Home Watch

Newsletter Spring 2017

Corfe Mullen Home Watch Committee: Peter Whittam (Chairman) 01202 692313, Jane Power (Secretary) 01202 601042, JohnBentall (Treasurer) 01202 695764, Laurie Powell (Membership and Publicity) 07923407616, Dick Parkes (Security) 01202 884923, Terry Plummer (Newsletter Editor) 01202 939405, Chris Shaw 07719 307852, David Mattocks 01202 658883. Pauline Cashmore 01202 659823

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Message from the Chairman

Many of you will already be aware that East Dorset Police section is now fully integrated with Christchurch and in future will be known as the Eastern Section. The Safer Neighbourhood Teams are now known as our Local Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPT) and are headed up by Inspector Steve Yeoman. The Corfe Mullen team has not changed and our local officers are Sgt Tim Travers, PC David Morgan and PCSO Neal Rooke.

Have you heard of IMMOBILISE, the UK National Property Register? You can get details on line at I recommend that you take advantage of this free service whichenables you to register televisions, tools, phones, bicycles and other property. By registering your valuables including serial numbers you will help the police to identify any recovered stolen property and return it to you.

The first meeting of Coordinators and members in 2017, which will include the AGM, will be heldin the Main Village Hall, Towers Way, on Thursday 27th April from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. If you have any points you would like to include on the agenda please notify our Secretary, Jane Power. Please come and support us and at the same time meet some of your fellow members. If you have a recommendation for a speaker telephone me, or Jane Power, and we will do our best to make the arrangement.

Peter Whittam.

Eastern Neighbourhood Inspector’s Report.

As spring approaches many will begin the endless list of jobs that have built up over the winter which often includes maintenance on properties. East Dorset remains a very safe place to live and work, but there has been an increase in breaks to garages, sheds and vehicles where tools have been stolen.
Being a victim or witness to a crime can be distressing and traumatic, so Dorset Police have created a victims bureau dedicated to provide help and support.
Our Rural Crime team led by Verwood Neighbourhood Police have organised several proactive operations recently, some of which resulted in custodial sentences for the offenders. PS Nick Lee from the team has stated that it is often difficult to return items to their owners due to the lack of serial numbers being recorded or identifiable marks, and recommends that you take the time to record serial numbers. Dorset Police are working together with where property details can be recorded by owners and searched by the Police to locate victims of crime.

We should never become complacent when deterring crime and I would suggest this is an ideal opportunity to assess your home and vehicle security.
Phone and computer scams across Dorset remains a priority, often with those who are vulnerable amongst us being targeted. If you think you or someone you know has been a victim of fraud of any description, please contact Action Fraud on . If a crime is in progress call the emergency number 999.
If you believe a member of your community is vulnerable, please take the time to bring it to the attention of someone who can help. This can be a relative, GP, Social Services, Age Concern or the Police.

Advice on all the above and a lot more can be found on the Dorset Police web site including where Police approved security items at discounted prices can be obtained through the Ferndown Community Office, who helped and supported 2739 people during 2016.

I wish you and your families a safe and happy 2017

Inspector Steve Yeoman

Subscription envelopes

There has been some confusion over the newsletter preference boxes on the subscription envelope because the word “post” is a bit too close to the first email box. We'll fix that next time they are printed.

Some names and email addresses are quite difficult to read so some people aren’t receiving newsletters by email.

Subscription envelopes are shredded and recycled to safeguard privacy.

Sincere apologies for the non-delivery of some News Letters due to Co-ordinator ill health.

We urgently need more volunteers. If you can spare a couple of hours per month for this important work please contact PCSO Neal Rooke, any committee member or your coordinator.

Neighbourhood Policing Team (N.P.T.)

Members of the Corfe Mullen N.P.T.,will attendevery other Friday from the start of the month in the Village Hall from 10am to 12 noon.

Security Products are on sale in the Village Hall – last Friday of every month – 10.00 – 11.30am.

The N.P.T., can also be reached as follows:

Telephone: 101 (only dial 999 if a life is in danger or a crime is in progress)

Email: bsite:

Our Home Watch Secretary regularly passes on messages with crime detailsor warnings about potential home security matters which come from Dorset Police or from other Home Watch sources. These are sent out to about 70 Co-ordinators whose email addresses are onour mailing list.

If any Corfe Mullen Home Watch member would like to be added to the mailing list please send your request with your name, address and email address to:-

(Print as capitals please … we will change to lower case. Thanks)

Crimes reported in November 2016

All Crime 24

Anti-social behaviour 4

Bicycle Theft 1

Burglary 1

Criminal damage and arson 2

Drugs 0

Other Crime 1

Other theft 5

Possession of weapons 0

Public Order 0

Robbery 0

Shoplifting 1

Theft from the person 0

Vehicle crime 2

Violence and sexual offences 7

Interesting Snippets

Most Insurance companies will give discounts on home insurance if you are a member of Home Watch.

A Padlock with an alarm is significantly helpful in the prevention

of shed break ins. Available from your Neighbourhood Watch Team.

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