November 2016

News from Ms. Hahn’s Room



Students have been working through and enjoying our measurement unit. We started exploring concepts related to the centimeter ruler. We used and counted 1 centimeter cubes and even used our pinky as a benchmark to measure. We talked about centimeters on a ruler versus a meter stick and have had fun measuring and estimating objects and lengths around the classroom. I am sure you saw this as your child began to look at and estimate objects around the house! We will be finishing the unit by comparing different lengths and determining how much longer one object is than another. Our next Math unit will include a great deal of counting; by ones, tens and hundreds. The main focus areas will be place value, counting and comparing numbers to 1,000.


We are continuing to make and blend new words including recognizing new patterns (for example: a_e in the word “make” and i_e in the word “kite.”). We have begun to work more with contractions and the students really enjoy pointing them out in our readers as we work through each story.

In Listen & Learn, we have dove into Ancient Greek Civilization. This domain has introduced students to ancient civilization and the many contributions that affect our lives and the way we live today. Your child will learn about the gods and goddesses, city-states and the land of Greece. They will learn about the first Olympic Games held in honor of Zeus, and also discuss the significance of the battles of Thermopylae and Marathon and the conquests of Alexander the Great.


Students have had fun with Science this month. We have sorted and classified different objects based on their individual properties. We record our findings in a “Scientist’s Notebook” in which we have a collection of our work, a glossary for vocabulary and a place for your child to keep notes and our observations. Challenge your child at home, ask – is this material a solid, a liquid or a gas? How are they similar? How are they different?


Please continue to fill out your child’s reading minutes for each month. Hopefully we have read even more than last month! Also, look for the addition and subtraction math fact assessment – so many of us have really improved since September. Keep up the hard work!

Recreation has been running smoothly, thank you for sending in appropriate clothing. At the end of this month, you may want your child to swap out a new indoor rec toy for the one they have here.

Parent-teacher conferences are approaching quickly, I look forward to meeting with you all. Prior to your conference, please look for an information sheet that will come home with your child. This will be useful information for me as our meeting approaches and will better guide our discussions – thank you for completing.

Lastly, thank you for sending in Box Tops for our classroom. We had quite the collection in October. Each and every one counts!


Tuesday & Wednesday, 11/8 & 11/9 – Book Fair Family Nights 6pm - 8pm

Friday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day NO SCHOOL

Monday, November 14 - Scholastic Book Order Due (Code: P97G2)

Tuesday, November 15 – Class Field Trip to Art Gallery (11:40am-2:15pm)

Thursday, November 17 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Friday, November 18 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, November 23 – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thursday & Friday, 11/24 & 11/25 – Thanksgiving Break