Fun with Hat Making grades: 9-12 60 minutes
Objective: Students will create wearable art using found objects such as cardboard, plastics, newspaper, straws, and much more. They will work in groups to design and create a wearable outfit for a class fashion show. They are responsible for demonstrating as well as describing their artwork and their process during the fashion show. / Reference artwork:- Jo Nasvik
- Lady Gaga
- Nick Cave
- Performance art
- Wearable art
- Re-purpose
- Art and fashion
State Standards:
Content Standard 1—Students create, perform/exhibit, and respond in the Arts.
Content Standard 2—Students apply and describe the concepts, structures, and processes in the Arts.
Content Standard 3—Students develop and refine arts skills and techniques to express ideas, pose and solve problems, and discover meaning
Content Standard 4—Students analyze characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
Content Standard 5—Students understand the role of the Arts in society, diverse cultures, and historical periods.
Content Standard 6—Students make connections among the Arts, other subject areas, life, and work.
- Recyclables: Cardboard, paper, newspaper,
plastics, magazines, paper plates, straws….etc.
- Found objects: anything
- Scissors
- Duct-tape
- String
Hot glue & gun / Vocabulary:
- Assemblage
- Resourceful
- Fashion design
- Found object
- Wearable art
- Re-purpose
- Performance art
1. Discuss fashion shows……what do you see? What do you hear? How do they explain the work/fashion item?
2. Announce that we will be having a fashion show…they can work in groups, to create an outfit, one person needs to be the model, one person needs to be the announcer, everyone must participate.
3. Give each group a box containing scissors, hot glue gun, string, duct tape, and other items such as cardboard, newspaper, plastics and found objects.
4. Must Haves for the Fashion Item:
-Must be wearable
-Must be made of at least 5 materials
5. Must Haves for the Fashion Show:
-Model must demonstrate the item
-Announce…model’s name,
-Where item is intended to be worn
-What the material is
-Special features
-Decisions that artists made
Things to consider while building:
- Does your outfit need accessories?
- Where would you wear your outfit?
- How can you alter these materials?
Sharing/Reflection: Fashion Show
Depending on the class size, be sure to leave plenty of time for the fashion show. Give each model and announcer a few minutes to present.
*the fashion show is a way for the students to share their work, decisions, and challenges in a positive and fun way while their classmates get to observe and reflect.
Extension (optional):
- Students could be allowed to spend more time on their fashion item. This would allow for higher engagement and higher quality of work. The groups could consist of two students……one being the model, the other the announcer. The group could have a few weeks to create their work and the fashion show could be a big event that follows the project. Students could invite guests and there could be a reception afterwards.