Fourth Grade Syllabus—August 23, 2017—Ms. Coffey

Email address:

  1. Welcome—I am looking forward to a great year with your child!
  1. Schedule
  2. School begins at 8:00 a.m. Please be on time.
  3. Dismissal is at 3:10 p.m.
  4. We have Music and P. E. every day and Library once a week.
  5. Lunch is 11:10 a.m. –11:35 a.m. You should receive a monthly menu on the Tiger Tracks sent home in the Wednesday folders. Checks make good records of your payment.
  6. Our School Creed is attached to this note.
  7. Conference Times—I will be happy to visit with you during my plan time, which is from 12:10-12:50, and before or after school. (Please give me at least one day’s notice for meetings before or after school).
  8. I want to help your child be the best that he or she can be when it comes to doing daily work, test-taking, interacting with others, learning to use time wisely, and learning organizational skills. My goal is to help your child succeed this year in fourth grade.
  9. Miscellaneous—Please label all coats and loose items brought to school. Also, the phone is to be used by students for emergencies only. Beforehand, please try to work out what the child is to do at the end of the day: for example, ride the bus, wait to be picked up, or go home with a friend. Cell phones andSmart watches are to be turned off and kept put awayduring school hours.
  1. Daily Work and Tests
  2. If the student does not finish daily assignments in class he/she is expected to take it home to complete it for the next day. Any unfinished daily workis due and will be collected the next morning. Daily work/homework should be brought home in a blue folder with an assignment sheet inside each day. The assignment sheet is to be signed daily. I will check each morning for a signature. On Monday of the next week, the student will receive a piece of candy if the assignment sheet is done correctly. A study sheet will be sent home for students to review before

tests are given.

  1. English and Spelling- Ms. Coffey

English will include writing and grammar. We will be working with Write Source and McGraw-Hill Language Arts textbooks. I also integrate lessons and worksheets by William Van Cleave. We will be teaching how to write narrative, informative, and opinion compositions. These will align with the Oklahoma Academic Standards. We will be stressing the five steps of the writing process, which are: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Cursive handwriting, speaking, and listening will also be taught throughout the year.

A spelling and handwriting packet will be sent home each Monday. We will spend time each day during class to work on the packets. Spelling packets will be due on the last day of each week. The tests will be on Friday on regular weeks, and Thursday on short weeks. Weeks with three days or less will not have a spelling test. Manuscript and cursive handwriting is an important aspect of spelling and writing. It should improve throughout the year.

  1. Wednesday Folders-Red

We send home the red weekly folder with the graded papers. This is an effort to keep you informed about your child’s progress. Please sign on the appropriate space and help your child remember to return the folder on Thursday to receive a coupon to put into the hopper for the bicycle drawing.

  1. Science-Ms. Coffey

We will be using the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Science Fusion books and the Macmillan/McGraw Hill Science for the majority of our lessons. The Oklahoma Academic Standards-Science Standards will be followed in order to prepare our students to be life-long learners.We will study various chapters in our new books, as well as using various units out of our past year’s resources in order to meet these standards.

  1. Social Studies-Ms. Coffey

We will follow the Oklahoma C3 curriculum standards. We will utilize the Houghton Mifflin Oklahoma Studies textbooks as well as the Oklahoma Studies

Weekly newspapers. Our main study is the regions of the United States. We

will study and take tests over the states and capitals of our four regions listed

in our Houghton Mifflin textbooks.

  1. Math-Mrs. Everett

Mrs. Everett will send her math syllabus separately.

  1. Reading-Mrs. Mathes

Mrs. Mathes will send her Reading syllabus separately.

  1. Encore

If your child’s average in any subject is 64 or below, they will be assigned MANDATORY ENCORE. You will be informed by the school that your child is assigned mandatory encore. Mandatory encore is during their recess time and they will be required to report on time and be prepared to work. Mandatory encore is assigned a week at a time and created to give each student additional help to raise their grade average.

**If your child needs extra help, they are welcome to come in at recess and get it!**

  1. Grading/Misc. Information
  • Extra help is given during encore (recess) and before school. I am at school by

7:45 am.

  • LATE GRADE POLICY: Papers not turned in on the due date will receive a ZERO. If it is turned in one day late, 20 points will be taken from the grade. After that, it is an automatic ZERO.
  • A/90-100B/80-89C/70-79D/65-69F/64 OR BELOW
  • Names on papers – I require my students to put their name and number in the very right hand corner of each paper. That way I can see immediately which students have turned in his/her papers. If the name is not in the right hand corner, they will have to write their name and number 25 times.
  • Redo papers- I very rarely allow a student to redo a paper. I expect my students to do their work correctly the first time. If a student does not understand the lesson, I encourage them to come in before school starts that day or at recess for extra help.
  • Lowest Grade – The lowest grade per subject will be dropped at the end of the nine weeks before report cards are printed.

RULES of Behavior:

1.We will listen and follow directions the first time given.

2.We will respect others.

3.We will keep hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.

4.We will show respect for our school.

5.We will be truthful and honest.

6.We will be prepared for class.

7.We will always do our best!


Ms. Coffey’s Schedule 2017-2018

8:00-9:05 English -Coffey

9:10-10:05 English- Mathes

10:10-11:10English- Everett





1:00-2:00 Social Studies

2:00- 3:10 Science


I am a bright and unique member of the Tuttle Intermediate Family.

I am here to be the best that I can be.

I am responsible for my own destiny by the choices I make.

I do not have the right to interfere with the learning and well being of

others. I have wisely learned from the mistakes of yesterday and will concentrate

on creating the successes of my future. Today I will work diligently to achieve my goals through perseverance.