Forrest Gump Plot Breakdown
The 1994 film Forrest Gump was directed by Robert Zemeckis and acted out by Tom Hanks. This film is about the life of an Alabama man with an I.Q. of 75. He found love at a young age and went through a lot of adventures through the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s to make his love real, to Find God, and to enjoy life. Excellent description of plot!!
The exposition: The story mainly takes place in Savannah Georgia at a bus stop in 1981. The main setting changes a lot within the actual film because most of the movie is a story Forrest tells about his life up until then. In Forrest’s early years he wasn’t respected because of his low I.Q. So he wasn’t very happy at 1st. Later on in the film, the story setting changes from the stories to Forrest’s present life.
Inciting incident: There are 2 inciting incidents within the story because there are 2 main plots. Plot 1 is the Forrest and Jenny love story plot. The other is the set of stories of Forrest’s adventures plot. In the plot 1 inciting incident, Forrest goes on the bus for school and no one lets him sit down except Jenny. Jenny meeting Forrest sparks their relationship throughout the movie. In plot 2, Forrest breaks out of his leg braces when he runs from bullies that try to hurt him and discovers one of his major talents which is running. This is the 1st of the many talents Forrest discovers. Yes, great structure!
Rising action: The main goal for the film was for Forrest to be with Jenny. Throughout most of the film Jenny makes bad decisions such as joining Playboy, hooking up with guys, joining a gentlemen’s club, joining with hippies and doing drugs. Forrest wants to be with Jenny forever throughout the entire movie but Jenny tries to push him away because she feels that they must go their separate ways and she feels that Forrest cannot handle a relationship very well. Include Jenny’s seemingly “final” rejection of Forrest here because that is the scene that leads directly to the turning point.
Turning point: The turning point of the film is when Forrest decided to go running for 3 years as a direct result of Jenny leaving after her visit to his house. The 3-year run was an escape from Forrest’s past so that he could prepare himself for the future. The run was also the last of Forrest’s many exciting and famous adventures. Yes!
Falling action: After Jenny hears about Forrest’s famous 3-year run, she suspects that he was running for her. After he was done running, Jenny sent him a letter telling him to come visit her in Georgia. When Forrest visits Jenny, he meets Forrest jr. and discovers that he is Forrest’s father. After he discovers that, Jenny asks him to marry her. They get married and move to Forrest’s home in Alabama with little Forrest.
Resolution: After Forrest and Jenny get married; Jenny falls ill of a disease and dies which leaves Forrest to take care of little Forrest. This does sound sad at 1st but Forrest starts to connect to his son more ever since. The ending with little Forrest at the bus stop parallels Forrest’s 1st time at the bus stop which exposes a like father like son situation.
Protagonist: Forrest is the protagonist because the movie is about him, his adventures and his quest for Jenny’s love.
Antagonist: Jenny’s conscience is the antagonist because she is always self convinced to do a lot of bad things that keep her away from Forrest like doing drugs, hooking up with guys, joining playboy, the hippies and the gentlemen’s club. Excellent analysis!
Supporting characters: The 3 main supporting characters are Bubba, Forrest’s Mama, and Lt. Dan. Bubba has been Forrest’s best good friend in Vietnam and is the main reason why Forrest started his shrimping business. Forrest’s Mama has cared for him throughout his early years and helps Forrest with his view on life and his faith in God. Lt. Dan supports Forrest by helping him with the shrimping business and challenges Forrest’s faith in God while in New York and in Alabama. Eventually, Lt. Dan realizes there is a will to live even without his legs.
The shrimping career is the most diverse sub plot because it has to do with the subject of Forrest’s faith and Lt. Dan’s eventual will to live. After Bubba died, Forrest made a promise to go shrimping for him. In new york, he told Lt. Dan that and he jokingly said: the day you become a shrimping boat captain is the day I become your 1st mate. When Forrest becomes captain of the Shrimp boat Jenny, Lt. Dan goes to become his 1st mate as a man of his word. In the 1st couple of tries, they had no luck finding a lot. Lt. Dan asks where Forrest’s God was, and he supposedly showed himself during a hurricane, which destroyed all the shrimping boats except theirs. After the storm, there was a huge supply of fish from the water that they were able to catch. This gave Lt. Dan a will to live and spawned the Bubba Gump co. Good detail!
Central theme: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.
Meets Requirements10/10