Team Wheels Fundraising Project: Archie Eekhoff, son of Mike & Kris, was born & grew up in Sheldon, where his dad taught at Sheldon Christian School for 18 yrs. until his sudden death in 1995. His family attended Immanuel CRC. After completing high school, Archie moved to Ankeny, IA with his mother and brother, Michael. In 2004, Archie was involved in a car accident that paralyzed him from the chest down. After many years of pain & struggles, Archie is feeling better than he has in a long time. He is motivated to go back to college and is ready to move forward with his life. In order to become more independent, Archie needs a wheelchair accessible van. Team Wheels was organized to coordinate fundraising efforts toward the purchase of a modified van. Michael Eekhoff (Archie’s brother) has set up a savings account to deposit all donations dedicated to the purchase of a van for Archie. If you are interested in donating toward this cause, there are several options. Donate online: *website includes Archie’s story as written by his brother, pictures, and videos. Donate with cash/check donations: Checks need to be mailed directly to Michael at: 109 Evergreen Way, Everson, WA 98247. Or checks can be mailed or dropped off at: Nancy Van Otterloo, 615 9th Ave., Sheldon, IA 51201. Team Wheels requests your prayers for God’s blessing on this fundraising project and that God may receive all the praise and glory. Thank you.

How Will They Know?

A well-known 1960s song by Peter Scholtes answers an implied question: How will others know we’re Jesus disciples? Not by how we understand family values. Not by our politics or theology. Not by how many Bible verses we’ve memorized, how often we attend church or how much offering we give.

Rather, the song’s title and refrain say it all: “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.” Jesus put it this way: “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).

Sometimes love involves words – teaching, proclaiming, bearing witness to God’s presence. But if words aren’t backed by actions, they soon fall flat. We can, as the song says, “spread the news that God is in our land.” But if we don’t live like that, no one will believe it.

When we declare God’s reality but withhold kindness from neighbors, observers rightly question whether we follow God who presence we announce. But “if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us” (1 John 4:12).

Sunday, May 8,2016

We gather to worship the Lord Jesus: Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end (Revelation 22:13). Welcome, brothers and sisters!

Today at First

This morning, we welcome Rev. Aldon Kuiper to our pulpit. Pastor Luke is leading worship at Sibley CRC as part of a pulpit exchange. The Welcome Committee hosts the coffee fellowship after the service. Join us for coffee & juice in the fellowship hall.

This evening, we welcome the congregation from Immanuel CRC,

as they worship with us for our Ascension Day Service.

Next week, the Welcome Committee will host the coffee fellowship.

Check the Prayer Bulletin for congregational prayer needs.

Greeters- Today am Tyler & Janelle Vander ZwaagpmAbe & Dean Van Dyke

May15amTom & Helen Van DykepmDave & Jill Van Essen

Nursery- Todayam Amy B., Laura K., Keana W., Kenedie K. pmAdam & Krista V.M.

May15am Joan H., Jill V.E., Emma B., Jacob C. pmArlo & Connie Heynen

Christian Ret. Home & Village NW–TodayJack ZylstraMay15Jerry Balt

Library–TodayElinor May15Joellen

Offerings- TodayChristian Education Fund

May 15Minn-ia-kota Youth; Association for a more Just Society

Hearing Impaired Assistance: We offer assistive listening devices for the hearing

impaired. They are located on the narthex table in a basket.

First CRC Announcements:

  • People picking up Ruth Roetman, 362 Village Circle, SW of Wansink Ctr. House # (712) 631-4515. Please call Ruth Sun. morning to see if she is planning to go to church.
  • Grocery Shower – There is one more week to participate in the grocery shower. Let’s fill the tables with groceries for the couples.
  • Library: The Jerusalem Chronicles has been added to the library. This is a tree book series by Bodie & Broke Thoene. This series is rooted in the secrets of the Old Testament. Hopefully readers will have a better understanding of the Bible.

Activities this Week

Sun. 6:00 PM Evening Worship Service

Mon. 5:45 AM Men’s Bible Study

Wed. 6:30 PM Elders

7:00 PM Deacons

8:00 PM Council

First CRC Announcements Continued…

  • May 22, after the a.m. service we will hold our annual Congregational Meeting where we will elect new Elders/Deacons/Western Board Member. Elder Nominees:

Harlan Bolkema, Joel Bousema, Shane Hoekstra, Ryan Kats, Keith Kleinwolterink, Leroy Kreykes, Kent Nieuwendorp, Jerry Reed, Pete Van Velzen. Deacon Nominees: Alex Arkema, Dusty Doppenberg, Dolan Granstra, Brian Hengeveld, Jevon Klyn,

Greg Nieuwendorp, Jon Nieuwendorp, Adam Van Meeteren. Western Board Nominees: Darin Granstra, Connie Heynen, & Mark Kleinwolterink.

  • June 5 a.m. service -there will be installation of new officebearers.

Young People’s Announcements:

  • YPS Members going on Serve – We put a form in your church mailbox that needs to be signed by both the student & parents and returned to Keith & Kristin’s mailbox. Also, just a reminder that $100/child attending needs to be turned in SOON! Thanks!
  • We need one female chaperone to go on Serve to Crown Point, IN July 9-16. Please consider this opportunity! If interested, contact KeithKristin Kleinwolterink.

Sheldon Christian Society Meeting – Thurs., May 12, 7 p.m. in the gym. Agenda includes approving ’16-’17 budget and election of board/foundation members. Society members will select three board members from the following nominees: Jena Dykstra, Keith Habben, Arlo Heynen, Adam Van Meeteren, and Mark Wieringa. One foundation nominee will also be selected from the following nominees: Duane Haack and Lee Schemper.

Unity Christian Announcements:

  • Pro-life Tip Night – Wed. May 11, 5-8:30 p.m. at Sx Ctr Pizza Ranch. Sponsored byUnity’s Anatomy/Physiology class. Our hope is to raise the awareness of the humanity of the unborn. The money raised will help purchase a 4-D ultrasound machine for Cornerstone for Life Pregnancy Resource Center in Storm Lake. Come out, enjoy some great food & fellowship and raise money for a wonderful Pro-life cause!
  • UCHS is seeking applications for a part time kitchen position for the‘16-‘17 school year. To receive an application or learn more about duties/hours, contact Becky Scholten .

Western Christian- A current Western student, whose parent needs to move out-of-state for employment, is looking for a family to host him so he can finish his senior year at Western. If you feel called to investigate this opportunity to serve, contact Dan Barkel, Western Christian Principal 439-1013 or email him

Community Announcements:

  • SCAT Fundraiser Supper – Mon., May 16, 5-7 p.m. at NCC’s LLRC in conjunction with Sanford Sheldon’s Health Fair. Supper includes ribeye steak sandwich or burger with salad, beans & dessert. Advance tickets - $8 ribeye, $6 burger. Tickets at door $1 more. Proceeds go toward purchase of a Life Pack 15 defibrillator. Tickets, contact SCAT member now or Vogel Paint & Glass after May 2.
  • Calling all Crossroad Bible Institute Instructors! CBI is holding a Crossroad Convention Thurs., May 19, 7 p.m. at Covenant CRC - Sx Ctr. This is an opportunity for Crossroad Instructors and people interested in the ministry to celebrate CBI’s success and look to the future. Executive Director Lisa Blystra will bring updates from the ministry, and cast vision for the future. She also wants to hear your ideas and answer your questions. Contact CBI at 1-800-668-2480 or .
  • Annual RISE Ministries Fly-In Pancake Breakfast during the Tulip Festival – Sat., May 21, 7-11 a.m. Come and stop by the Orange City Airport Hanger to get your fill of pancakes for breakfast and watch planes land and take off! Free will donations, all proceeds go to RiseFest 2016. See you at the airport!
  • 11thAnnualRun, Walk & Roll – Sat., June 4, sponsored by Village NW Unlimited. A 5k & 10k run and 1 mile walk/roll. Join us as we support adults w/disabilities. Sign up today! Register at or call Samantha 324-5416 for more info.
  • 6th Annual Wellness on Wheels Bicycle Ride – Sat., June 4. Four rides offered: 60-mile paved route, 30-mile paved route, 30-mile gravel route and 6-mile Fun Ride. The event will raise funds for Promise, a nonprofit health center with a mission of reaching underserved people in NW IA. Register at or forms on table.

The Ascension Challenge

Ever wonder what it might have been like to be a disciple when Jesus ascended into heaven? He gave them the monumental task of making disciples of all the world. Plus, they’d have to do it without relying on Jesus’ physical presence, as they had until then. Were the disciples overwhelmed, uncertain, afraid?

Maybe, yet they went on to spread the gospel throughout the world nonetheless. They rose to the challenge because they fixed their gaze as they watched Jesus disappear into the clouds.

When we follow that example, offering ourselves as willing servants and keeping our eyes trained on Jesus instead of our circumstances, there’s no limit to what God can accomplish through us.

May8, 2016 Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Guest Pastor – Rev. Aldon Kuiper

Organist – Alvina Krikke Pianist – Brenda Fykstra

Prelude: “Day by Day”, “Thou Art Worthy Medley”, “His Eye is On the Sparrow”,

“We Worship and Adore You/He is Lord”

*Opening Song: 327:1-3 “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”

Opening Service

Call to Worship

Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: 315:1-4 “O Worship the King, All-glorious Above”

*God’s Greeting

Service of Confession and Assurance

God’s Will For Life

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Song of Gratitude: 314:1-3 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Service of the Word

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:10-20

Prayer of Illumination

Sermon Title: Always Rejoicing in God Who Always Provides

Prayer for Application

Service of Dedication

*Song of Dedication: 299:1, 2, 4, 6 “O Lord, Thou Art My God and King”

Congregational Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund

Offertory: “The King is Coming”

*Doxology: 493 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”


*Moment of Silent Reflection

Postlude: “Like a River Glorious”

* Please stand, if able.

May8,2016Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.

Pastor Luke Wynjaand Pastor Kevin Muyskens

*Mutual Greeting

We Gather to Worship

Call to Worship: Psalm 24

Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: “A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing”

*God’s Greeting


*Song of Praise: 34 (S) “Our God Reigns”

Litany for Ascension Day

Confessing our Faith: Heidelberg Catechism 49-51

*The Apostle’s Creed

*The Gloria Patri: 492 “Glory Be to the Father”

Silent Confession of Sin

The Lord’s Prayer

Assurance of Pardon

Offering for Christian Education Fund

We Hear God’s Word

Hymn of Preparation:“Speak, O Lord”

The Scripture Passage: Hebrews 7:11-28

The Sermon Title: The One Who Intercedes

The Prayer of Application

We Respond in Faith

*Song of Dedication: 399:1-5 “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er The Sun”

Congregational Prayer

*The Challenge to Grateful Living

*The Benediction

*The Moment of Reflection

* Please stand, if able.