Table of Contents

Mission Statement -MPS Page 3

Vision Statement- MPS Page 3

Mission/ Vision/Belief Statements – WFES Page 4

Staff Roster Page 5

School Calendar Page 6/7

Assessment Schedule Page 9

Daily Schedule Page 9

Arrival/ Dismissal Information Page 9/10

Parent Visitations/Conferences Page 10

Absences Page 11

Complaints/ Concerns Page 11

Discipline/Consequences Page 11-13

Dress Code Page 14/ Back Cover

Grading Page 15

Homework Page 15

Cafeteria Information Page 16

Severe Weather Page 17

Telephone Calls Page 17

Cell Phones Page 17

Birthday Parties Page 17

Receipt Page 19

Wares Ferry ES

Mission Statement

The mission of Wares Ferry Road Elementary School is to provide quality instruction in a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes students’ uniqueness and well-being.

Vision Statement

One School…One Focus…Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Technological Society

Belief Statements

·  Every student, everyday, is entitled to quality teaching instruction.

·  Differentiated instruction increases the potential to learn.

·  An effective school is made up of students, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators working as a team.

·  Character education is an integral part of the instructional program.

·  The school’s environment should foster mutual respect.

·  Individual differences should be recognized, accepted, and encouraged.

Staff Roster – SY 2015-2016

Faculty / Staff

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Principal Ed Drozdowski


Kimberly Smith

Natalie Smith

Alana Williams

Grade 1:

Crystal Hill

Lindsey Moore

Elisha Powell

Grade 2:

Patricia Howell

Steven Knott

Cheryl Losik

Jackie White

Grade 3:

Kasey Baker

Shifya Coney

Gerod Diggs

Jennifer Shelby

Grade 4:

Tamika Harris

Andrew Roberts

Evelyn Ware

Grade 5:

Keon Addison

Leigh Chunn

Cassandra Holley


Shiron Brookins

OPEN (Assistant)

Media Specialist

Nina McMath

Guidance Counselor Christie Atkinson


George Rogers

Reading Coach

Deborah Johnson

Special Ed

Bill Ellender

April Ware


Gina Eagerton

Physical Education

Michael Walden

Chinese Culture

Leo Wei

Bookkeeper (OPEN)

Secretary Danielle Lawrence

Title I Parent Liaison/ Intervention:

Toni Turner


Randy Butler

Shequoia Lewis

Annette Harris

Nutrition Manager Barbara Jones

Cafeteria Staff:

Kimothy Tabb

Barbara Gray

Charlotte Belser

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School Calendar

ImportantDates 2015-2016 School Year

Event / Date
First Day for Students / August 13, 2015
Grading Period Ending Dates / October 9, 2015
December 18, 2015
March 18, 2016
Last Day for Students / May 26, 2016

Semester Dates

First Semester / August 13, 2015 - December 18, 2015 / 83 Days
Second Semester / January 6, 2016 -May 27,2016 / 94 Days
Total / 177 Days

Report Card Dates

1st Nine Weeks / October 15, 2015
2nd Nine weeks / January 7, 2016
3rd Nine Weeks / March 31, 2016
4th Nine Weeks / May 26, 2016

Staff Development - (Students Will Not Attend These Dates)

August 10-12, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Monday, January 4, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016

School Holidays

Event / Date
Labor Day / Monday, September 7, 2015
Veterans / Wednesday, November 11,2015
Thanksgiving / Monday, November 23, 2015 - Friday, November 27, 2015
Winter Holidays / Monday, December 21, 2015 - Monday, January 4, 2016
Birthdays of King/Lee / Monday, January 18, 2016
Spring Holidays / Monday, March 21, 2016 - Friday, March 25, 2016
Weather Day / TBD
Last Day for Students / Friday, May 26, 2016


SY 2015-16

Assessment Window / Grades K-5 / Assessment
August 20 - September 18, 2015 / 3rd - 5th reading and math
Optional Grades 1-2 / Global Scholar -- Performance Series
August 24 - September 4, 2015 / K-1st / DIBELS NEXT
January 4 - February 22, 2016 / 3rd - 5th reading and math
Optional Grades 1-2 / Global Scholar -- Performance Series
January 6 -- 15, 2016 / K-1st / DIBELS NEXT
February 1- February 15, 2016 / LEP Population K --12th
Kindergarten (Paper only)
Grades 1- 3 (online with Writing on Paper)
Grades 4 – 5 (Online with Writing Paper or Online) / ACCESS 2.0
February 1- February 15, 2016 / LEP Population K --12th / Alternate ACCESS 2.0
ALL Paper-Based
April 4 – 8 , 2016 / 3rd - 5th Reading, Math Science, English, & Writing / Act aspire (Paper-Based)
May 6 , 2016 (Deadline) / Special Population
3rd – 5th / Alabama Alternate
Assessment(AAA) on-line
Conducted Throughout Year
May 2, 2016 – May 13, 2016 / 3rd - 5th reading and math
Optional Grades 1-2 / Global Scholar -- Performance Series
May 9 - 20, 2016 / K-1st / DIBELS NEXT

Daily Schedule

Breakfast: 7:30 – 7:50

Homeroom: 7:50 – 8:10

Tardy Bell: 8:10

Instruction Begins – 8:15

Learning Schedules: See individual

Class schedules posted outside classrooms

Lunch: 10:45 – 12:45

Dismissal: 2:55 – 3:10

All students off campus: 3:15

Arrival Information

**Please note: Guidelines for School Visitors is a Board Procedure; please refer to the Code of Student Behavior for SY 2015-16

1. Students may report to their homeroom beginning at 7:50. Students who are not in their homeroom by the 8:10 tardy bell are considered TARDY.

2. Any student entering the building after 8:10 a.m. MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT WHO WILL CHECK-IN THE STUDENT IN THE OFFICE.

3. Students arriving tardy, who are not accompanied by an adult, must report to the office

and call for someone to sign them in.

Car riders and walkers should not arrive before 7:50 unless they are eating breakfast at school. Parents of students arriving for the YMCA Good Times will need to notify the office of their participation in the YMCA program in order to enter the building before school.


There will be no checkouts after 2:30. Only people listed on the student’s registration card will be allowed to check out that student. EVERYONE MUST SHOW PICTURE IDENTIFICATION IN ORDER TO CHECK OUT A STUDENT. This practice is strictly enforced.

Supervision Of Students By School Personnel Is Not Provided Before And After School Hours.

Those interested in the YMCA Good Times before and after school program can obtain information at 279-8878. The morning program begins at 6:45 a.m. The after-school program ends at 6:00 p.m. There is a fee for this service and arrangements can only be made through the YMCA.

Dismissal Times

Walker-Bike Riders, Van Riders (Side Entrance by PE) 3:00 P.M.


Kindergarten – Second Grade (Teacher Parking Lot at the Exit Doors) 3:05 p.m.

Third Grade – Fifth Grade (Back Bus Loop by the Dumpsters) 3:05 p.m.

Good Times Students Leave Campus (times decided by YMCA / parents)

Parent Visitations/Conferences

We encourage parents to observe in their child’s classroom. Parents MUST check in with the school office and secure a visitor’s pass before going to the classroom. When visiting a classroom, please enter and leave as quietly as possible. Remember, this is not a time for a conference. To make the most of your visit, we request that you do not bring younger siblings to the visit. Teachers are available for conferences with parents by appointment on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before 7:50 a.m. or after 3:10 p.m. Please call the office to schedule a conference.


Parents must send a written note to their child’s homeroom teacher explaining all absences on the day of the child’s return to class. The school is required to report all excessive absences. Please call the school to report any extended absences and absences due to personal reasons. A student is considered unexcused if a written note is not received within three days of absence. BOE procedure states that students who have more than ten unexcused absences for the year will be retained.

Students absent due to contagious disease (for example, diphtheria, scarlet fever, TB, mumps, hepatitis, ringworm, and mono) must present a certificate from a physician or the Health Department before returning to school. Students absent due to head lice must check in through the office before returning to their classroom.

If your child is absent for an extended period, you may want to get the assignments for them to complete at home. Please call the school to arrange a time to pick up books and assignments.

Excused absences include:

1. Illness

2. Inclement weather, which would be dangerous to the life and health of the student if attempting to attend school

3. Legal quarantine

4. Death in the immediate family

5. Emergency conditions as determined by the principal

6. Students absent from school with permission from principal and consent of parents or guardian

Occasionally a student must be absent for reasons other than those listed above. In order for the absence to be excused and work to be made up, prior approval must be obtained from the principal.

An excused absence permits work to be made up. Makeup work must be done within three days of returning to school. Makeup work/tests will not be given to students with unexcused absences, tardies, suspensions, or checkouts.


If a parent/ Guardian has a complaint/ concern regarding a school issue, the following procedures should be taken:

1. Discuss with teacher

2. Raise concern with Principal for solution

3. If dissatisfied, contact the BOE for further action.

It is always best to consult with the school prior to any action- concerns can usually be addressed and resolved best at that level. Also, a reminder that the teaching staff and office staff are always available to guide your concerns to the proper office if necessary.

Discipline and Consequences


"It is the teacher’s right to teach.....

And the student’s right to learn."

The Wares Ferry staff and administration work diligently to encourage students to develop and demonstrate the behavior that will help them be successful citizens. The following six standards, called “PANTHER RULES”, emphasize the behaviors we hope to instill in our students each day.

General Rules:

• Enter and exit the building in an orderly manner.

• Do not bring toys, balls, dolls, electronic games to school.

• Do not bring pets or other animals unless specifically requested by the teacher. All pets must have a veterinarian immunization certificate.

• Do not bring weapons of any kind to school –MPS procedure prohibits bringing any kind of

weapon to school.

Hallway rules:

• Always walk

• Always stay in line and walk on the right.

• Walk quietly facing the front

• Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

• Carry a hall pass.

• Greet others with a smile and a silent wave.

Discipline and School Conduct

It is school procedure that discipline be maintained consistently and appropriately. We encourage students to grow in self-control, develop a sense of regard for fellow students, and have pride in their school community. Students have the responsibility for conducting themselves in a manner that does not violate the rights of other people. Along with staff, students share the responsibility of developing a caring climate within the school that is conducive to productive learning.

Each student at Wares Ferry Road ES is responsible for his/her own behavior. We do not administer corporal punishment at Wares Ferry Road. We expect children to follow rules and agree to behave. Inappropriate behavior will result in consequences deemed suitable to the severity and frequency of the misconduct.

Each teacher has a set of classroom rules and consequences. The rules are necessary for an orderly classroom environment. Consequences for breaking rules are clear, fair, and aimed at helping students learn to make better choices. We believe it is important for all children to feel and be safe at school. We also believe that it is important that discipline be fair, and be perceived by the students to be fair. Bullying and inappropriate language is not tolerated. To accomplish this, a thorough interview is conducted with the child accused of breaking a school rule as well as any witnesses. This ensures that we get the whole story and consider all circumstances before deciding on the consequences. Consequences range from talking to an administrator, to calling the parents, or suspension or expulsion. We do our best to match consequences with the misbehavior, the frequency of previous occurrences, and the age of the child. Our staff practices proactive positive discipline to “catch’em being good” and help children avoid misconduct.

Students must be responsible for properly maintaining the textbooks and equipment, for respecting property, for obeying school rules, and for accepting reasonable and appropriate consequences if their responsibilities are not fulfilled.

Every effort will be made to help a student who fails to make a satisfactory adjustment to school. Parents will be informed and conferences held with them. However, more serious action will be taken if a student persistently violates school rules or commits a serious breach of conduct.

Consequences for classroom rules and violations MAY include any of the following:

1. Verbal warning 2. Counseling 3. One-on-one conference 4. Note/phone call to parent 5. Office referral 6. Loss of points

7. Time out or loss of privilege 8. Conference with parent 9. Suspension

A student will be referred to the office when a teacher’s classroom discipline plan has been exhausted, the student has committed repeated offenses, or the offense is severe. An office referral may be given for any offense listed in the Montgomery Public Schools Code of Student Behavior handbook. Receiving an office referral will result in consequences deemed appropriate by the administrator.

Dress Code

Wares Ferry Road Elementary School

Dress Code 2013-2014

** Please note; the Wares Ferry Dress Codes coincide with the MPS dress code but is presented in a more school specific form**

*** No clothing item may contain tags, emblems, wording, or stickers that identify name brand.

*** All clothing must fit properly. No oversized or undersized clothing will be allowed.

*** Shirts must be worn tucked in unless they are banded on the bottom

*** Shirts purchased from our supplier will have the school logo included at no extra charge; however, the school logo is not required and uniform items may be purchased at the store of your choosing. Blue shirts MUST be NAVY blue.