Fort Wayne Area PTA Council

January 2016

Dear Fundraising Representative,

The Fort Wayne Area PTA Council which represents fifty + schools in Northeast Indiana and approximately 30,000 parents will be sponsoring a Fundraising Expo. It is our desire to offer the units we represent an all encompassing fundraising experience and an honorable group of vendors from which to choose. We are offering your company the opportunity to participate in this event. Your company has been highly recommended to us as an appropriate vendor and we would like for you to share information about your company and products with our membership. The Expo will be held:

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

5:00-7:00 p.m.

North Side High School

425 E. State Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana

The Council will be charging a nominal $50.00 non-refundable (one) table fee (additional tables will be available for $25.00 each). These fees will underwrite scholarships for our units to attend the state convention in May. If your company would also like to exhibit at our state convention, information is available at If it is your wish to participate in the Council’s event, please fill out the enclosure and return it and your table fee by Monday, February 15, 2016. Table locations will be assigned as reservation forms are returned. We look forward to hosting your company at this event and to a wonderful partnership in the future.


Tony Distelrath Tina Hartman

260-466-4352 260-417-2733

Fort Wayne Area PTA Council

Fort Wayne Area PTA Council Fundraising Expo

Reservation Form

Company Name______

Representative’s Name______

Mailing address______

Telephone Number______

Email Address______

Electric Outlet Needed No______Yes______

Special Requests______

**Confirmation will be sent to the above email prior to the Expo date.

**Deadline for reservations: February 15, 2016

Please Mail this form and the $50.00 non-refundable Fee to:

Please make check out to: FWAC PTA

Mail to : Tony Distelrath

9020 Wyndmoor Drive

Fort Wayne, Indiana