Oxford, MA / / Edition #13-2, June 2013
Council Website
Fr. Dennis J. Rocheford Council, Oxford #4241
Grand Knights Message:
Brothers & Friends:
As I humbly assume the role as your Grand Knight, I wish to first thank our Past Grand Knight Marcel, for his leadership and guidance during his two one year terms. I only hope that I can do half as well as he did. Now that elections are over we have some new officers and many existing ones committed to giving another year of their time and energy to our council. I would like to see our council gain some new members, as it seems that we do a lot of different events during the year, but we mostly have the same group carrying most of the load. I know our lives are very busy, and making time to help our council is very difficult! So if we can make a stronger effort to try and recruit a new member it would help us all.
With that said, let’s start our new fraternal year with a little vacation. We will have no meeting for the months of July and August again this year. Hope to see you all in September. I would like to have an officer’s meeting on June 24th to take care of anything that may come up in July & August. I have provided my cell phone number, and can be reached or a message left anytime.
Vivat Jesus,
Rick Landry - Grand Knight (cell) 508-614-8901
Past Events: (since last bulletin)
A lot has happened since our last bulletin. Here are some of the things that we’ve done since then:
· Brothers Marcel LeClair and Archie Allard and spouses attended the State Convention in April.
· We held a Tribute Testimonial Dinner for all our Past Grand Knights and their widows on May 18th at St. Ann’s Church Hall. Gary Maynard and kitchen crew put on a fantastic dinner for all.
It was attended by 12 PGKs and their Spouses and (5) widows of deceased PGKs.
· Catholic Men’s Conference was held on Mar. 16th @ DCU Center, 6 members attended.
· We cleaned out a house of a woman from St. Ann’s Parish’s and filled a dumpster and a storage unit.
· Three of our brothers attended the State K of C cribbage tournament in Wilmington in April.
At our June meeting we approved a motion to donate 10 tables to St. Ann’s Church Hall. They will donate some of their existing tables to a worthy cause.
Updated 4th Degree Information:
There is no longer a waiting period for a 3rd Degree member to become a 4th Degree member.
Contact your Grand Knight if you are interested in becoming a 4th Degree member.
Congratulations to: Brothers Paul Casavant and Eric Koneczny for making their 3rd Degree in April.
We held elections at June meeting and the following brothers were elected to the following offices:àààààààààààààààààààààààààà
Grand Knight: Rick Landry
(h) 508-839-1355 – (c) 508-614-8901
Kyle McDonald - Deputy Grand Knight
Fr. Richard Reidy - Chaplain
Fr. Robert Kelley - Chaplain Emiritus
Spiros Tsetsos - Chancellor
Charlie Sawa - Financial Secretary
Jim Cashman - Recorder
Norman Mercier - Treasurer
Rich Rowe - Warden
John Burke - Advocate
Dick Lavoie - Lecturer
Ken Germain - Inside Guard
Eric Koneczny - Outside Guard
** St. Roch’s Church Festival and we will be cooking chicken BBQ & is to be held on June 22nd!** Oxford’s 300th Anniversary Celebration this year; It will be held on July 13th & 14th. We will be serving fried dough.We will be needing helpers for this event.
** We will again be sponsoring a Seminarian this year and will be donating $500 to him to help defray his costs. His name is Daniel Moreno.
** We will be holding another lollypop* drive fund raiser at Market Basket on sat., June 15th. Please call Marcel at 508-987-0136 if you can help.
*This is our Council fund raiser, not to be confused with State’s tootsie roll drive which will be held in Oct. as usual.
Scholarships: If you have a High School Son or Daughter or Grandchild who is going on to College in the fall of 2014, you can submit his or her name to our Council for a Scholarship. A Form is available from Scholarship Committee, and must be received no later than April 30, 2014. This year we presented two scholarships for $500 each to grandchildren of two members. / Visit the Supreme Website at: www.kofc.org
Visit the Massachusetts Website at:
Fr. Rocheford Oxford Council Website at:
Rick Landry (website administrator).
Come to one of our monthly meetings at St. Ann’s on 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:45 pm, (after 6pm Mass). Call our Grand Knight, Rick Landry @ 508-839-1355 for more information or visit our website above.
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UA Chaplain’s MessageU
By Fr. Richard Reidy;
(This is taken with excerps from a memo by Fr. Reidy to parishioners at St. Ann’s Parish.)
“It is with sadness and a heavy heart that I tell you that as of July 6, I will be assigned to work full time in the Chancery. I will greatly miss parish work in general and St. Ann’s in particular.
I didn’t seek to leave but neither was I ordered under obedience to take the new position. Bishop McManus needs a priest there full time.
I recognize that, after not even three full years here at St. Ann’s, you were just getting to know me and that my departure next month is yet another change for you in pastoral leadership. But I am sure that you recognize that a parish is centered not upon its pastor but upon Christ. Christ is and always has been our Shepherd.
I am sure that you will welcome your new pastor next month and, together, carry on the long and rich tradition of St. Ann’s.”
DON’T FORGET!!! No business meeting in July or August!!! Officer’s Meeting on June 24th.
Next business mtg. is on Sept.3rd.
U Brother Alphonse Vigeant passed away on March 19,2013. He was 93 yrs. old
U Brother John Foley passed away on May 10,2013. He was 79 yrs. old.
News Letter Editor: Dick Lavoie
If you want to contribute an article or any information to the News Letter contact;