9/21/2018 12:22 AM
Fr. Joshua Waltz, Vocation Director
Phone # 701-471-5758 & Fax # 701-222-0269
Theology IV
JARAD WOLF Joseph and Roslyn Wolf
Pontifical North American CollegePO Box 639
00120 Vatican City StateGlen Ullin, ND 58631
EUROPE(701) 226-3098
011-39-06-684931Parish: Sacred Heart of Jesus
Email: Birthday: March 30 (1991)
Theology III
BRANDON WOLFGary and Barbara Wolf
Pontifical North American College1406 34th Ave SE
00120 Vatican City StateMinot, ND 58701
EUROPE(701) 833-3606
011-39-06-684931Parish: Church of St. Leo the Great, Minot
Email: irthday: July 22 (1984)
GREGORY CRANE Curtis & Debra Crane
Pontifical North American College217 Norfolk Ave.
00120 Vatican City StateElk River, MN 55330
EUROPEParish: Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
011-39-06-684931(763) 441-6186
Email: irthday: August 30 (1987)
DOMINIC BOUCK Bernard and Cynthia Bouck
Pontifical North American College226 North 4th St.
00120 Vatican City StateWarren MN, 56762
EUROPEParish: St. Patrick’s (Dickinson)
Email: irthday: October 30th 1989
Theology II
MARK AUNEDuane and Isabell (Deceased) Aune
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary1816 North 9th Street
5200 Glennon Dr.Bismarck, ND 58501
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 223-7688
(314) 792-6100Parish: Corpus Christi
Email:irthday: June 11 1964
CHRISTIAN SMITHDr.Stuart and Ruth Smith
Pontifical North American College3800 Ridge Way
00120 Vatican City StateBismarck, ND 58503
EUROPE(701) 223-1917
011-39-06-684931Parish: Cathedral
Email: irthday: September 20 1993
Theology I
GREG HILZENDEGERKevin and Kathi Hilzendeger
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary921 Crescent Lane
5200 Glennon Dr.Bismarck, ND 58501
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 833-3606
(314) 792-6100Parish: Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
Email:irthday: November 12 1991
BEN FRANCHUKMike and DebraFranchuk
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary1911 Canyon Drive
5200 Glennon Dr.Dickinson, ND 58601
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 483- 4286
(314) 792-6100Parish: Queen of Peace
Email:irthday: October 21 1988
PAUL GARDNERDan and Maureen Gardner
Kenrick-Glennon SeminaryP.O. Box 312
5200 Glennon Dr.New England, ND 58647-0312
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 579-4385
(314) 792-6100Parish: St. Mary’s
Email:irthday: December 7 1993
ANTHONY DUKARTDon and Jeanie Dukart
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary790 115th Ave SW
5200 Glennon Dr.Killdeer, ND 58604
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 260-8660
(314) 792-6100Parish: St. Joseph’s
Email:irthday: June 30 1992
MATTHEW KOPPINGERRobert and Mary Koppinger
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary718 N. 32nd St.
5200 Glennon Dr.Bismarck, ND 58501
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 223-4290
(314) 792-6100Parish: St. Anne
Email: irthday: October 4 (1994)
JACOB DEGELEJason and Julie Degele
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary415 10th St. East
5200 Glennon Dr.Dickinson, ND 58601
St Louis, MO 63119(701) 483-0105
(314) 792-6100Parish: St. Joseph’s
Email: irthday: April 13 1995
NICK VETTERLeland and Mary Ann Vetter
Pontifical North American College521 6th St NE
00120 Vatican City StateLinton ND 58552-7421
EUROPE(701) 254-5793
011-39-06-684931Parish: St. Anthony
Email: irthday: January 25 1995
Pre-Theology II
RYAN MARTIRE Michael Martire
Saint John Paul II Seminary1840 Valley Drive
145 Taylor St. NEBismarck ND, 58503
Washington, DC 20017(701) 319-1918
(202) 636-9020Sandra Martire
Email: 630 Oberhausen Dr.
Bismarck ND, 58504
(701) 3191917
Parish: Cathedral
Birthday: August 1st 1995
Pre-Theology I
JOSH HILLDavid and Rosemarie Hill
St. John Vianney Seminary5 Kensington Place
1300 S Steele StGlendive MT, 59330
Denver ,CO 80210(406) 345-4455
(303) 282-3427Parish: Cathedral
Email: irthday: June 30 1991
LUCAS DEMERSRonald and Shelly Demers
St. John Vianney Seminary7755 11th Ave SE
1300 S Steele StMinot ND, 58701
Denver ,CO 80210(701) 839-4276
(303) 282-3427Parish: St. Leo the Great
Email: irthday: February 28th 1994
DUSTIN JOHNS Lawrence Johns
St. John VianneySeminary620 NE 157th Ave
1300 S Steele StVancouver WA, 98684
Denver ,CO 80210(360) 609-9720
(303) 282-3427Kathryn Johns
Email: 9801 Monument Dr.
Grant Pass, OR 97527
(541) 761-5466
Parish: St. Leo the Great
Birthday: September 24th 1976
STEVEN VETTERLeland and Mary Ann Vetter
St. John Vianney Seminary521 6th St NE
1300 S Steele St.Linton ND 58552-7421
Denver CO, 80210(701) 254-5793
(303) 282-3427Parish: St. Bernard’s
Email: irthday: January 18th 1989
College IV
LOGAN OBRIGEWITCHGreg and Rhonda Obrigewitch
St. John Vianney Seminary1814 6th Ave NE
2115 Summit Ave Beulah, ND 58523
Mail Box #7110
St. Paul, MN 55105-1048(701) 873-2259
(651) 962-6825Parish: St. Joseph’s
Email: irthday: June 17th 1994
GRANT DVORAK Allan and Carolanne Dvorak
Saint John Paul II Seminary1133 West Ave B
145 Taylor St. NEBismarck, ND 58501
Washington, DC 20017Parish: Cathedral
(202) 636-9020(701) 226-4313
Email: irthday: May 30 1995
JACOB BENNETTGeoffrey and Donna Bennett
St. John VianneySeminary6096 Parfet St.
2115 Summit Ave Arvada CO 80004
Mail Box #5852
St. Paul, MN 55105-1048(720) 339-9656
(651) 962-6825Parish: Cathedral
Email: irthday: December 28th 1994
JAKE MAGNUSON Tom and Nancy Magnuson
Saint John Paul II Seminary2108 Academy Road
145 Taylor St. NEMinot, ND 58703
Washington, DC 20017Parish: St. Therese the Little Flower
(202) 636-9020(701) 852- 4407
Email: irthday: August 20 1995
BENJAMIN WANNERTim and Gloria Wanner
St. John VianneySeminary3200 Old Red Trail
2115 Summit Ave Mandan, ND 58554
Mail Box #6143
St. Paul, MN 55105-1048(701) 663-8835
(651) 962-6825Parish: St. Joseph’s
Email: irthday: March 21 1996
College III
JOHN WINDSOR Dr. John and Suzanne Windsor
Saint John Paul II Seminary8100 Briardale Loop
145 Taylor St. NEBismarck ND 58504
Washington, DC 20017Parish: St. Mary’s
(202) 636-9020(701) 258-5493
Email: irthday: June 10th 1997
College II
ISAIAH FISCHER Bernard and Annette Fischer
Saint John Paul II Seminary9441 Cedar Lane
145 Taylor St. NEBismarck ND 58503
Washington, DC 20017Parish: Cathedral
(202) 636-9020(701) 530-3595/(701) 328-3598
Email: irthday: January 2nd 1996
ERIC ARTZRobert and Brenda Artz
St. John VianneySeminary2912 11th St. SE
2115 Summit Ave Minot ND, 58701
St. Paul, MN 55105-1048(701) 701-838-1212
(651) 962-6825Parish: Little Flower
Email: irthday: February 17 1998
COLTON STEINERRodney and Cynthia (Cindy) Steiner
St. John VianneySeminary719 7th St. SW
2115 Summit Ave Dickinson ND, 58601
St. Paul, MN 55105-1048(701) 483-4869
(651) 962-6825Parish: St. Joseph’s
Email: irthday: May 2 1997