FORUM R208 Telephone Exchange User’s Guide







Combined manual E + D / M18E2B01
Single manual E / M18A2B01

Table of contents

1.Generalities ...... 3

1.1 Introduction ...... 3

1.2 Basic functions ...... 3

2.General operating instructions...... 4

3.General information ...... 5

3.1 Used symbols ...... 5

3.2 Overview of the different tones and ring sequences of the FORUM R208...6

4.Operating instructions...... 7

4.1 Making an internal call ...... 7

4.2 Making an external call ...... 7

4.3 Receiving an external call ...... 7

4.4 Putting an external call on hold...... 7

4.5 Taking back an external call from hold ...... 8

4.6 Consulting ...... 8

4.7 Call transfer : announced ...... 8

4.8 Call transfer : unannounced ...... 9

4.9 Internal conference call ...... 9

4.10 External conference call (1 external line)...... 10

4.11 Receiving an external call during a communication ...... 10

4.12 Making an external call with the other external line on hold ...... 11

4.13 Forced selection of an external line ...... 11

4.14 General call ...... 11

4.15 Group call ...... 12

4.16 Automatic call back function ...... 12

4.17 Using the Belgacom Comfort Services over the FORUM R208...... 12

4.18 Last number Re-dial ...... 13

4.19 Memory Dialling (speed dialling) ...... 13

4.20 “Park” function ...... 14

4.21 “Take over” function (Call Pick-up)...... 15

4.22 “Take over” the call taken by the answering machine ...... 15

4.23 “Intrude” function ...... 15

4.24 “Do not disturb” function ...... 16

4.25 “Call forward” function ...... 16

4.26 “Babyphone” function (Room surveillance) ...... 17

4.27 Day/Night switch over : manually...... 17

5.Operating instructions : Fax machine...... 18

5.1 Sending fax messages ...... 18

5.2 Receiving fax messages with automatic fax selection ...... 18

5.3 Receiving fax messages with passive fax selection ...... 19

6.Operating instructions : Belgacom two-wire doorphones...... 20

6.1 Doorbell push button pressed ...... 20

6.2 Communication with doorphone ...... 20

6.3 Activating the door opener ...... 20

7.Operating instructions : Doorphone using interface MPX004...... 21

7.1 Doorbell push button pressed ...... 21

7.2 Communication with doorphone ...... 21

8.3 Activating the door opener ...... 21

8.Operating instructions : Payphone...... 22

1. Generalities

1.1 Introduction

The FORUM R208 telephone exchange is a versatile system, allowing to connect up to eight telephone extensions and to use them on two external lines. Free calls between these extensions can be made.

Its diversity concerning operating functions, programming facilities and connection possibilities makes it ideal for use at the office and at home. (See also ‘Installer’s Guide’)

The user disposes over 39 memory locations for storing Memory Dialling telephone.

Although the use of the FORUM R208 is simple, please read this user's guide thoroughly.

1.2 Basic functions

When installing your FORUM R208 next functions are available directly, without any programming :

Emergency calls to the numbers ‘100’ and ‘101’ from each exchange (with or without call restrictions) without dialling ‘0’ before.

Internal calls ( extension numbers are 41 to 48).

External calls (always dial ‘0’ to get access to an external line)

Call Transfer (announced or unannounced).

Toggling between the 2 external lines

Internal and external conference.

General Call.

Last number redial.

Take over (call take over)

Babyphone function

Call Park function

Do-not-disturb function

All other functions have to be programmed. This can easily be done by using the ‘installer’s guide’ and following step by step the necessary programming steps.

If, for any reason, you do not arrive to a make function your FORUM R208 correctly, please, do not hesitate to contact the special Belgacom Service, where all your questions will be answered.

You can reach this service on the free number : 0800-22 700

2. General operating instructions

  • Dialling and operating functions only are executable when hearing the ‘internal dial tone’ first. The dial tone disappears again after entering the first digit or when waiting to long before dialling.
  • When you are in communication, you may press the -button any time to get the internal dial tone.

- The -button on the telephone-set is sometimes called ‘Recall’ or ‘Flash’-button. Do not confuse ‘Recall’ with ‘Re-dial’ (last number Re-dial).

- If you have a PULSE dialling telephone-set, you may obtain the -function by pressing ‘1’.

  • Codes starting with ‘’ or ‘#’, marked with and in following sections, can only be executed with telephone sets in TONE-mode.
  • Upon entering an unknown operating instruction you will hear the ERROR-beeps : 5 beeps.
  • Upon entering an operating instruction which cannot be executed at this moment, the code will be answered by the special ‘not executable’-tone.

TIP!1 or 3 beeps may be heard when picking up the hand-set before the internal dial tone is heard. This indicates a special function has been set or the internal clock (when using day/night mode) has to be set again e.g. after power failure.

TIP!The ‘ringback’ tone is the tone heard in the handset, indicating that the called telephone extension is ringing. The ‘internal’ dial tone is the dial tone produced by the FORUM R208, the ‘external dial’ tone is the dial tone coming from the public telephone exchange.

3. General information

3.1 Used symbols

/ / Action
T41 / / Device

Devices :

T41 / T42 / T43 / T44 / T45 / T46 / T47 / T48 / Telephone extensions
L1 / External Line 1 / FAX / Fax machine
L2 / External Line 2 / DOOR / Doorphone

Actions :

/ Ring : Internal call / / Ring : External call
/ Pick up handset / / Hang up handset
/ Dial number / / -button (Generate ‘Flash’)
/ Hear the dial tone / / Hear the busy tone
/ Hear the internal ringback tone / / Hear the ‘not executable’ tone
/ Hear the OK beep
( 1 beep ) / / Hear the ERROR beep
( 5 beeps )
/ Communication / / Silence
/ Music on hold / / Flash on external line
/ Fax machine is called / / Fax machine in communication
/ Answering machine is called / / Answering machine in communication
/ Doorbell push button / / Activating door-latch

3.2 Overview of the different tones and ring sequences of the FORUM R208

Tones and beep tones :

Tone : / / Silence : /
Dial-tone /
Busy-tone /
Ringback-tone /
OK-beep / 1 beep
ERROR-beep / 5 beeps
Beep : loss of time setting / 3 beeps
‘Not executable’-tone /
Beep : call on other ext. line /
Beep doorbell /
Beep intrude : receiver / 7 beeps
Beep intrude : intruder / 2 beeps

Ring sequences :

Ring : / / Silence : /
Internal call /
External call /
Special ring seq. for Line 2 /
Doorbell via MPX004 /
Doorbell two-wire. doorph. 1 /
Doorbell two-wire. doorph. 2 /
Special ring seq.1 for groups /
Special ring seq.2 for groups /
Ring ‘automatic call back’ / 1 ring tone

4. Operating instructions

4.1 Making an internal call

T43 / T43 / T43 / T43 / T42 / T42 / T43 / T42

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial the number of another extension ‘41’, ‘42’, ‘44’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ring back tone - the called telephone extension rings - when the handset of this extension is picked up, the connection is established.

4.2 Making an external call

T46 / T46 / T46 / T46 / T46 / T46

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internaldial tone - dial ‘0’ - hear the externaldial tone - dial now the complete telephone number (as if there was no exchange).

If both external line are occupied you will hear the ‘busy’-tone. If your extension should be programmed to have no access to the external line you will hear the ‘not-executable’ tone.

4.3 Receiving an external call

In case of an incoming external call, all (or some) the telephone extensions will ring - you only have to pick up the handsets of one of the ringing telephone extensions to receive the call.

T41...T48 / T44 / T44

The extensions ring - pick up the handset of the extension - the communication is established.

4.4 Putting an external call on hold

During communication with an external line, only the -button has to be pressed to put this external line on hold

T44 / T44 / T44 / L1

You are in communication on the external line - press the -button- hear the internal dial tone - the caller, on the external line, will hear the music on hold.

4.5 Taking back an external call from hold

If the external line is on hold, you can get it back from hold any time.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T44

press the -button- hear the internal dial tone - dial ‘0’ to get back the communication from hold.

4.6 Consulting (an internal telephone extension with an external line on hold)

It is possible to put an external call on hold, make an internal call (= consulting) and then continue the conversation on the external line.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T43 / T42 / T44 / T43 / T44

During an external communication, press the -button- hear the internal dial tone, the external line is put on hold - dial the number of the extension you want to consult: ‘41’, ‘42’, ‘43’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ring back signal - when the handset of the other extension is picked up the connection is established - when the other extension is hanged up again, you get automatically reconnected to the external line.

4.7 Call transfer : announced

An external call can be “transferred” to any other extension. This can be announced by performing a consultation before passing the external call.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T41 / T41 / T44 / T43 / T41

During an external communication, press the -button- hear the internal dial tone, the external line is put on hold - dial the number of the extension the call should be transferred to: ‘41’, ‘42’, ‘43’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ring back signal - when the handset of the other extension is picked up the connection is established - when you hang up, the other extension is automatically connected to the external line.

4.8 Call transfer : unannounced

An external call can be “transferred” to another extension without announcing this (= not executing a consultation before). The other extension will ring, the way as when an external call comes in. When the second extension is picked up, automatically the connection with the external line is established.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T41 / T44 / T41 / T41 / T41

During an external communication, press the -button- hear the internal dial tone, the external line is put on hold - dial the number of the extension the call should be transferred to: ‘41’, ‘42’, ‘43’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - you hear the internal ring back signal - hang up - the extension will ring as it normally would when an external call comes in - when the handset of the other extension is picked up it is automatically connected to the external line.

TIP! If the called extension does not answer within 10 rings, all telephone extensions will start ringing, reminding there is still an external call on hold. The first extension that is picked up will automatically be connected to the external line.

4.9 Internal conference call

The internal conference (communication with more extensions together) is limited to a maximum of three extensions.

T42 / T42 / T42 / T43 / T43 / T42
T42 / T42 / T42 / T41 / T41 / T42

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial the number of the extension to communicate with: ‘41’, ‘43’, ‘44’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ring back tone - the called telephone extension is ringing - when the extension is picked up, the connection is established.

To conference with a third extension : press the -button- hear the internal dial tone - dial the number of the extension to make a conference call with : ‘41’, ‘44’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ring back tone - when the third extension is picked up, the connection between the three extensions is established.

4.10 External conference call (1 external line)

An external conference is limited to a maximum of 2 extensions on 1 external line.

T42 / T42 / T42 / T42 / T43 / T43
T42 / T42 / T42 / T42 / T42

You are in communication on the external line - to get a conference call with an other extension : press the -button- hear the internal dial tone - dial the of the extension to make a conference call with: ‘41’, ‘43’, ‘44’, ‘45’, ‘46’, ‘47’ or ‘48’ - hear the internal ringback tone - the called telephone extension is ringing - when the extension is picked up, you get an internal connection - the external conference is established by pressing the -buttonfollowed by dialling the number ‘3’.

4.11 Receiving an external call during a communication.

When communicating, internal as well as external, and an external call comes in, this will be announced by repetitive beeps in the handset. In case the first communication was an external one, the incoming call can be answered and later the first communication can be continued.

T44 / T44 / T44 / L1 / T44 / T44 / T44

During e.g. an external communication, you will hear repetitive beeps when another external call comes in - press the -button- hear the internal dial tone, the first caller is put on hold - take the other external line by dialling‘2’.

TIP! You toggle between both the external lines each time+ ‘2’ is dialled.

TIP! When also a consultation with another extension is made, you can take back the external line, that was put on hold the last, by dialling + ‘0’. In this case, the internal correspondent can or on-hook, or remain on hold (no music). In the last case it is always possible to continue the internal communication by pressing the -buttonfollowed by the extension number, or even to establish an external conference by + ‘3’.

4.12 Making an external call with the other external line on hold

When having an communication on one of the external lines it is possible to take the other external line and make call while the first line remains on hold.

T44 / T44 / L1 / T44 / T44 / T44 / T44 / T44

Put the first external line in hold : press the -button- hear the internal dial tone - the first caller is put on hold - take the other external line :

- by dialling ‘2’ followed by the telephone number,


- use a Memory Dialling number ‘61’... ‘99’ (telephone extension in Tone mode).

TIP! You toggle between both the external lines each time + ‘2’ is dialled.

TIP! For releasing the second external line and to go back to the first external line on hold, simply dial + ‘1’ or hang up. In the last case the telephone extension will start ringing to indicate there is still an external line on hold.

4.13 Forced selection of an external line

Upon dialling ‘0’, the first available external line is taken. When the first one is busy, the second external line will be taken. If both external lines are busy, a busy tone will be heard.

Now also, a connection to a particular external line can be forced by using special codes : 81 for L1 and 82 for L2.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T44

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial ‘81’ for a connection to external line one or dial ‘82’ for a connection to external line two.

4.14 General call

Calling up all telephone extensions

T42 / T42 / T42 / T41...T48 / T43 / T42

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial ‘70’ for the general call - hear the internal ring back tone - all telephone extensions are ringing (when not blocked by group programming) - the connection is established with the first extension that answers the call.

4.15 Group call

The FORUM R208 allows to program different groups of extensions with different settings. You can call up each of this groups separately by Group Calling (see ‘Installer’s Guide’).

T42 / T42 / T42 / Group 5 / T43 / T42

group 5 = T43,T44,T45

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial the requested group number: ‘71’ to ‘79’ - hear the internal ring back tone - all telephone extensions of this group are ringing - the connection is established with the first extension that answers the call..

TIP! The ‘not executable’ tone is heard when performing a group call to an not programmed group.

For programming groups, see ‘Installer’s Guide’.

4.16 Automatic call back function

When an external line is requested or when another extension is called and a busy tone is heard, the ‘automatic call back’ mode will be activated automatically when hanging up.

This means that one single ring signal will inform you that the requested line or extension is free again. The ‘automatic call back’ will be de-activated when, in the mean time, any other manipulation is made on this extension.

T43 / T44 / T44 / T44 / T44 / T43 / T44

You want to call the extension 43 - hear the busy tone - on-hook again - from the moment the extension 43 get free again, your extension will ring one time.

4.17 Using the Belgacom Comfort Services over the FORUM R208

When you dispose of the Belgacom ‘Comfort’ services and you use the second call function, then you have to know that the procedure to get the second call is slightly different of the procedure when you are directly connected to the external line. If, during an external call, you receive the signal for the second call, you have to follow next procedure.

T44 / T44 / T44 / T44 / L1 / T44 / T44

Press the -button- hear the internal dial tone, the external line is put on hold - dial the code ‘87’ - There will be generated a calibrated flash (100ms) on the external line - hear the internal dial tone - dial the code ‘2’ - you get into communication with the second caller.

Tip !If you want to toggle between the 2 calls perform : (Dial tone), ‘87’ (Dial tone), ‘2’

If you dispose of a telephone set with memory locations, it is advised to program this sequence , pause, ‘87’ , pause, ‘2’ into one of these locations.

4.18 Last number Re-dial / 

The last dialled external telephone number on an extension can be re-dialled automatically when using the Re-dial code.

T46 / T46 / T46 / T46

Pick up the handset of an extension - hear the internal dial tone - dial ‘00’ - the FORUM R208 will take the external line and Re-dial the last number dialled on this extension.

4.19 Memory Dialling (speed dialling) / 

The FORUM R208 has a memory for storing 39 telephone numbers of maximum 20 digits each.