Formulas and Names of Binary Metal-Nonmetal Compounds

  1. The name of the metal is first (ie: NaCl, sodium chloride)
  2. The name of the nonmetal has -ide added (ie: NaCl sodium chloride)
  3. IF the metal has more than one possible charge
  4. With the Stock Method you must indicate which ion using the charge in roman numerals (ie: FeCl2 Iron (II) chloride).
  5. Alternatively the common name may be used if the metal has more than one possible ion. Here use the Latin root and then add -ous for the lower charge. -ic for the higher charge.
  6. FeCl2 ferrous chloride
  7. FeCl3 ferric chloride
  8. More examples showing the two different systems:

Compound / Stock Method / Common Name
FeF2 / iron (II) fluoride / ferrous fluoride
FeF3 / iron (III)fluoride / ferric fluoride
Hg2Br2 / mercury (I) bromide / mercurous bromide
HgBr2 / mercury (II) bromide / mercuric bromide

Formulas and Names of Binary Nonmetal-Nonmetal Compounds

  1. Systematic Nomenclature:
  2. For names start with element to the left side on the periodic table
  3. add -ide to the second element
  4. use Greek prefixes for number of atoms: mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, hexa, hepta, octa, nona, deca
  5. Example:
  6. CO carbon monoxide
  7. CO2 carbon dioxide
  8. N2O5 dinitrogen pentoxide
  9. Common names: -ous and -ic (-ic has greater charge, OR has fewer atoms). Examples:

Formula / Systematic Name / Common Name
NO / nitrogen monoxide / nitric oxide
N2O / dinitrogen monoxide / nitrous oxide
NO2 / nitrogen dioxide / nitrogen peroxide
N2O5 / dinitrogen pentoxide / nitric anhydride
N2O3 / dinitrogen trioxide / nitrous anhydride

Polyatomic Compounds.

  1. Names of Polyatomic Ions
  2. Anions are negative, Cations are positive
  3. ammonium ion NH41+
  4. -ide ions
  5. CN1- cyanide
  6. OH1- hydroxide
  7. Oxyanions
  8. -ate ate more oxygen.

Formula / Name
NO21- / nitrite
NO31- / nitrate
  1. Sometimes oxyanions have an extra hydrogen

Formula / Name
SO42- / sulfate
HSO41- / hydrogen sulfate (or bisulfate)
  1. If more than two possibilities:

Formula / Name
ClO1- / hypochlorite
ClO21- / chlorite
ClO31- / chlorate
ClO41- / perchlorate
  1. Naming compounds with polyatomic ions
  2. Positive charge species on left (using Stock method or common name)
  3. Negative charge species on right (using name of polyatomic ion)
  4. Use parentheses as needed

Formula / Ions / Name
BaSO4 / Ba2+ and SO42- / barium sulfate
Ca(NO3)2 / Ca+2 and NO31- / calcium nitrate
Ca(NO2)2 / Ca+2 and NO21- / calcium nitrite
Fe(NO3)2 / Fe2+ and NO31- / iron (II) nitrate or
ferrous nitrate


  1. Hydro Acids: Hydro + halogen name + ic

Formula / Name
HCl / hydrochloric acid
HF / hydrofluoric acid
  1. OxoAcids: polyatomic ion + acid.
  2. Recognize as polyatomic ions with a hydrogen at the beginning of the formula.
  3. Name with -ous and -ic suffix. (Works just like -ite and -ate suffix)
  4. -ic suffix is for acid with more oxygen atoms.
  5. Examples

Formula / Name / Source
HNO3 / nitric acid / nitric from nitrate
HNO2 / nitrous acid / nitrous from nitrite

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Examples: Name the following compounds and classify each as IONIC or MOLECULAR

1. KBr------
2. NaNO3------
3. Ca(NO2)2------
4. BaF2------
5. Na2SO4------
6. LiCl------
7. SO2------
8. PbCl4------
9. Rb2SO4------
10. Cl2O7------

11. Na2S------
12. CaF2------
13. KCN------
14. Al(OH)3------
15. Ag2Cr2O7------
16. Zn(CH3COO)2------
17. KHS------
18. LiH2PO4------
19. NaHCO3------
20. XeO2------

21. SF6------
22. SiO2------
23. Fe2O3------
24. (NH4)2S------
25. Ca(OH)2------
26. Ca(ClO2)2------
27. Pb(CO3)2------
28. Fe2(SO4)3------
29. Li2CO3------
30. Mg(ClO2)2------