90 and a set of two-digit numbers cards. Take turns to select one card from each set and read out the two numbers. Their partner must find the total mentally. /

Pupil Activity TF 86

1 Pupil Sheet 12
Give pupils a set of two-digit number cards less than 80. Ask them to select a card and write down the number which makes the card number up to 80. Repeat for 70 and 90. /

Pupil Activity TF 88

1 Card doubles
Create five more pairs of cards to give a total of ten cards in each set with which to play the game. / Textbook page 12TF 91
Ask the pupils to answer all the questions mentally and time themselves to see how quickly they can find all the answers. Ask them to explain to each other how they found each answer. / Textbook pages 13-14 TF 91
Ask pupils to find all the solutions possible for q3. Working in pairs ask them to choose other sets of numbers to find, e.g. all the pairs of numbers which are even and have a difference greater then 15.
Plenary /

Discuss children’s work.

/ Discuss children’s work. /

Follow-up for Textbook page 11 TF 91

/ Follow-up for Textbook page 12 TF 91
Home Activity 3
/ Follow-up for Textbook pages
13-14 TF 91
Check-up 4
Additional notes
Extra Resources


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
5 days / Understanding + and 
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and )
Pencil and paper procedures
(+ and )
Making decisions and checking results / Consolidate understanding of relationship between + and -.
Understand the principles (not the names) of the commutative and associative laws as they apply or not to addition and subtraction.
Count on or back in repeated steps of 1, 10 or 100.
Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust.
Continue to use the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Use known number facts and place value to add or subtract mentally, including any pair of two-digit whole numbers.
Use informal pencil and paper methods to support, record or explain additions/subtractions.
Check with the inverse operation.
Check the sum of several numbers by adding in reverse order.
Check with an equivalent calculation.
Use knowledge of sums or differences of odd/even numbers. / Subtraction to 1000 /
  • Subtraction to 100: mental strategies


/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
17-20, 122-129 / 22, 96 / 25-28 / 7 / 7 / 5, 19-25, 34, 39

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 122-123
Mental subtraction
Using patterns of similar calculations /
Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20

Specific Starter for Subtraction to 1000TF 17-20

/ Specific Starterfor Subtraction to 1000 TF 17-20 / Generic Starter TF 2-5
Main Teaching / 1 Subtracting mentally near multiples of 10 TF 123-124 /

2 Two-steps TF 125

Revising subtraction of a single digit, bridging a multiple of 10 / 3 Three-steps TF 126-127
Revising subtraction of a two-digit number, bridging a multiple of 10 /

4 Checking TF 127-128

Checking answers by linking addition and subtraction /

Revision/consolidation of work covered in units 2-3

Core Activities /

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Textbook page 25 TF 128 /

Pupil Activity TF 125

1 Pupil Sheet 22
Single digit bridging a multiple of 10 /

Textbook page 26 TF 128

Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. /

Textbook pages 27-28 TF 128


Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers, e.g. by using the inverse operation or rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers. Provide a set of questions for them to check and use as the basis of their poster.

Support /

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Provide a 0 – 100 number line to help pupils find the answers /

Pupil Activity TF 125

1 Pupil Sheet 22
Single digit bridging a multiple of 10
Work through the sheet orally with the pupils as a group then ask them to complete it independently / Textbook page 26 TF 12
Provide pupils with a 0 – 100 number line for support. Allow them to make jottings to help them find each answer. / Textbook pages 27 TF 128 / Textbook pages 28 TF 128
Extension /

Pupil Activities TF 124

1 Connection cards game
(Resource Sheet 39)
2 Pupil Sheet 96 Template
Ask the pupils to create their own set of domino cards using pupil sheet 96 and swap with a friend to arrange. /

Pupil Activity TF 125

1 Pupil Sheet 22
Single digit bridging a multiple of 10
On the board write the total of all the answers. When the pupils have finished the sheet, ask them to find the total of all their answers and compare it with your total. If there is a difference they must find their mistakes. / Textbook page 26 TF 12
Ask pupils to find the answers mentally. Give pupils a set of 0 – 100 cards. Ask them to select two cards and find the difference between them. Time themselves to see how quickly they can complete ten questions. / Textbook pages 27-28 TF 128 / Ask pupils to design a poster explaining how to check addition and subtraction answers, e.g. by using the inverse operation or rules about adding/subtracting odd/even numbers.
Plenary /

Follow-up for Textbook page 25 TF 129

/ Discuss children’s work. /

Follow-up for Textbook page 26 TF 129

Home Activity 7
Check-up 7
/ Follow-up for Textbook pages
27-28 TF 129 / Discuss pupils’ posters
Additional notes
Extra Resources


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
5 days /
Measures, including problems
/ Use, read and write standard metric units (km, m, cm, mm), including their abbreviations, and imperial units (mile).
Know and use the relationships between familiar units of length.
Know the equivalent of one half, one quarter, three quarters and one tenth of 1km, 1m, in m, cm. Convert up to 1000 centimetres to metres, and vice versa.
Suggest suitable units and measuring equipment to estimate or measure length.
Record estimates and readings from scales to a suitable degree of accuracy.
Measure and calculate the perimeter of rectangles and other simple shapes, using counting methods and standard units (cm). / Measure /
  • Length


/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
2-5, 346-355 / 81 / 91-94 / E16-E18

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 346-347
Metres and centimetres
Revising the relationship between metres/half-metres and centimetres /
Generic Starter TF 2-5

Generic Starter TF 2-5

/ Generic Starter TF 2-5 / Generic Starter TF 2-5
Main Teaching / 1 Half and half again TF 347-348
Introducing the quarter-metre

2 Three ways TF 348-349

Recording using different forms
/ 3 Rulers TF 350
Measuring in centimetres and
half-centimetres /

4 Choosing measuring instruments and units TF 351


5 Introducing perimeter

TF 351-352

Core Activities /

Textbook page 91 TF 353

Ask pupils to first estimate whether each object will be more or less than ¼ metre before measuring. /

Textbook page 92 TF 353


Pupil Activities TF 350

1 Pupil Sheet 81
Centimetres and half-centimetres
2 Measuring curved lines /

Textbook page 93 TF 353


Textbook page 94 TF 353

Support /

Textbook page 91 TF 353

Discuss with the pupils in advance which objects they might choose for q2. / Textbook page 92 TF 353
Provide a set of cards showing all the heights in the table in q2 (including the missing ones) and ask pupils to work together to match up the same measurements. /

Pupil Activities TF 350

1 Pupil Sheet 81
Centimetres and half-centimetres

Textbook page 93 TF 353

Work through the page orally with the pupils as a group discussing reasons for selecting each answer. /

Textbook page 94 TF 353

Measure the objects in q2 and 3 together as a group and record the measurements then let the pupils do the page.
Extension /

Textbook page 91 TF 353

Textbook page 92 TF 353 q1.
Ask pupils to choose five more objects in the classroom to estimate then measure the length of. /

Textbook page 92 TF 353 q2-3

Pupil Activities TF 350

1 Pupil Sheet 81
Centimetres and half-centimetres
2 Measuring curved lines
Discuss the strategies pupils used to measure the curved lines. /
Extension Textbook pages
E16-E17 TF 354-355 /
Textbook page 93 TF 353
Ask pupils to list four things they would measure in km and four in mm.
Extension Textbook pages
E16-E17 TF 354-355 /
Textbook page 94 TF 353
Extension Textbook pages
E18 TF 354-355
Plenary /

Follow-up for Textbook page 91 TF 353

/ Follow-up for Textbook page 92TF 353 /

Discuss children’s work.

/ Follow-up for Textbook page 93TF 353 / Follow-up for Textbook page 94 TF 353
Additional notes
Extra Resources


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
3 days /
Measures, including problems
/ Measure and calculate the area of rectangles and other simple shapes, using counting methods and standard units (cm2). / Measure /
  • Area


/ Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
365-369 / 82 / 99-100 / 58

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 365
Finding areas in squares

Generic Starter TF 2-5


Generic Starter TF 2-5

Main Teaching / 1 Square centimetres TF 366-367 /

Revise and consolidate square centimetres


2 The half-square centimetre

TF 367-368

Core Activities /

Pupil Activities TF 367

1 Drawing shapes of given areas
2 Drawing shapes with an area of 6cm² / Textbook page 99 TF 369 /

Textbook page 100 TF 369

(Resource Sheet 58)

Support /

Pupil Activities TF 367

1 Drawing shapes of given areas / Textbook page 99 TF 369
Provide a copy of the shapes on squared paper so that pupils can tick off squares as they count them. /

Textbook page 100 TF 369

(Resource Sheet 58)

Provide a copy of the shapes on squared paper so that pupils can tick off squares as they count them.
Tell pupils to count all the whole squares first then the half squares.
Extension /

Pupil Activities TF 367

1 Drawing shapes of given areas
2 Drawing shapes with an area of 6cm²
Ask pupils to choose a number less than 20 and draw all the shapes they can with that area. / Textbook page 99 TF 369
Ask pupils to draw all the rectangles they can with an area of 36cm2 and 18cm2. In a table ask them to record the length, width and area of each rectangle and discuss any patterns they notice. /

Textbook page 100 TF 369

(Resource Sheet 58)

Ask the pupils to draw a 4cm x 6cm rectangle on squared paper and find as many different ways as they can to colour quarter then half of it.
Plenary /

Look at the different shapes pupils have drawn for each measurement and highlight that although the shapes look different they all have the same area.

/ Follow-up for Textbook page 99TF 369 / Follow-up for Textbook page 100 TF 369
Additional notes
Extra Resources


Days / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
5 days / Shape and space
Reasoning about shapes
/ Describe and visualise 3-D shapes, including the tetrahedron.
Visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D drawings and identify simple nets of solid shapes. / Shape /
  • 3D shape


PUPIL ACTIVITY SOFTWARE / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension Textbook page / Resource Sheets
Unit 19:
Shape / 85 / 103-106 / 12-14

Day 1

/ Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Starter / Tune-in TF 382-383
Name the shape

Naming and describing shapes


Generic Starter TF 2-5


Generic Starter TF 2-5

/ Generic Starter TF 2-5 / Tune-in TF 382-383
Name the shape

Naming and describing shapes

Main Teaching / 1 Introducing the triangular pyramid TF 383-385
Identifying shapes and discussing properties /

2 Prisms and pyramids

TF 386-387

Naming and describing prisms and pyramids / 3 Building models TF 388-389

Using construction kits and straws


4 Cubes and cuboids TF 389-390

Identifying nets


5 Building 3D shapes from pictures TF 390-391

Using interlocking cubes

Core Activities /

Pupil Activity TF 385

1 Sorting 3D shapes on a Carroll diagram
Textbook pages 103-104 TF 392 /

Pupil Activity TF 388

1 Pupil Sheet 85

Prisms and pyramids


Pupil Activities TF 389

1 Making prisms
2 Making prisms and pyramids /

Textbook page 105 TF 392


Textbook page 106 TF 392

Support /

Pupil Activity TF 385

1 Sorting 3D shapes on a Carroll diagram
Work with the pupils as a group to sort the shapes then do the textbook pages. /

Pupil Activity TF 388

1 Pupil Sheet 85

Prisms and pyramids

Provide a set of the shapes on the sheet for the pupils to work with. /

Pupil Activities TF 389

1 Making prisms /

Textbook page 105 TF 392

Provide pupils with each of the shapes in q1 and 2 already made for them to look at when making their own. /

Textbook page 106 TF 392

Ask pupils to work in pairs to make each shape.
Extension /

Pupil Activity TF 385

1 Sorting 3D shapes on a Carroll diagram
Ask pupils to record four different ways in which they sorted the shapes writing the names of the shapes on copies of the Carroll diagram. /

Pupil Activity TF 388

1 Pupil Sheet 85

Prisms and pyramids

Ask pupils to explain why their answers to q2 will always be right then explore a set of pyramids and prisms and write down more true statements about them. /

Pupil Activities TF 389

1 Making prisms
2 Making prisms and pyramids
Ask pupils to make as many different prisms and pyramids as they can. /

Textbook page 105 TF 392

Ask pupils to make as many different nets as they can for a cube out of squared paper. /

Textbook page 106 TF 392

Ask pupils to face each other in pairs and put a screen between them. One child must make a shape out of cubes then give their partner step by step instructions to recreate it. Remove the screen and see if the shapes are the same.
Plenary /

Follow-up for Textbook pages

103-104 TF 392