Forsooth Circle Game
This game/exercise is similar to vocal energy passing games like Whoosh, Zip Zap Zop, or Schwing Bong. Everybody gathers in a circle. One person starts the action and sends energy around the circle by clenching their fist and swinging their arm in front of them to the left or right, passing to the next person by saying the word: “Forsooth!” Each individual says “Forsooth” enthusiastically as it continues around the circle until another command is given by a member of the circle. These commands include the following:
Nay: An individual holds their hands up in the air and rejects the Forsooth, thus reversing the direction of the energy. Participants then continue with Forsooth.
Thou villain: An individual throws accusatory energy across the circle, points at another player and says Thou villain. The receiver then continues with Forsooth, or counters with a Nay.
Methinks you are my glass: An individual looks across the circle, makes eye contact with another player and throws the energy to them. The two change places in the circle making a connecting sound.
Is this a dagger I see before me?Individual says the line in the middle of the circle (as if seeing a ghostly object). All players produce daggers and say the word Schwing. One player (anyone, the first to say it,) says “Happy dagger this is thy sheath”and plunges it into their own heart.
Speak hands for me:An individual grabs a person on either side of them and pushes them into the circle and says: Speak hands for me. Every member of the circle stabs the appointed Caesar. The Caesar (stabbed individual) while dying says “Et tu Brute!” and passes energy to another (Brutus) who then starts the Forsooth.
Turn, hellhound, turn: An individual points an accusatory sword-like finger across the circle at another player. The player then spins around in a circle.
To be, or not to be: An individual says “To be, or not to be” and points at another player, the other player then must dramatically say, in their own style; “That is the question.”
Lord, what fools these mortals be: All players run around the circle/room in foolish ways and return to different parts of the circle.
The group can create any other prompt using any other line. Find lines that encourage participants to connect the line with vocalization, physicality, and other acting partners that reflect moments from Shakespeare’s plays. For example: Think when we talk of horses that you see them, or, O for a Muse of fire, O, full of scorpions in my mind, dear wife, etc.