Brain Dominance issues causing ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities

Holistic Approach to Self-Explore the cause of Neurological conditions

Case studies included



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Information provided in this book or on the website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information in this book or on the website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment.

About Kaashvi

Kaashvi is a holistic therapist practicing Pranic Healing, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Acupressure Massage, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Nutrition therapy for the past 7 years. Her aim is to bring awareness of holistic therapies across the world.

She is an active contributor of Fettle Genie a health care website aimed at spreading the knowledge of holistic therapies.

She aims to guide families with special needs with her knowledge gained through extensive research on learning disabilities.

She strongly believes that any condition can be healed if one can identify the cause of that condition.

Her extensive research about the causes of ADHD, Holistic therapies for ADHD can be found at

You can contact kaashvi at .

Table of Contents

· Individual Journey to self-explore the root cause of ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities

· How is brain classified into two hemispheres and who has developed the concept of brain classification?

· What are the functions of the right brain hemisphere and left brain hemisphere?

· How do the left and right brain hemispheres communicate?

· What is brain hemisphere dominance or brain dominance?

· What is a dominant part?

· How many dominance profiles are defined?

· Which brain hemisphere is involved for true learning to take place?

· How learning gets difficult depending on the dominant parts and dominant brain?

· What are the characteristics of the Right-Brained people?

· What are the characteristics of the Left-Brained people?

· What are the characteristics of the Cross Dominant people?

· What are the characteristics of Mixed Dominant or ambidextrous people?

· How to check your brain dominance?

· Why people with neurological disorders like ADHD are considered Right brained?

· What are the more dominant right-brained skills in the people struggling with ADHD?

· What are the less dominant left-brained skills in the people struggling with ADHD?

· How does the functioning of ADHD brain differ from that of a non-ADHD brain?

· How does the brain function in Right-Brained children with ADHD?

· How does the Right-Brain dominance influence a child's learning ability?

· What is the most appropriate way to teach Right-Brained children with ADHD?

· Which holistic methods can help overcome brain dominance issues and achieve a balanced brain?

· How to use the holistic brain balancing methods to overcome dominance issues and achieve a balanced brain?

· My Books

Individual Journey to self-explore the root cause of ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities

ADHD is diagnosed by health professionals by observing a child's behavior. There are no brain scans, blood tests or any other tests which can diagnose ADHD.

Now a day’s we see too many ADHD diagnosis made by health care professionals across the world.

Before concluding an ADHD diagnosis, how many health care professionals are considering or suggesting factors like food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, environmental factors and emotional factors etc which can cause ADHD / aggravate ADHD symptoms / in some cases cause symptoms like ADHD?

ADHD is generally described as genetic neurological disorders. While this may be true in some cases, it may not be true for everybody.

There are various triggering conditions or factors which can cause ADHD like symptoms.

Are you sure that your health care practitioner is aware of those ADHD triggers which can cause ADHD or ADHD like symptoms?

Before confirming an ADHD diagnosis how many of the ADHD triggering factors are cross checked by your health care practitioner to find out the root cause of your ADHD symptoms?

Most of the diagnoses are done without looking at the condition holistically and without even attempting to find out the actual cause of your ADHD symptoms.

According to FDA guidelines "Your child’s vision, hearing, and anything else that may contribute to inattention should also be checked before confirming ADHD diagnosis”.

Do you know that most of you are trying to mask ADHD symptoms through medication which would never cure the condition rather mask the symptoms and may not be even useful in controlling the emotional aspects of the condition leading to various unnecessary side-effects?

Medication not being a cure for ADHD there is no point in using it to manage the symptoms unless the cause of your ADHD symptoms is properly identified and addressed.

Many of the people not being aware of the ADHD triggering factors or conditions settle for ADHD diagnosis without even attempting to look at the condition holistically for finding the root cause of their ADHD symptoms.

For example, behavior problems caused due to the environmental toxin exposure will stay intact even if you medicate the person with Ritalin. The proper treatment methodology would be to identify the root cause of the symptoms and address it holistically.

Various studies have suggested that ADHD symptoms can be caused due to several triggering factors / conditions and so there is no single treatment which can suit to everybody as the triggers might differ.

It’s time for you to decide whether you continue to be part of the rat race or think out of the box and explore the ADHD triggers in your life to find the root cause of your condition.

We are here with these self-exploring guides to help you in your journey, if you are searching for the root cause behind your or your child's ADHD.

In this journey, we will guide you to identify the root cause of your ADHD symptoms by making you traverse through a series of possible ADHD triggers/conditions and help identify the triggers/conditions responsible for your ADHD symptoms.

Identifying the triggering factor of your ADHD symptoms can help you in developing an integrated treatment plan for your ADHD.

We welcome you to travel with us to self explore the root cause of your ADHD symptoms with minimal professional help and find the best solution to eliminate ADHD symptoms completely.

Are you ready to travel this self exploring journey with us?

If yes, then we expect you to have patience and commitment towards this journey as you find the unique triggers responsible for your unique ADHD symptoms.

Our aim through this series of self exploring guides in finding the root cause of ADHD is:

· To help you identify the triggering factors/conditions of your or your child’s ADHD symptoms by making you aware of various factors/conditions responsible for ADHD symptoms.

· To help you further explore the probable options to identify the inner conditions if any responsible for ADHD symptoms.

· To help you make accurate diagnosis of the root cause responsible for ADHD symptoms.

· To help you develop an integrated treatment plan for your ADHD.

This guide is about identifying the brain dominance issues which mimic ADHD symptoms or make ADHD symptoms worse and in some cases these brain dominance issues might alone be responsible for ADHD symptoms.

Note: In this book ADHD is used to refer to neurological conditions but the content of this book is very much applicable for neurological disorders like Autism and Learning Disabilities.

How is brain classified into two hemispheres and who has developed the concept of brain classification?

The human brain is classified into two halves and termed as ‘hemispheres’. These halves are commonly called the right hemisphere/brain and left hemisphere/brain.

This classification or concept of right hemisphere/brain and left hemisphere/brain thinking is developed from the research in the late 1960s by an American psychobiologist Roger W Sperry who discovered that the human brain has two very different ways of thinking.

The right brain is visual oriented and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the picture and then the details. It controls reading and writing, calculation, and logical thinking.

The left brain is verbal oriented and processes information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole. It controls three-dimensional sense, creativity, and artistic senses.

Sperry was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1981 for his discovery. You can view his achievement @

The shapes of the two hemispheres of brain are similar, but differences have been found in their functions. These two hemispheres work together collectively and allow us to function as humans.

What are the functions of the right brain hemisphere and left brain hemisphere?

The right hemisphere of the brain controls muscles on the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the human body.

According to Brain dominance theory each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. People are said to prefer one type of thinking over the other. A person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective. A person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.

Left hemisphere is dominant in language processing i.e. it processes what one hears and handles most of the duties of speaking. It's also in charge of carrying out logic and mathematical computations, which means the left hemisphere is active in linear, practical, rational and time oriented activities. When you need to retrieve a fact; your left brain pulls it from your memory.

Right hemisphere oversees spatial abilities, face recognition and processing music. It performs rough estimations and comparisons of mathematics. The brain's right side also helps us to comprehend visual imagery and make sense of what we see. It also plays a role in language, particularly in interpreting context and a person's tone. The right hemisphere is much more creative, analogical, holistic and non-logical.

How do the left and right brain hemispheres communicate?

The left and right hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum which is a complex system of over two hundred million nerve fibers that allow the communication between these two hemispheres.

Each hemisphere in the human brain controls physical movement and responses on the opposite side of the body.

The left and right hemisphere function as separate parts, but the corpus callosum allows for functioning as a unified person.

The more both hemispheres are activated by usage they keep forming more connections across the corpus callosum. The more connections, the faster the processing between both hemispheres and the more intelligently we are able to function.

What is brain hemisphere dominance or brain dominance?

Brain hemisphere dominance or Brain dominance defines which hemisphere of the brain is more dominantly active in a person or is used by a person.

A person’s brain could act in different ways depending on the side of the brain being used at the moment.

Let us look at some brain dominance types:

Right brain dominance - Right side of the brain is predominant where in the person is mostly left handed.

Left brain dominance - Left side of the brain is predominant where in the person is mostly right handed.

Cross brain dominance – Brains are cross-lateralized / mixed dominant / cross dominant where in the handedness and/or dominant foot are not on the same side as the dominant eye and ear.

Ambidextrous – No brain dominance where in the person do not have a dominant hand and they can eat, write and throw a ball with both hands with the same ease.

What is a dominant part?

The dominant part is the one which one prefers to write with, hit with, kick with, and turn their head toward to hear with.

A completely organized child will have a dominant hand, foot, ear and eye on the same side. If there is no complete dominance, it shows a degree of neurological disorganization.

How many dominance profiles are defined?

There are 16 different ways each hemisphere can be linked to the dominant eye, ear, hand and foot. This creates a total of 32 different learning profiles which cover all the possible combinations of eye, ear, hand, foot and brain wiring.

There are some basic differences and are required to be understood to evaluate and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of children.

By understanding the Brain Dominance Profile one can relate to how that person takes in, assimilates, and processes information.

Which brain hemisphere is involved for true learning to take place?

The dominant brain hemisphere guides the learning process, but both hemispheres are necessary for true learning to take place.

How learning gets difficult depending on the dominant parts and dominant brain?

For the people having the dominant parts and the dominant brain on the opposite side (i.e. left hemisphere controls all parts on the right side or right hemisphere controls all the parts on the left side) at times of new learning or stress, the transfer of information from the non-dominant hemisphere is greatly decreased leaving the dominant brain hemisphere to carry on primary functioning.

If the dominant eye, ear, hand, or foot is on the same side as the dominant brain, the sensory information is greatly decreased during the processing of information causing glitches in the learning process. Unfortunately lacking key sensory information makes person feel stuck and overwhelmed because their brain is not processing in an efficient and integrated way. This creates a temporary inability to move forward smoothly.

Let us look some of the dominance profiles for which learning difficulties might occur.

Persons with totally right limited profile (Right Brain Hemisphere, right dominant eye, right dominant ear, right dominant hand and foot), are at a great disadvantage when under stress because they cannot see, hear, move or communicate. This is the main profile seen in Special Education classes. Many of the innovative thinkers have had this profile.

Cross dominance is another profile related to learning disabilities. In cross dominance, your handedness and/or dominant foot are not on the same side as your dominant eye and ear.

An ambidextrous person does not have a dominant hand and they can eat, write, and perhaps throw a ball with both hands with the same ease. Studies have shown that when people naturally gravitate toward using their right hand, the left hemisphere of the brain is more dominant. In mixed-handed people, it appears to be less clear that one side of the brain is more dominant over the other.