Foundations of Curriculum & Instruction

(Teacher Academy of Maryland)

Academic Year: 2016-2017Credit: 1

Department: Career Technology Education Instructor: K. Hurlock


Arends, Richard. Learning To Teach. McGraw-Hill (2012), New York.

Supplementary Materials.

Evers, Rebecca (Ed). Annual Editions: Education, 11/12 Edition. McGraw-Hill (2010), New York.

Rieman, Patricia L. & Jeanne Okrasinski. Creating Your Teaching Portfolio, 2nd Edition. McGraw

– Hill, (2010) New York.

Course Overview.

This course explores curriculum delivery models in response to the developmental needs of all children. Emphasis is placed on the development of varied instructional materials and activities to promote learning, classroom management strategies, and a supportive classroom environment. Students will explore basic theories of motivation that increase learning. Students will participate in guided observations and field experiences to critique classroom lessons in preparation for developing and implementing their own. Students will continue to develop components of a working portfolio to be assembled upon completion of the internship.

Students Will:

  1. Evaluate instructional strategies appropriate for diverse student needs and learning styles.
  2. Utilize instructional technology to meet student and professional needs as guided by the Maryland Teacher Technology Standards.
  3. Identify research-based practices in teaching and evaluate their appropriateness for various educational situations.
  4. Identify social skills needed to perform well in a group.
  5. Identify classroom behaviors that perform well in a group.
  6. Prepare long-term and short-term instructional plans including their area of teacher interest.
  7. Develop appropriate assessments to evaluate student progress.
  8. Propose possible classroom management plans that increase student productivity and decrease student disruption.
  9. Observe and critique classroom teachers in multiple grade levels and subjects for appropriate instructional practices and classroom management procedures.
  10. Refine their philosophy of education with consideration of their social, cultural, historical, political, and philosophical influences that affect the development and change of curriculum.
  11. Design lessons under the supervision of a mentor teacher that address diverse student needs and learning styles and incorporate theories of motivation learning.
  12. Participate in instructing small and large groups of students under the supervision of the classroom teacher.
  13. Explore the ways teachers engage in continual professional development.

Course Requirements.

This is a college-level course and will be treated as such by the instructor. Extensive readings will be assigned and MUSTbe completed prior to the material being covered in class. Exams will assess understanding of all topics covered in the book, notes, readings and classroom discussions. All issues covered in the readings cannot be covered during the class period. In fact, class discussions are intended to elaborate on readings, not repeat them. The readings, lectures, and discussions are all means of carrying on an inquiry into the topic at hand and are meant to supplement the material rather than duplicate each other-although some repetition and reinforcement is intended and desirable.

Caution: One of the differences between a college course and a high school course is that high school students tend to be very dependent upon classes for content information. It is not possible to cover all of the material tested in class. You will have to read and learn material on your own. I will test material that is not covered in class! Students are responsible for material in readings and current events.

Course Materials - The following materials are required for this course:

1.QACPS Issued LapTop – must have daily, charged; ear buds or headphones


3.Binder/Notebook (optional for note-taking)

4.Folder (for returned assessments)

5.Flash Drive (strongly suggested)

Discipline Policies

  • All classroom discipline and attendance/tardy policies concur with the policies set forth by the Queen Anne’s County Board of Education and Kent Island High School.
  • Cell Phones/Portable Devices
  • Please be familiar with the terms of the cell phone/portable device policy for QACPS, as it will be strictly enforced in this class.

Homework Policy

  • Homework will be assigned through GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Homework will be assigned regularly. Assignments will include textbook readings, review activities, writing activities, etc. Completing assignments are not only essential to success in the course, but also success on the high school assessment.
  • All assignments are due on the assigned due date. All policies concerning late work will follow those set forth by the Queen Anne’s County Board of Education and Kent Island High School.
  • Students are expected to approach academic coursework with honesty and integrity. Plagiarism, copying and/or cheating on any assignment will not be tolerated.


Parent-Teacher communication is essential to student success. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me in your preferred method.

Phone: 410-604-2070 ext. 5617 (voicemail)


Grading Policy:

The course grade will based on thedevelopment of a teaching portfolio similar to those found in an introductory to education course. Assignments/Activities will be designed in accordance with the INTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) Standards. Each assignment/activity will hold a place in the final portfolio project.

The grade will remain in two parts: Formative and Summative. All formative grades will be based upon the individual portfolio artifact submissions. Summative grades will be based upon the final portfolio entries.

The final examination grade will be derived from the completed portfolio and its presentation.

Assignment Type / Percentage
Formative Assessments (total of sub-categories) / (40%)
Artifact Completion / 20%
Personal Reflections / 20%
Summative Assessments (total of sub-categories) / (45 %)
Final Portfolio Artifact / 45%
Final Exam (Portfolio Submission) / 15%

Foundations of Curriculum & Instruction

I have received and read a copy of the following syllabus either digitally or in hard copy format. By signing this document, I agree that I understand its content.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name:______

Student Signature: ______

Student Printed Name: ______

Date: ______

Parent Email ______

Preferred Method of Contact: ______