NHMMixed Age Planning – Reception and Year 1 Spring Term

Mixed Age Planning Year R & Year 1

Spring Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
(3 days) / R
1 / Counting
Comparing and ordering numbers / Say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts
Recite the number names in order, continuing the count forwards or backwards from a given number
Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects
Recognise numerals 1 to 9, the 0 and 10
Begin to record numbers, initially by making marks, progressing to simple tallying and writing numerals
Order a given set of numbers: for example 1 to 6 given in random order / Numbers to 10 /
  • Ten

Counting and properties of number / Count on in twos from zero, then one, and begin to recognise odd or even numbers to about 20, begin to count on in steps of 3 from zero / Numbers to 20 /
  • Even and odd numbers


1 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension book page / Resource Sheets
3-7, 49-51 / 17 / Numbers to 10: 21-23
7, 30-34
CS, Shortcut 1, 2
NL, Shortcut 1, 2, 5, 6 / 6, 7 / Numbers to 20: 15-17 / 5 / 3 / 8, 9, 10, 18
Day 1 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 49
Counting to 9 / Tune-in TF 30
Number sequence to 20
Counting on and back
Main Teaching / 1 More islands TF 50
Introducing sets of 10
Pupil Sheet 17 / 1 Buttons TF 30
Counting on and back in twos; even numbers
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 50
Select from activities 1-4
Activity Book page 21 / Pupil Activities TF 31
1 Pupil Sheet 6
Activity Book page 15 TF 33
Support /

Follow-up to Activity Book page 21 TF 53

/ Pupil Activities TF 31
1 Pupil Sheet 6
Provide pairs of pupils with a large 1-20 strip. Ask children to follow the instructions counting on/back and pointing to the numbers as they go without colouring them in.
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 31
2 Pupil Sheet 7
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 15 TF 34
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 2 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Odd and even numbers TF 7
Main Teaching / 2 Shopping TF 51
1p coins / 2 Odd buttons TF 31
Counting on and back in twos; odd numbers
Further Teaching TF 33
Even and odd numbers
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 51
Select from activities 1-2 / Activity Book page 16 TF 33
Support / Discuss Pupil Activities / Activity Book page 16 TF 33
Provide pupils with a 1-20 number line to answer the questions on the second half of the page.
Extension / Activity Book page 16 TF 33
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of 1-20 cards. Ask them to shuffle them and lay them out face down on the table. Pupils take it in turns to turn over two cards. If they are both odd or both even the child can keep them. If not they must turn them back over. The player with the most cards at the end is the winner.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 16 TF 34
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 3 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Odd and even numbers TF 7
Main Teaching / 3 Making 10 TF 51
Counting on to make 10 / 3 Patches TF 32
Counting on and back in threes
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 52
Select from activities 1-2
Activity Book pages 22, 23 TF 53 / Pupil Activity 1 TF 33
Pupil Sheet 6
Activity Book page 17
Support /

Follow-up to Activity Book page 23 TF 53

/ Pupil Activity 1 TF 33
Pupil Sheet 6
Give children further practice in counting on/back in twos if necessary.
Extension / Pupil Activity 1 TF 33
Pupil Sheet 6
Provide pupils with a set of 10-20 cards and a spinner labelled ‘forward in twos’, ‘backward in twos’, ‘forward in threes’, ‘backward in threes’. Pupils take it in turns to pick a card and spin the spinner. They must count from their number according to the spinner five new numbers.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 17 TF 34
Home Activity 5
Check-up 3
Additional notes
Day 4 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation
Support / Revision/consolidation
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 5 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation
Support / Revision/consolidation
Additional notes
Extra Resources

Mixed Age Planning Year R & Year 1

Spring Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
5 days / R
1 / Counting
Adding and subtracting / Say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts
Recite the number names in order, continuing the count forwards or backwards from a given number
Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects
Recognise numerals 1 to 9, the 0 and 10
Begin to record numbers, initially by making marks, progressing to simple tallying and writing numerals
Order a given set of numbers: for example 1 to 6 given in random order
Begin to use the vocabulary involved in adding / Numbers to 10
Addition to 5 /
  • Ordering to 10
  • Recording addition

Place value and ordering
Money and 'real life' problems
Making decisions / Understand and use the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers
Compare two familiar numbers, say which is more or less, and give a number which lies between them
Use mental strategies to solve simple problems set in 'real life' using subtraction, explaining methods and reasoning orally / Numbers to 20
Money /
  • Comparing and ordering numbers
  • Subtraction within 10p/£10


1 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Extension book page / Resource Sheets
3-7, 54-55
75-76 / 17 / Numbers to 10: 24
Addition to 5: 5 / 5, 6, 12
6, 7, 27-29
2-4, 167-170
NL, Shortcut 1, 2 / 5 / Numbers to 20: 13, 14
Money: 4-6 / 3, 4 / 2 / 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 22
15, 23-26
Day 1 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Number sequence to 20 TF 6
Main Teaching / 1 Number line TF 54
Introducing 0 to 10
Pupil Sheet 17 / 2 Line up TF 27
Ordering numbers
Further Teaching TF 28
Washing line
Ordering numbers
Core Activities / Activity Book page 24 / Pupil Activity TF 28
Pupil Sheet 5
Activity Book page 13 TF 13
Support /

Follow-up to Activity Book page 24 TF 61

/ Pupil Activity TF 28
Pupil Sheet 5
First give pupils practice of ordering just two numbers, then three moving onto the sheet if time.
Extension / Pupil Activity TF 28
Pupil Sheet 5
Provide pupils with number cards up to 30 if appropriate.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 13 TF 29
Home Activity 3
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 2 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 75
The Appleman / Specific Starter for One/Two more or less TF 7
Main Teaching / 1 Fruit bowls TF 76 / 3 More or less TF 28
1 and 2 more/less than
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 76
Select from activities 1-2
Activity Book page 5 TF 79 / Activity Book page 14
Support / Follow-up to Activity Book page 5 TF 79 / Activity Book page 14
Provide pupils with a number line for support.
Extension / Activity Book page 14
Provide pupils with a set of 10-20 cards. Ask them to pick a card and say the number three more than their number and three less than their number.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 14 TF 29
Home Activity 4
Additional notes
Day 3 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Specific Starter for Number sequence to 20 TF 6
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / Further Teaching TF 28
1 and 2 more/less than
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation / Give groups of children bingo cards and flashcards and ask them to nominate someone as the caller.
Support /


/ Play Bingo only including flashcards asking for numbers one more/less than a given number.
Extension / Play Bingo with cards showing numbers from 10-30 and include flashcards asking for the number three more/less than a given number.
Plenary / Check-up 2
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 4 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Tune-in TF 167
Subtraction within 10
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / 1 Money frame TF 167
1p/2p less; £1/£2 less
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activity TF 168
Activity Book page 4 TF 170
Support /


/ Pupil Activity TF 168
Provide each pupils with ten 1p coins to support them in finding their answers.
Extension / Pupil Activity TF 168
Include amounts up to 20p along with appropriate call cards.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 4 TF 170
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 5 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Generic Starter TF 2-4
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / 2 Money bags TF 168
Subtraction within 10p/£10
Further Teaching TF 169
Money grid
1p/2p and £1/£2 less; subtraction within 10p/£10
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activities TF 169
1 Game using die/picture cards
Activity Book pages 5, 6 TF 170
Support /


/ Pupil Activities TF 169
2 Domino cards
Ask pupils to work in pairs and lay the domino cards out so subtractions match their totals.
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 169
2 Domino cards
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 5 and 6 TF 170
Additional notes
Extra Resources

Mixed Age Planning Year R & Year 1

Spring Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
3 / R
1 / Shape and Space
Reasoning / Use everyday words to describe position, direction and movement: for example, follow and give instructions about positions, directions and movements in PE and other activities
Sort objects, pictures or children themselves, justifying the decisions made / Position and movement
Sorting and matching /
  • Position and movement
  • Sorting

Understanding + and -
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -) / Understand the operation of add/sub and use the related vocabulary
Begin to recognise that addition can be done in any order
Begin to use the +/- and = signs to record mental calculation in a number sentence, recognise the use of symbols to stand for an unknown number
Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10
Begin to know sub. facts for all pairs of numbers with a total to at least 10
Use patterns of similar calculations
Use known number facts to add/subtract a pair of numbers mentally within the range 0 to at least 10 / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 /
  • Addition facts for 6 and 7
  • Facts for 6 and 7


1 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Activity book / Home Activities / Check-ups / Resource Sheets
3-7, 107-108, 13-14 / Sorting: 2-5
8-11, 64-68
12-14, 124-128
NL, Shortcut 1 / 12-14 / Addition to 10: 7-10
Subtraction to 10: 18-20 / 8
16, 17 / 7 / 8, 9
4, 5, 8, 9, 20
Day 1 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Tune-in TF 64
Addition facts to 5
Main Teaching / 1 Line-up TF 107
First, beside, next to, between / 1 Apple trees TF 64
Addition facts for 6
Core Activities / Pupil Activity TF 108 / Pupil Activities TF 66
2 Pupil Sheet 12
Activity Book pages 7, 8 TF 68
Support /

Discuss Pupil Activity

/ Pupil Activities TF 66
1 Biscuits in bowls
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 66
4 Pupil Sheet 14
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 7, 8 TF 68
Home Activity 8
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 2 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Facts to 10 TF 8-11
Main Teaching / 2 Queues TF 108
Behind, in front of, between / 2 Cubes TF 66
Addition facts for 7
Core Activities / Pupil Activity TF 108 / Pupil Activities TF 66
5 Addition cards
Support / Discuss Pupil Activity / Pupil Activities TF 66
2 Pupil Sheet 12
3 Pupil Sheet 13
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 66
5 Addition cards
Provide pupils with an envelope labelled ‘7’ and ask them to write out a set of cards showing all the addition facts that could go in the envelope.
Plenary / Discuss children’s work
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 3 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Facts to 10 TF 8-11
Main Teaching / 3 Shape-up TF 13
Sorting for shape and size / Further Teaching TF 67
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 14
Select from activities 1 and 2
Activity Book pages 2-5 / Activity Book pages 9, 10 TF 68
Support /

Follow-up to Activity Book page 5 TF 16

/ Activity Book pages 9, 10 TF 68
Provide pupils with cubes or a number line for support
Extension / Activity Book pages 9, 10 TF 68
Provide children with a set of cards showing some addition facts for numbers up to 7. Ask them to write stories to match the facts.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 9, 10 TF 68
Check-up 7
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 4 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Tune-in TF 124
Mental recall of facts to 5
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / 1 Shells
Subtraction facts for 6
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activities TF 125
2 Subtraction envelopes
Activity Book page 18 TF 128
Support / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activities TF 125
1 Subtraction cards
Allow children to use cubes to find their answers if necessary.
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 125
3 Number strip and die
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 18 TF 128
Home Activity 16
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 5 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Specific Starter for Subtraction facts TF 12-14
Main Teaching / Revision/consolidation / 2 On the boat TF 126
Subtraction facts for 7
Further Teaching TF 127
Using a number strip
Core Activities / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activities TF 127
1 Subtraction cards in boxes
Can children write their own cards to go in each box?
Activity Book pp19, 20 TF 128
Support / Revision/consolidation / Pupil Activities TF 127
2 Fish tails and heads
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 127
3 Subtraction fact cards
When they have sorted the cards ask children to write their own cards to add to each set. These could either be more calculations or number stories that match the sets.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book page 20 TF 128
Home Activity 17
Additional notes
Extra Resources

Mixed Age Planning Year R & Year 1

Spring Term

Unit / Framework topic / Objectives: children will be taught to… / NHM Topic / NHM Section
4 / R
1 / Counting
Measures / Say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts
Recite the number names in order, continuing the count forwards or backwards from a given number
Count reliably up to 10 everyday objects
Recognise numerals 1 to 9, the 0 and 10
Begin to record numbers, initially by making marks, progressing to simple tallying and writing numerals
Order a given set of numbers: for example 1 to 6 given in random order
Use language such as heavier or lighter to compare quantities, then more than two, by making direct comparison of masses / Numbers to 10
Weight /
  • Ten
  • Weight

Understanding + and -
Mental calculation strategies
(+ and -) / Understand the operation of add/sub and use the related vocabulary
Begin to recognise that addition can be done in any order
Begin to use the +/- and = signs to record mental calculation in a number sentence, recognise the use of symbols to stand for an unknown number
Know by heart all pairs of numbers with a total of 10
Begin to know sub. facts for all pairs of numbers with a total to at least 10
Use patterns of similar calculations
Use known number facts to add/subtract a pair of numbers mentally within the range 0 to at least 10 / Addition to 10
Subtraction to 10 /
  • Addition facts for 8 and 9
  • Facts for 8 and 9


1 / Teaching File page / Pupil Sheets / Textbook page / Home Activities / Check-ups / Resource Sheets
3-7, 52-53, 123-127 / 8
8-11, 69-74
12-14, 129-133
NL, Shortcut 1 / 14 / Addition to 10: 11-14
Subtraction to 10: 21-24 / 9
18, 19 / 8
12 / 8, 9
4, 5, 8, 9, 20
Day 1 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Tune-in TF 69
Circle game
Addition facts to 7
Main Teaching / Further Teaching TF 52
1 Ten little men
2 Fingers
3 Ten-frame / 1 Scarecrows TF 69
Addition facts for 8
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 52
Select from activities 1-2 / Pupil Activities TF 71
2 Plasticine or card cakes
3 Peg board stories
Activity Book pages 11, 12 TF 73
Support /

Discuss Pupil Activities

/ Pupil Activities TF 71
1 Plastic or card trees
2 Plasticine or card cakes
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 71
4 Pupil Sheet 14
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 11, 12 TF 74
Home Activity 9
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 2 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Tune-in TF 123
Starting out / Specific Starter for Facts to 10 TF 8-11
Main Teaching / 1 Heavy and light TF 123
Introducing the language / 2 Gingerbread people TF 70
Addition facts for 9
Core Activities / Pupil Activity TF 124 / Pupil Activities TF 71
4 Pupil Sheet 14
5 Totals to 9 using die
Support / Discuss Pupil Activity / Pupil Activities TF 71
3 Peg board stories
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 71
5 Totals to 9 using die
6 Wizard's hats
Plenary / Discuss children’s work
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 3 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Specific Starter for Facts to 10 TF 8-11
Main Teaching / 2 Heavier and lighter TF 124 / Further Teaching TF 73
Core Activities / Pupil Activity TF 125 / Activity Book pages 13, 14 TF 73
Support /

Discuss Pupil Activity

/ Activity Book pages 13, 14 TF 73
Provide pupils with cubes or a number line for support
Extension / Activity Book pages 13, 14 TF 73
Ask pupils to find all the ways they can of adding three numbers together to make 9.
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 13, 14 TF 74
Check-up 8
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 4 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Generic Starter TF 3-7 / Tune-in TF 129
How many left?
Subtraction facts to 7
Main Teaching / 3 Using a balance TF 125 / 1 Boats TF 129
Core Activities / Pupil Activities TF 126
Select from activities 1-3 / Pupil Activities TF 130
2 T-shirt matching cards
Activity Book page 21, 22 TF 132
Support / Discuss Pupil Activities / Pupil Activities TF 130
1 Strings and beads
Extension / Pupil Activities TF 130
3 Subtraction cards
Plenary / Follow-up to Activity Book pages 21, 22 TF 133
Home Activity 18
Check-up 12
Additional notes
Extra Resources
Day 5 /

Year R

/ Year 1 / Additional Resources / Teacher Notes / ICT
Starter / Revision/consolidation / Specific Starter for Subtraction facts TF 12-14
Main Teaching /
