Minutes of the meeting of The Crypt School Governors 6th October, 2014
The Crypt School
Minutes of the meeting of the full Governing Body held on 6th October 2014 at 4.00pm
Present:Richard James (Chair), Jonathan Standen (Headmaster), Clare Chad-Daniels, David Preece,Gordon Taylor, Pat Burdett, Birgit Whitman.
Attendees:Joanne Hitchings (Company Secretary/Finance Manager), Nick Dyer (Deputy Head), Janette Hicks (Clerk)
Apologies:Grant Stevens (Work), Mike Evans, John Horsey,Glenn Webster (Vice-Chair), Jeremy Bird.
Year 12 Report presented by Rob Briggs & Paulina Kirkpatrick:
Rob and Paulina commenced their presentation by displaying the AS results for 2014, highlighting that the results achieved were the second best raw results, and outstanding valueadded.Key to the presentation was the fact that this year 12’s attainment against predictors was outstanding due to the extensive intervention programme carried out following the release of mock grades & pupil progress in January. Paulina guided governors through the details of the intervention programme including the use of recovery plans and strategic withdrawals. Paulina continued her presentation by advising governors that although the intervention programme used this year seems effective and sustainable, effectiveness could be improved further by imposing the dropping of subjects more forcefully and greater involvement from HODs in the intervention process. The governors responded positively to the intervention programme and the structure of support available to students. RDJ praised the team for the excellent A level results achieved this year.
G&T Review and NACE Success presented by Ash Bawden:
Ash announced to governors that The Crypt had achieved the NACE award, being the 309th school nationally to gain the award. Ash took the governors through the key strengths as identified by the NACE Assessor (Heather Clements) including; a whole school ethos of high ambition and expectations, departmental specific provision, highly successful Oxbridge programme and CPD programme. Ash explained that the priority for 2014/2015 was to further strengthen the school’s position by securing governor representation for the More Able, Gifted and Talented Policy. Ash advised governors that Helen Clements was due at the school on the 18th November to work with HODs and SLT on departmental development of the NACE framework.
Governors quizzed Ash on the possibility of tension existing between gifted and non gifted students. Ash explained to governors that students were no longer tagged and the provision for more able students although comes with a set criteria that is accessible to all. JPS further explained to governors that the presence of G&T students tended to result in other students being pulled up to achieve better results.
ITEM / SUBJECT / ACTIONApologies received:as above, approved by Governors.
Minutes of the last meeting: Approved
Matters arising from previous meetings:
The possibility of lowering the school entrance requirements was considered to be a discussion point and not a suggested consideration.
Chairman’s Report:
Board of Governor Structure Changes.
RDJ advised governors of the following:
- PB to remain on the board until April 2015.
- Due to work pressures John Horsey has requested a step down to a ‘silent governor’ role until September 2015. All governors agreed.
- Departure of PB with an educational background in April 2015 will require the remaining board to consider the recruitment of a governor with an educational bias. RDJ raised the possibility of approaching retired headmasters within the area.
- RDJ highlighted the benefits of recruiting working governors but also to recognise that due to their difficultly committing time;these people could be called upon only when required.
- Remaining governors to stay on the board post elections and for a requirement for a further four governors to join the board was identified.
RDJ informed governors that Nick Dyer had been interviewed for the role of Headmaster and had accepted the position. The appointment of Nick as the new Headmaster, commencing next term was agreed by Governors.
RDJ informed governors that the appointment process to recruit a new Deputy Head was due to commence with panel interviews on the 4th and 7th November. RDJ advised governors that4 governors were required on the interview panel. Governors agreed delegation to the interview panel to make the appointment.
Company Secretary Report :
Business Declarations
JH requested for all completed forms to be sent to her ASAP. New requirement for the information to be available on the school website.
Scheme of Delegation
Governors recommended the following amendments:
- Point 4 to include audit committee
- Point 6 recommendation to change monetary levels
- Points 18 & 21 to include Deputy Head
Committee Chairs
- Points 32, 40 & 62 to include GB at level 1
- Additional point to be included to cover policies to be reviewed by GB.
JH requested for each committee to review their terms of reference and submit changes prior to the next governors meeting (8th December)
Audit Committee Membership
JH advised governors on the following
- The committee needs to meet once a term
- Meetings should be attended by JH and Headmaster
- Responsible Officer could become an audit committee member with the benefit that Responsible Officer tasks could be shared amongst the audit committee members. Mike Evans to be informed of this proposal.
- Audit Committee Chair required.
- Governors to review the role of the audit committee.
Governors Self Evaluation
JH requested for the Governor Skills Matrix to be completed by all and sent to her ASAP. JH explained to governors of the increasing focus on the skill set of the governing board and that the matrix is required to recognise skill gaps, strengths and weaknesses.
RDJ proposed a seminar to analyse the effectiveness of the governing board. Potential date (prior to Xmas) to be issued by JH.
Academies Handbook
JH requested that all governors read the required sections of the handbook appropriate to their role on the governing board. Audit Committee members are required to read all sections of the handbook.
The Role of the Responsible Officer
Role and timetable to be reviewed at the next audit committee meeting.
Governor Elections
JH advised Governors that Parent Governor elections would take place after Christmas. RDJ and JH to have meeting to discuss requirements
Risk Register
JH advised governors that the risk register had been updated with JPS and ND. JH suggested that a review of the risk register needs to take place twice a year.
The following amendments were suggested by Governors
- Remove initials and replace with job titles
- Insurance exclusions to be extracted from the insurance policy and used as part of the risk assessment.
- Strategic risk needs to be raised from impact 3 to 5, and mgt risk from 2 to 3
- Purchase price risk. BW comment: who monitors confidential waste disposal – does the school need to demonstrate due diligence checks?
- Environmental Legislation. BW comment: who monitors purchase/use & waste disposal of chemicals/biological materials?
- Data Protection. BW comment: raise impact from 3 to 5?
Headmaster’s Report :
Exam Results
JPS confirmed to governors that the exam results for 2014 were outstanding. Governors agreed to subsidise the Christmas lunch as a vote of thanks to staff.
Staffing Update
All new staff joined as expected in September.
Deficit Reduction Strategy
JPS provided governors with a strategy paper regarding the potential funding issue in 2016/2017. BW identified that the proposed changes were high impact. JPS advised governors that the school was in a strong position with healthy reserves to deal with the cuts.
Handover Arrangements
JPS outlined the handover arrangements with ND within the Headmaster’s report.
Activities Week
Following concerns that the activities week lackedvalue; JPS presented the timetable for 2014 and the success of the activities week. BW and CCD stated that the week was key and invaluable.
Ofsted Inspection changes
JPS outlined the revision and key features of the Ofsted framework within the Headmaster’s Report.
New Build
Due to commence shortly.
Teaching School Status
JPS departure means there will need to be a designation review but confident that status will be re-confirmed.
Committee Reports:
Admissions: PB advised governors of an intake of 127 (16 from appeals). Appears to be the brightest year group to date. Next year test day went like clockwork and 350 letters of test success have been sent out. JB to take over as chair due to PB departure in April 2015. BW to become a committee member.
Property Health and Safety: Meeting re-scheduled. Date TBC
Policy Reviews
Charges: Approved
Fixed Assets: Approved
Fire: Approved (but a procedure not a policy)
SEN: Approved. Charges will be required when nature of changes is known in coming year.
Social Media: changes required to ex-pupil definition. Removal of professional contacts paragraph. Clarification with regard to computer usage monitoring. / GT
Next Meeting
8th December 2014
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