Shaped panels for the front and back are knitted first in a sport weight merino yarn, and feature a pretty lace stitch pattern. Next, stitches are picked up along the sides using a laceweight yarn, and garter stitch side panels are knitted on, with openings left for the arms. The result is a garment that is soft, feminine and a treat to wear.
SIZE 8 (10:12:14:16:18:20:22:24:26)
YARN 1 Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino (Baby/sport weight; 55% wool, 33% acrylic, 12% cashmere; 125m/136.5yds per 50g ball)
YARN 2 Debbie Bliss Rialto Lace (Laceweight; 100% extra fine merino wool; 390m/426yds per 50g ball)
1 pair 3.75mm (UK 9/US 5} knitting needles
1 pair of 4mm (UK 8/US 6) knitting needles
1 3.25mm (UK 10/US 3) needle and one 5mm (UK 6/US 8) needle (used together)
Stitch holders and stitch markers
20 sts and 36 rows to 10cm over lace pattern using 4mm needles and yarn A, after blocking.
23 sts and 48 rows to 10cm over open garter stitch using one 3.25mm and one 5mm needle and yarn 8, after blocking.
The garter stitch is knitted on two different-sized needles to give an open, light feel to the garter stitch 'sleeves' i.e. knit 1 row with a 5mm knitting needle and 1 row with a 3.25mm needle. The garter stitch 'sleeves' are knitted sideways so the knitted ridges run vertically.
The side seam is joined with a three-needle cast-off.
Work increases into lace pattern as possible, making sure to keep stitch count correct. You may wish to use stitch markers to mark repeats.
Work increases as 'M1' increases, I stitch in from each edge.
Decreases are also worked I stitch in from the edge as follows: K1, SSK, work to 3 sts before the end of the row, K2tog, K1.
Using 4mm needles and yarn A, cast on 47(49:51:53:55:57:59:61:63:65) sts using the knitted (lace) cast-on method.
Purl 1 row.
Begin Lace Pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K1 (2:3:4:1:2:3:4:1:2), work Lace Pattern from chart to last 0 (1:2:3:0:1:2:3:0:1) sts, knit to end.
Cont in Lace Pattern and st st at each end as set until 38 (38:36:36:30:26:24:22:20:20) rows in pattern have been completed.
Keeping in pattern, inc 1 st at each end of next row, then every foll 8th row 2 (2:2:2:2:2:2:l:l:l) times, every foll 6th row 2 (2:2:2:2:2:2:3:2:2) times, every foll 4th row 3(3:3:3:3:3:3:3:4:4)times,then every foll 2nd rows 2 (2:2:2:3:3:4:4:4:4) times. Work one WS row.
67 (69:71:73:77:79:83:85:87:89) sts.
Piece meas approx. 23 1/2(23 1/2:23:23:21 1/2: 20 1/2:20 1/2:19 1/2:18 1/2:18 1/2) cm from cast-on edge.
Place marker in each end of last row worked. **
Continue straight in Lace Pattern until Back measures 41 1/2 (42 1/2: :43:43 1/2; 43 1/2: 43 1/2: 44 1/2:44 1/2:44 1/2:44 1/2) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row.
Next row (RS): K12 (12:12:13:14:15:16:17:17:18) and place these sts on holder (leaving long tail for three-needle cast-off), cast off next 43 (45:47:47:49:49:51:51:53:53) sts, K12 (12:12:13:14:15:16:17:17:18) and place these sts on separate holder.
Work as for Back to **. Cont in pattern as set until piece meas 37 1/2 (38 1/2:38:38 1/2:39 1/2:37 1/2:38 1/2:38:38:38) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. Take note of last row of Lace Pattern worked.
Note: Make sure to keep stitch count correct when working neck shaping in lace pattern.
Next row (RS): Patt 15 (15:15:16:17:18:19:20:20:21), K2tog, K1l, turn.
Keeping in patt, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 RS rows.
12 (12:12:13:14:15:16:17:17:18) sts rem.
Cont even in patt until Left Front measures 41 1/2 (42 1/2:43:43 1/2:43 1/2:4 3 1/2: 44 1/2:44 1/2: 44 1/2:44 1/2) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a WS row. Slip rem sts to holder.
With RS facing, slip centre 31 (33:35:35:37:37:39:39:41:41) sts of Front to holder for front neck. Join yarn to rem sts held for right neck.
Rejoin A to 18 (18:18:19:20:21:22:23:23:24) rem sts for Right Neck with RS facing.
Next row (RS): K1, SSK, patt to end. 1 st dec'd.
Keeping in patt, dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 RS rows. 12 (12:12:13:14:15:16:17:17:18) sts.
Continue even in patt until Front measures 41 1/2 (42 1/2:43:43 1/2:43 1/2:43 1/2:44 1/2:44 1/2: 44 1/2:44 1/2) cm from cast-on edge, ending after a RS row.
Join right shoulder using a three-needle cast-off.
With RS facing, using 3.75mm needles and yarn A, pick up and knit 11 (11:13:13:13:15: 15:16:16:16) sts down Left Front neck, K31 (33:35:35:37:37:39:39:41:41) sts from front neck holder, pick up and knit 11 (11:13:13:13:15:15:16:16:16) sts to right shoulder seam, then pick up and knit 43 (45:47:47:49:49:51:51:53:53) sts across back neck cast-off. 96 (100:108:108:112:116:120:122:126:126) sts.
Knit 4 rows. Cast off.
Join left shoulder using a three-needle cast-off.
Using 3.25mm needle and yarn B, with RS of Front facing, pick up and knit 57 (57:56:55:52:50:50:47:44:44) sts along left side from cast-on edge to marker, pick up and knit 42(46:48:51:54:56:57:60:63:63) sts to shoulder seam, 42 (46:48:51:54:56:57:60:63:63) sts from shoulder seam to next marker, then finally 57 (57:56:55:52:50:50:47:44:44) sts down to the cast-on edge of Back. 198 (206:208:212:212:212:214:214:214:214) sts.
Row 1 (WS): With 5mm needle, knit.
Row 2 (RS): With 3.25mm needle, knit.
Rep last 2 rows 66 (70:70:70:76:76:76:80:80:86) times more; work measures approx. 14 (15:15:15:16:16:16:17:17:18) cm from pick-up edge.
Next row (WS): K60 (60:60:60:56:56:54:54:50:50), cast off next 78 (86:88:92:100:100:106:106:114:114) sts, knit to end of row.
Place last 60 (60:60:60:56:56:54:54:50:50) sts worked on a separate needle so the knitting can be folded in half, RS together with both sets of stitches in your left hand.
Using a 5mm needle, work a three-needle cast off to join the Side Panel seam. Repeat for other side.
Using 3.75mm needle and yarn A, and starting at the Side Panel seam, pick up and knit 34 (36:36:36:38:38:38:41:41:43) sts across the garter stitch (approx. 1 stitch for every garter ridge), 47 (49:51:53:55:57:59:61:63:65) sts from the cast-on edge of the Lace Pattern, and 34 (36:36:36:38:38:38: 41:41:43) sts across the garter stitch to other side seam. 115 (121:123:125:131:133:135:143:145:151) sts.
Knit 4 rows. Castoff. Repeat for other side.
Sew the neckband seam and the bottom edge seams. Weave in all the ends.
Wash the garment and block the centre lace sections to shape, leaving flat to dry.