Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness
Exploring and Theorising the Nature of Participation as Evidence in Health Research, Policy and Practice
Symposium supported by Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
22nd – 23rd September 2014
GLT4 Warwick Medical School, Gibbet Hill Campus, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
And on Skype Link to
Seminar Room 1, Level 1, Entrance 5, Falmouth Building, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa (UCT venue for morning of 23rd tbc)
Chairperson: Professor Gillian Lewando Hundt
Organising Committee: Dr Maria Stuttaford, Dr Annette Boaz, Prof Mary Chambers, Prof Karien Stronks
Monday 22nd09:30 10:30* / Arrival and refreshments
11:00-11:15 / Welcome and Chair / Professor Gillian Lewando-Hundt, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Warwick
11:15-11:45 / Presentation / Participation and the right to health: virtues, valorising and valuing
Dr Maria Stuttaford, Associate Fellow, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick
11:45-12:15 / Presentation / Rethinking the relationship between science and society?: academic attitudes to public participation in research
Dr Annette Boaz, St George’s, London
12:15-12:45 / Refreshments
12:45-13:15 / Presentation / Rationales for participation and the role of lay knowledge in health promotion. Dr Janneke Harting, Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam
13:15-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-14:15 / Summary and ways forward / Professor Emerita Celia Davies, The Open University
14:15-14:45 / Presentation / Versions of verisimilitude and the trappings of truth
Professor Hannah Bradby, Department of Sociology
Uppsala University, Sweden
14:45-15:30 / Facilitated conversation / Formal participation and accountability: health committees in South Africa
Ms Therese Boulle, Ms Hanne Haricharan, Ms Zingi Sofayiya, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town and Mr Mzanywa Ndibongo, with Dr Maria Stuttaford
15:30-16:30 / Panel Discussion / Chair: Jonathan Tritter, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Deputy Dean Faculty of Languages and Social Science, Aston University
Panel of selected participants with Questions from Plenary
16:30-16:45 / Refreshments
16:45-17:45 / Parallel workshops / Chair Research: Dr Hannah Bradby
Chair Governance: tbc
Chair Health Promotion: Mr Marius Ungureanu, Cluj, Romania
17:45-18:00 / Summary / Professor Gillian Lewando-Hundt
Tuesday 23rd September
09:00 10:00 / Arrival and refreshments09:15-09:30
10:15-10:30 / Welcome and themes from previous day / Professor Mary Chambers, Director of the Centre for Public Engagement, St George’s, London
10:30-12:15 / Presentation / Bringing the Public in to Public Health; Public Engagement in Public Health England the challenges of developing and mainstreaming the PHE People’s Panel
Professor Jonathan Tritter, Aston University and Dr Mio Fredrikkson, Uppsala University
Presentation / Health worker perceptions of participation: Italy
Professor Carlo Alberto Camuccio, Nursing Course of Venice and Feltre, University of Padua, Italy
Presentation / Participation and health promotion: Romania
Mr Marius Ungureanu, Cluj School of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Presentation / Participation and patient involvement in mental health: Portugal
Luisa Brito Professora-Adjunta: Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Portugal
12:15-12:45 / Refreshments
12:45-14:00 / Parallel workshops / Chair Research: Dr Annette Boaz
Chair Governance: Dr Maria Stuttaford
Chair Health Promotion: Dr Janneke Harting
14:00-15:00 / Lunch
15:00-16:30 / Discussion and peer and user feedback on draft papers presented / Chair: Professor Gillian Lewando-Hundt
16:30-17:00 / Refreshments
17:00-18:00 / Discussion of preparation of large grant application / Chair: Professor Gillian Lewando-Hundt
17:00 18:00 / Close / Dr Maria Stuttaford and Dr Annette Boaz
* Local time in Cape Town