Mrs Jones/ Miss Soto Year 4 AUTUMN TERM 2017

Creative Writing
  • Planning and writing stories
  • Character description
  • Settings
  • Story openings
  • Diary entries
  • Letters
  • Stories with familiar settings
  • Stories from other cultures and traditional stories
  • Fantasy
  • Fables
  • Greek Myths & Legends (linked with History)
  • Explanations and instructions
  • Information Text
  • Newspaper recount
Guided/collaborative Reading (each pupil heard once a week)
Individual Reading Records
Book Reviews
Handwriting practice
Spelling and Punctuation: Weekly spelling homework and tests, ongoing consolidation and revision of punctuation
LITERACY (contd)
Weekly comprehension
Children are taught the skills of skimming and scanning text to look for key information.
Also the skills of inference and deduction in order to work out answers to questions.
(This will be taught by a tutor from Non-Stop Action)
Invasion Games – Controlling and Receiving
Football and Tag Rugby:
Children will be developing skills in controlling and receiving as well as develop attacking tactics using a range of equipment and skills. / We will be following ‘The Year Of Faith’ units of work:
Unit 1: Beginning with the Church
Unit 2: tbc
Other faith: Judaism
Children will recognise, explore sounds and their structure on both tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments. They will also develop their singing voices in class music lessons and through hymn practice sessions.
(following the SEAL programme of study)
The children will learn:
1st half – New Beginnings
2nd half – Getting on and falling out
  • To talk, write and explain their views
  • To face new challenges positively
  • To research and debate topical issues
  • To realise the consequences of antisocial behaviour
  • To resolve differences by looking at alternatives
  • That their actions affect themselves and others; to care about other people’s feelings
Following the National Strategy Renewed Framework
(see separate planning)
Topics covered this term:
  • Counting, partitioning and calculating
  • Securing number facts and understanding shape
  • Handling data and measures
  • Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
  • Securing number facts, relationships and calculating
In addition: weekly multiplication tables practice and test and mental maths practice / 1ST half:
  • To identify common appliances that run on electricity
  • To construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers
  • To identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery
  • To recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit
  • To recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
2nd half:
States of matter
  • To compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases.
  • To observe that some materials will change state when they are heated and cooled.
  • To measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius.
  • To identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.
Scientific Enquiry focus:
  • Measuring temperatures
  • Planning a fair test
  • Drawing conclusion; comparing and explaining conclusions
  • Collecting and presenting evidence
In Year 4, the children will continue and develop their work in the French language from Year 3 taught by a specialist French teacher Mrs Ramdarshan. / 1sthalf: LINKED WITH HISTORY
Children will use the computer for various lessons where required. Some of these will be:
Internet search:
  • The children will use the internet to research information on different aspects of Ancient Greek life.
  • They will use the information to create a Fact File presentation.
  • Children will use Microsoft Word to change style, colour, and size of font.They will be able to insert pictures or clip art.
The children will begin the coding programme for Year 4.
The children will learn about the styles of the artist Vincent Van Gogh and his use of colour. They will develop their skills in using a range of media.
D & T
Making containers
The children will investigate different types of containers. They will create a design brief to design and make their own container.
Making Christmas cookies
The Ancient Greeks
In this unit children will find out about the way of life of people living in Ancient Greece from archaeological discoveries. Children will develop their understanding of characteristic features of a society; identify the different ways the past is represented; and use sources of information to make simple observations, inferences and deductions.
Children will learn about the Greek alphabet and how it has influenced language today, the Olympic Games, both ancient and modern and how they have changed over time; religious festivals and gods and goddesses