Director, Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium

How to apply

  1. Download the Job Description from
  2. Fill in this application form with reference to the job description, and save it with your name and the job title as the file name
  3. Write a covering letter, highlighting how your qualifications and experience match with that required in the job description
  4. Email to Catherine Martin, , by noon on June13th 2016
  • your application form, your covering letter and, if you wish, your CV

By applying you give your consent for your data to be recorded and stored by Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium

Applications received after the deadline, noon on Monday 13th June, will not be considered.

Once the deadline has passed, Winchester Science Centre will select candidates for interview.

If shortlisted you will be contacted and scheduled for an interview,which will be held on Friday 24th June at the Holiday Inn, Telegraph Way, Winchester SO21 1HZ. There will be five Trustees on the interview panel, and a practical task for interviewees.

If you are not shortlisted you will be informed via email on Friday 17th June.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the vacancy or process please contact Catherine Martin, by email in the first instance () giving brief details of your enquiry.

We regret we will not respond to any agency enquiries.


A. Personal details

First name / Last name and preferred title
Address / Work permit required?
Yes/No (Asylum & Immigration Act 1996)
Preferred telephone contact / Email address

C. Where did you hear about this job?

D. Future job opportunities at the Winchester Science Centre

If you are not selected for interview for this post, would you like us to keep your details on file and contact you about future opportunities at the Winchester Science Centre? Yes/No


1. Employment history

2. What interests you about this role at this point in your career?

3Of which of your achievements to date are you most proud?

4. Outline your planned achievements for the first year of this role

5. Education and qualifications

Formal education

Any additional qualifications or relevant training courses you have attended.

6. Other relevant information

Please use this space to tell us about any other relevant information you would like us to consider in assessing your application.

And finally:

The post requires that the employee can pass a DBS check.

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence in the UK or Northern Ireland? Yes/No

If yes, please give full details:

I confirm that the information submitted on this application form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Name / Date

Please continue on to fill the monitoring form on the next page…


The information on this page is removed on receipt, and is not used to shortlist candidates for interview.

Winchester Science Centre is opposed to discrimination on any grounds. We therefore operate selection policies designed to ensure that all applicants are treated equally regardless of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic or national origin. All applications will be judged solely on merit. In accordance with the Codes of Practice of the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission we monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policies, and therefore ask all applicants to provide the following details.

The information you provide is for monitoring purposes only; it will be kept separate from your application form and will not form part of the selection process.

Name / Gender
Date of Birth / Age
Nationality / Place of birth

Ethnic Origin

These categories are recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality

Please highlight as appropriate

A White / B Mixed / C Asian or Asian British
Any other White background -
please write below / White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background -
please write below / Indian
Any other Asian background -
please write below
D Black or Black British / E Chinese or Other ethnic group
Any other Black background -
please write below / Chinese
Any other -
please write below


The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Please give details of your special needs in the workplace, if any

Thank you for applying to Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium: Director application formpage 1 of 5