2018 Alfred O. Berg, MD Award for Excellence in Family Medicine Research

The Alfred O. Berg Award for Excellence in Family Medicine Research is awarded each year by the Washington Academy of Family Physicians Foundation to a fourth-year student graduating from a medical school in Washington and planning a career in family medicine. The award includes $500, a certificate and an announcement at the student’s graduation ceremony and at the WAFP Annual Scientific Assembly. Selection is based upon the work’s scientific rigor, clear reporting, relevance to family medicine and potential for impact on patient care, policy, public health or education.

Student Eligibility Criteria

To be considered a candidate for WAFP Foundation Alfred O. Berg Award for Excellence in Family Medicine Research, students must be:

  1. Graduating in 2018 from a medical school in Washington:
  2. University of Washington
  3. Pacific Northwest University
  4. A.T. Still University – Healthpoint Renton Campus
  5. Matched into a family medicine residency program.
  6. A student member of the WAFP/AAFP.

Research Project Eligibility Criteria

  1. The research must be completed, including a written report.
  2. Only original research is considered. Literature reviews and community medicine projects are not considered. Original research is the systematic investigation of a focused research question through collection and analysis of primary data or analysis of existing data, using quantitative or qualitative methods. Other forms of original scholarship may be considered at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
  3. The research addresses family medicine research question(s). The definition is flexible and up to the discretion of the Selection Committee. Usually the student’s research sponsor will be a Department of Family Medicine faculty member or a community family physician.
  4. The student took primary responsibility for the research work. The student may have worked in a team and/or on a larger faculty research program, but the student was primarily responsible for the intellectual content and conduct of the study. If the work is published, the student may be the first author or a subsequent author, but the award submission must explain clearly what role the student played in the work.
  5. A body of work may be submitted for consideration. Most students submit one report on a specific project. A student who has accomplished several studies may submit a larger body of work for consideration. This may include research reports, publications, graduate degree theses and dissertations produced while earning a medical degree. The research work submitted must have been conducted during the student’s medical school career. Research conducted while pursuing prior degrees will not be considered.

Nomination Procedure

  1. Each institution is responsible for identifying and notifying potential student awardees.
  2. Nominations can come from any source: faculty research sponsors and other faculty, physicians and scientists.
  3. Please submit the following nomination packet to WAFP Foundation by Friday, March 30, 2018:
  4. Nomination form
  1. Copy of the student’s final research paper
  2. Nomination letter from faculty sponsor
  3. Any optional supporting materials
  1. WAFP staff screens nominations to assure student eligibility and appropriateness for award, and then forwards eligible nominations to the selection committee.

Award Selection Criteria

The award winner will be selected based on review of the nomination materials submitted, applying these criteria:

  1. Scientific rigor.
  2. Clear reporting.
  3. Relevance to family medicine.
  4. Potential impact on patient care, policy, public health or education.

Alfred O. Berg, MD Award for Excellence in Family Medicine Research

Nomination Cover Page

To be nominated, the fourth-year medical student must be graduating in 2017, have matched into a Family Medicine residency program, and be a member of the Washington Academy of Family Physicians.

Name of student:

Mailing address:

City, State Zip:

Phone: Email:


Select Medical School:A.T. Still University – Healthpoint Campus

Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences

University of Washington

Select First Year Campus: ATSU: ______PNWU – Yakima

UW – Seattle UW – Spokane UW – Moscow

UW – BozemanUW – Anchorage UW – Cheyenne

Title of Research Project:

Faculty Research Sponsor(s):

Name of Nominator (if different than the faculty sponsor):

Nominator’s Email:

Please attach:

  • Final research paper
  • Nomination letter from faculty sponsor

Return nomination packets to Washington Academy of Family Physicians Foundation:

Email (preferred): Fax: 425-747-3109

Mail: 1239 – 120th Avenue NE, Suite G, Bellevue, WA 98005