Annex 2 Logframes and planning

Annex to subsidy application FDW17 (3rd call, round 2017)

  • The project Logframes present the project’s activities, output and outcome the PPP commits itself to.
  • Two work packages (WP) are mandatory for FDW applications: The first is WP inception; the second is WP Project requirements and closure. The project inception includes all outputs and related activities that are preconditions for further successful project implementation such as a partnership agreement and required licenses. It may not include activities, output and outcome on actual project implementation (e.ghardware investments, training). The WP Project requirements and closure includes activities and outputs related to the entire project implementation period. It includes requirements related to FDW, such as annual reporting on the project, the sustainability compact, and finalisation of the project.
    The main project activities and results are presented in the other WPs. Each WP can contain one or more outcomes and related outputs and activities. Typically, a project has 4-5 WPs, including the mandatory WPs.
  • With the exception for the “WP inception” and “WP project requirements and closure” all WPs have to be the result of a logical clustering of these elements and must be labelled to one of the FDWthemes:
  • Sustainable access to clean drinking water and sanitation (including waste)
  • Efficient water use, especially in agriculture
  • Improved river basin management and safe deltas.

Note that FDW proposals can include activities and have outputs related to more than one of the FDW themes. However, the proposal must be submitted under only one (primary) FDW theme. At least 50% of the project expenses have to be linked to this (primary) theme. This percentage will be determined based on the labelling of the WPs, not taking into account the WP inception and WP project requirements and closure.

  • Since the Project purpose (impact) isalready mentioned in the Project plan it has been omitted from the Logframes.
  • In the Logframes the following columns need to be filled in:
  • Summary: Short description of the outcome/output/activities. This has to be specific and quantified.
  • Indicators: The indicator that is used to measure progress and completion of the related outcome/output/activity.
  • Means of Verification (MoV): The method of verifying and accounting the achievement of the outcome and output. Project activities will be verified by use of the MoVs of the directly related outputs. If, during implementation, the situation requires it, can request project management documentation to verify project activities.
  • Risk/assumption. This column lists risks and assumptions that must be true in order for one level (e.g. activities) to lead to the next level (e.g. output). The listed risks/assumptions at outcome level must be true in order to contribute to the desired impact which is not shown in the Logframes.
  • If needed, extra rows can be added to include more outcomes, outputs or activities.
  • If an outcome or output is verified with more than one Means of Verification, you need to number every MoV according the format x.xa, x.xb, x.xc etc.
  • After completing this annex 2, the explanatory texts from this template (blue text font can be deleted from this document.
  • The Logframes should be presented using the mandatory format of this document. Do not convert this document to other file formats such as Excel or PDF.

Annex 2 v. 1710 / Page1 of9

Work package 1, Inception


Summary / Indicators / Means of Verification / Risks/Assumptions
Outcome / Continuation of project / N/A / Approval letter / N/A
Outputs / 1.1 Partnership Agreement / N/A / 1.1 Copy of the legally signed partnership agreement between all FDW partners, including any related documents such as annexes or side letters, in English or translated into English. The partnership agreement includes the roles and responsibilities of the partners and topics such as: management, decision making, disputes, financial arrangements, liability, exit strategy, ownership, IPR, use of project results, M&E, ICSR, communication. Also provide name, address and registration number of the partners and whichlaw is applicable / [risks]
1.2 [If applicable / if part of project] Establishment of new legal entity. / N/A / 1.2 Copy of the legally signed founding document including any related documents such as annexes or side letters, in English or translated into English. / [risks]
1.3 [If, at time of subsidy application, financing of the own contribution is backed up by a loan or guarantee under condition of grant provision] Bank guarantee or loan agreement for the amount of € [amount] obtained. / N/A / 1.3 Original bank guarantee or copy of the signed loan agreement. / [risks]
1.4 [If applicable]The project location(s) has/have been secured. / N/A / 1.4 Copy of legally signed land [rental/lease/purchase] contract, in English or translated into English or permission for land use. / [risks]
1.5 Detailed implementation plans on the project work packages / N/A / 1.5 Copies of detailed plans (free format) for implementation of the project’s work packages. Including details on the approach/methods used responsibilities, budget and time planning. At the very least provide information on:
-Training and capacity
-Planned studies or analyses
-Final selection of technique(s) implemented
-General hardware design for major hardware items / [risks]
1.6 Monitoring and Evaluation plan developed and operational. / N/A / 1.6 Copy of M&E plan, following the format as provided by It at least includes information on:
-Project Goal
-Project Logframe (outcome, output, activities)
-Progress Indicators, using the templates as provided by This includes
-Mandatory indicators
-Project specific indicators
-Financial sustainability/business case indicators
-Process indicators, monitoring on main project risks being:
-[risk 1]
-[risk 2]
-Used methods and tools and resources
-Roles and responsibilities M&E
-Data Management
-M&E Budget
1.7[If applicable]Required permits and licenses are obtained / N/A / 1.7Copy/copies of the required permits and licenses for:
-[Description permit/license 1]
-[Description permit/license 2]
-… / [risks]
1.8EIA submitted to Designated Authorities
- or –
Proof that local law does not require an EIA submitted to / N/A / 1.8a Copy of the Final Report on the Environmental Impact Assessment
– or –
copy of the pre-audit of the Environmental Impact Assessment, English or translated into English
- or –
copy of proof that EIA is not required.
1.8b If required: Copy of proof that the EIA has been submitted to the Designated Authorities. / [risks]
1.9 First draft sustainability compact / N/A / 1.9 Copy of draft sustainability compact / [risks]
1.10 Progress report on project inception / N/A / 1.10a Copy of progress report work package inception according to the templates provided by / [risks]
1.11 Baseline report / N/A / 1.11 Copy of baseline report. The baseline report is provided together with the required M&E data sheets as by the format provided by
1.12 If needed, request for project budget change / N/A / 1.12 If needed, an adjusted project budget can be provided together with a request for budget change. must approve the request for budget change before the updated budget replaces the original budget. / [risks]
Activities / Preparation of the required documents / N/A
Application [licenses] / N/A
etc. / N/A
Planning / Start / End
Date / [mm-yyyy] / [mm-yyyy]

Work package 2, [Title]

Work Package Theme:[Select 1 of the following FDW themes:] Sustainable access to clean drinking water and sanitation (including waste) / Efficient water use, especially in agriculture / Improved river basin management and safe delta’s


Summary / Indicators / Means of Verification / Risks/Assumptions
Outcome / 2.1 / [Indicator] / 2.1 [MoV] / [risks]
2.2 / [Indicator] / 2.2a [MoV 1]
2.2b MoV 2] / [risks]
2.3 / [Indicator] / 2.3 [MoV] / [risks]
Outputs / 2.4 [output] / [Indicator] / 2.4 [MoV] / [risks]]
2.5 [output] / [Indicator] / 2.5 [MoV] / [risks]
2.6 [output]… / [Indicator] / 2.6 [MoV] / [risks]
2.7 … / [Indicator] / 2.7 [MoV] / [risks]
… / … / …
Activities / [Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A

Planning / Start / End
Date / [mm-yyyy] / [mm-yyyy]

Work package X, [Title]

Work Package Theme:[Select 1 of the following FDW themes:] Sustainable access to clean drinking water and sanitation (including waste) / Efficient water use, especially in agriculture / Improved river basin management and safe delta’s


Summary / Indicators / Means of Verification / Risks/Assumptions
Outcome / x.1 / [Indicator] / x.1 [MoV] / [risks]
x.2 / [Indicator] / x.2a [MoV 1]
x.2b MoV 2] / [risks]
x.3 / [Indicator] / x.3 [MoV] / [risks]
Outputs / x.4 [output] / [Indicator] / x.4 [MoV] / [risks]]
x.5 [output] / [Indicator] / x.5 [MoV] / [risks]
x.6 [output]… / [Indicator] / x.6 [MoV] / [risks]
x.7 … / [Indicator] / x.7 [MoV] / [risks]
… / … / …
Activities / [Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A

Planning / Start / End
Date / [mm-yyyy] / [mm-yyyy]

Work package X, Project requirements and closure


Summary / Indicators / Means of Verification / Risks/Assumptions
Outcome / Project closure and settlement of subsidy / N/A / Letter Settlement subsidy / N/A
Outputs / x.1 Annual progress reports / Project administration / x.1 Copies of annual progress report and annexes. Progress reports includes the following elements:
-Narrative on project progress, results and developments
-Outlook on reaching project sustainability
-Financial report
-M&E, reporting on indicators as included in project plan, M&E data sheets and the M&E plan as developed in WP1
-CSR risks of the project
-Progress on development and implementation CSR at companies
-Sustainability check on purchased or renovated hardware
-Progress on drafting the Sustainability compact
-Communication and dissemination of the project achievements. / [risks]
x.2 Sustainability compact / Project administration / x.2 Copy of Sustainability compact signed by the project lead partner and other relevant parties. The Sustainability compact has to aim at guaranteeing the full and lasting functionality of the products and services delivered by the project. The Sustainability compact is based on the guidelines provided by / [risks]
x.3 All company project partners developed and implemented a CSR policy. / Project administration / x.3 Copy of the ICSR policy document of the companies in the partnership and a description how the policy is formalised and implemented in the companies. / [risks]
x.4 If applicable, recommendations made in the Environmental Impact assessment have been implemented. / Project administration / x.4 Report on the status of implementation of recommendations made in the Environmental Impact Assessment / [risks]
x.5 Final report / N/A / x.1 Copy of final report and annexes. Progress reports includes the following elements:
-Narrative on project results and developments
-Sustainability of project output and outcome
-Project Follow up and upscaling
-Financial report
-M&E, reporting in indicators as included in project plan and Subsidy Ordinance
-CSR risks of the project
-Sustainability check on purchased or renovated hardware / [risks]
x.6 End evaluation report / N/A / x.6 Copy of end evaluation report, at least indicating the indicators as included in project plan, M&E data sheets and the M&E plan as developed in WP1 / [risks]
x.7 Request for final determination of subsidy and subsidy settlement. / N/A / x.7 Request following the template as provided by / [risks]
Activities / [Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A
[Activity] / N/A

Planning / Start / End
Date / [mm-yyyy] / [mm-yyyy]


  • Please provide the project planning using the template below. The template has been already filled in with an exemplary planning. Please overwrite this with the planning for your project.
  • If the project takes less than 7 year to complete, please delete the redundant years from the table.
  • Please identify the project milestones. These will represent the key project outcome and output.
  • If necessary, insert additional rows to include more work packages or milestones.

Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6 / Year 7
Work Package / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
1-Inception phase
[Milestone 1]
[Milestone 2]

2- [Title]
Milestone 1
Milestone 2

3- [Title]
Milestone 1
Milestone 2

4- [Title]
Milestone 1
Milestone 2

x- Project management and conclusion
Milestone 1
Milestone 2

Annex 2 v. 1710 / Page1 of9