PTO General Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2013
In attendance: Mary Altimus, Dave Dunkin, Tifiny Lind, Lori Phillips, Josh Sherman, Jamie Sherman, Cori Sowa, Sarah Smith, Gina Eaton, Natalie Heyn, Joanie Schultz, Jessica Munson, Anna Wilson, Jen Brumley, Bekah Manderscheid, Lacy McCarthy, Brianna McCarthy, Christina Edmundson, Andrea Bailey, Maura Durrant, Crystal Kubista, Deanna Taub, Beckie Howell, Kristi West, Donna Sayles-Lundy, Mike Lundy, Summer Pope & Linda Blumer.
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM: Mike Lundy led the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. September Minutes: Presented by Kristi West. Motion to approve made by Beckie Howell, seconded by Linda Blumer. Motion carried.
2. Donna Sayles-Lundy presented a card to be passed around for Cheryl Roberts & family. Her father-in-law, Dale Roberts, passed away early Saturday morning. He served in the Coeur d’Alene School district for many years.
3. Jog-a-Thon: It was a huge success! Thanks to the parents, volunteers, kids, AND to Deanna Taub for chairing the event. The total so far is $21,747.69 and counting! Way to go Raccooneers!!!
4. 2013-2014 PTO Budget: Presented by Kristi West:
a. Kristi showed the changes to the budget layout, which shows more line items as well as explanation notes to the side of each item.
b. A refurbished laptop is being purchased for the PTO to allow the use of Quicken for the budget, and other very useful functions. The school office was able to share their Microsoft Office platform to save costs.
c. A change was made to the “Beach Day” line item to reflect the income generated.
d. Allotments & Teacher budget line items were explained by Principal Wilson.
e. A big THANK YOU to the board, and especially to Co-Treasurer, Kristi West, for all the diligent work on the budget.
Motion to approve the budget made by Beckie Howell, seconded by Linda Blumer. Motion carried.
5. Grants:
a. Kristi West explained the new grant form and that teachers need to submit 3 competitive price bids on each grant.
b. The following grants were presented for consideration:
i. $192.94 for entire 5th grade/Books for reading switch by Joanie Schultz. Grant passed.
ii. $400.00 for 5th Grade: Card stock for Math Manipulatives (10 pks per teacher) by Natalie Heyn. Grant was approved; however, the 3 required comparative bids were requested. Mrs. Heyn will follow up.
iii. $58.95 LIPS letter magnets for 2nd grade. Presented by Beckie Howell for Lydia Johnson. Grant passed
6. Technology:
a. Presented by Vice Principal Kubista re: 5 Otter box protective Ipad cases $299.75 for both 1st and 2nd grades. She asked that this come out of Technology funds noting the money we saved by not purchasing the Apple TVs from last year, that had been allotted. With the school almost totally wireless we no longer have a need for those. A motion to approve by Deanna Taub, seconded by Linda Blumer. Motion passed.
b. Principal Wilson explained how Ramsey, in the past 5 years, has received $58,186 in science related grants and currently is waiting to hear on more than $20,000 in additional grant applications for this year. Excel grants received recently include: $4,500 to Mrs. Schultz for virtual field trips & $2,500 for new ukuleles for Mr. Normington’s music classes.
7. Principal’s Report:
a. Vice Principal, Crystal Kubista, asked for $590.00 for a new Pilot typing program for the 4th & 5th grade classes called “Typing Pal.” This program would be implemented in 4th & 5th grades first but can be used for 2nd-5th grades later. The CdA school district will be following this pilot. Motion to approve by Deanna Taub, seconded by Linda Blumer. Motion carried.
b. Principal, Anna Wilson, made the exciting announcement that Ramsey Elementary received the 2013 “Distinguished School Award”, being 1 of 7 schools to receive this award. There were a total of 750 Idaho schools reviewed. Way to go team!!! The award will be presented on October 17th in Lewiston, ID.
8. Excel Foundation’s Big Event Auction:
a. Principal Wilson explained that this foundation was started by a group of retired educators, to be self supporting, in order to reward educators. Ramsey has been a recipient of these grants in amounts upwards of $64,000.
b. Becky Howell explained how they have an auction dinner, which is November 15th, at 5:30 PM. Ramsey has been asked to make three baskets for their auction. The themes this year are: Christmas Morning; “Man’s” Basket, and a Family Game Night basket. Volunteers are needed to donate items and asked that these items be dropped off at the Ramsey office by November 11th.
You can attend the dinner by pre-registering at
9. District PTA Alliance Report: - Presented by Kristi West: Fund raising was a big topic regarding how other schools accomplish theirs. Ramsey was a real interest to many schools concerning how well we do with the Jog-a-Thon. Kristi said Ramsey & our PTO ROCK by the incredible involvement we have!
10. Yearbook pictures: presented by Gina Eaton
a. Volunteers are needed for each grade to take pictures in the classrooms and at any events/field trips/concerts, etc. Please e-mail or call Gina if you have photos or desire to help. Email: or 208-661-5974.
11. Box Top Report: Beckie Howell presented on Ami Hoffman’s behalf:
a. Ami is our contact for this program
b. The class who collects the most box tops gets a pizza party and this happens twice a year, in January and around May.
c. To earn eBoxTops for Ramsey go to
12. PTO Volunteer Needs: Presented by Beckie Howell:
a. Santa Shop: Volunteers are needed in any capacity for this event~Please contact Santa Shop Chair Lacey Tabaracci at
b. DASH (Dynamic After School Hours): We need 2 new co-chairs for next year (2014) that can shadow/learn during this year’s DASH program. Bekah Manderscheid indicated she was interested in filling one of those positions.
13. Door prizes won by Maura Durrant & Jessica Munson
14. Meeting adjourned @ 8:08 pm.
The next scheduled PTO Meeting will be Monday, November 4th, 2013, at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Deanna Taub and Donna Sayles-Lundy
Co-Secretaries, PTO, Ramsey Elementary