Food and Rural Affairs / Nutrient Management Strategy and/or
Plan Sign-Off Form
1.Contact Information
Name of Farm Unit Operator
Legal Farm Name
911 Address (Street No., Street Name, RR,Lot, Concession, Township)
City/Town/Village /
OntarioAlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon /Postal Code
Telephone No. Home(incl. Area code) / Telephone No. Business(incl. Area code and ext.)E-mail address / Operation Identifier (if previously assigned by Ministry)
2.Applicant Declaration
As the farm unit operator, I hereby certify that- to the best of my knowledge, excluding unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances, the information contained in this application provides an accurate description of the existing and proposed operation over the time period covered by this plan or strategy,
- I understand that in the course of the administration of the Act, the Ministry may provide the information contained in this application to external agents or the Ministry of the Environmentfor review and analysis, and authorize the Ministry to provide this information to its external agents, and authorize its external agents or the Ministry of the Environmentto collect this information from the Ministry, and
the Certified Nutrient Management Planner who prepared this strategy and/or plan to act as my agent for the purposes of obtaining approval for this application, and to provide the Ministry, or its agents, any information required in the review of this application.
Name of Applicant(please print) / Signature / Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
3.Declaration of Individual who Prepared this Strategy and/or Plan
I, the individual who prepared this strategy and/or plan, hereby certify that based on relevant information provided in good faith and excluding unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances, the recommendations contained in this application will, if implemented,
result in acceptable management practices in accordance to the regulation and protocols under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002. / Certification No. (if applicable)
Name of Individual who Prepared this Strategy and/or Plan(please print) / Signature / Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
4.Provision of False Information in this Application
Any false or misleading information submitted by the applicant in this document may result in the invalidation of any approvals or permits granted, and prosecution in accordance to the provisions of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.This application may consist of all or some of the following:
- Overview of the Operation
- Farm Unit Declaration
- Farm Unit Sketch
- Description of Storage Facilities
- Description of Generating Facilities
- Location and Identification of Incoming Prescribed Material Transfers
- Nutrient Content of Prescribed Material
- Destination of Prescribed Material
- Transfer of Prescribed Material
- Volume of Prescribed Material Produced Annually
- Contingency Plan
- Field Properties
- Field Sketches
- Soil Samples and Analysis
- Crop Rotation and Yields
- Tillage Practices
- Commercial Fertilizer Application
- Application of Prescribed Materials
- Agronomic and Crop Removal Balance for Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Notice of Collection
Personal information provided in this application is collected under the authority of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 and Ontario Regulation 267/03, s. 28(1), s. 29(1) & (1.1), or
s. 30(1) & (1.1). It will be used for the review, approval, enforcement and audit of the strategy or plan and research. The information may be made available to external experts contracted by OMAFRA for advice during review and approval, and to the Ministry of the Environment for advice during review and approval or for enforcement purposes. The following information from approved strategies or plans will be used to create a public record:
- name of farm operation;
- owner of the farm unit and developer of each strategy or plan;
- properties covered by the declared farm unit of each strategy or plan;
- days storage in each strategy; and
- the proportion of the nutrient applied to the declared farm unit of each strategy or plan, and the proportion moved to other properties.
Questions about the collection of information can be directed to the Manager, Approvals, Nutrient Management Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,
1 Stone Road West, GuelphON N1G 4Y2, telephone: 519-826-6368.
NM-002 (Rev. 01/2006) (NMStrategy and/or PlanSignOff)© Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2006Page 1 of 1