Support to bodies active at European level in the field of Youth

Application Form for the Call for Proposals DG EAC 81/04

Support to bodies active at European level in the field of youth / Application
call for proposals
DG EAC 81/04
Reference number
(to be filled in by the European Commission)
Part I. Applicant
Please fill in ALL the following sections carefully .
It is particularly important to make clear who the contact person is.
A. Details on the organisation submitting the application
Full name:
Legal registration number:
Legal status (Association, …):
VAT number (If applicable):
Street address:
Postcode: / City:
Region: / AustriaBelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayPortugalSwedenUnited KingdomSpain / Country: / AustriaBelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIcelandIrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayPortugalSwedenUnited KingdomSpain
Website: / http://
Telephone: / Fax:
Person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant organisation
(legal representative)
Name: / Mr, Ms / First name:
Person responsible for the finances of the applicant organisation (financial representative)
Name: / Mr, Ms / First name:
Telephone: / Fax:
Person responsible for the management and follow up of the application (contact person)
Name: / Mr, Ms / First name:
Telephone: / Fax:
B. Brief description of the aims and activities of the organisation
C. Purpose of the grant requested and added value expected
D. Geographical development of the applicant organisation
How has the international network developped geographically in Europe, in particular in the candidate countries, in terms of activities in recent years, and what are its prospects in this respect for 2005? (In factual terms, please specify the date of creation of the network, the number of countries represented in the network at its creation, and the nature of further developments).
E. Participation of young people
Please specify in which way the participation of young people is ensured within the activities and structures of the organisation.
F. Involvement of disabled young people
Please specify in which way the participation of disabled young people is ensured.
G. Involvement of young people with fewer opportunities
Please specify in which way the participation of young people with fewer opportunities is ensured.
H. Structure of the organisation
H.1. Which bodies may join the organisation as members?
H.2. Does the organisation have a European / international secretariat?
Yes No
H.3 Number and tasks of the people employed
(please specify whether these people work full time or part time)
Paid employees:
Voluntary employees:
I. Community support received, other than under the budget heading (Former A-3029)
Community grants other than the budget heading (Former A-3029), contracts or loans obtained during the last three years from a European institution or agency.
For each grant, contract or loan, please specify:
ü  The Community programme concerned:
ü  The title of the operation:
ü  The year of award by the Commission:
ü  The amount of the grant, contract or loan:
J. Community grants received under the budget heading (Former A-3029)
Has the applicant organisation been awarded a (Former A-3029) grant «Support for international non-governmental youth organisations» for at least one of the last three years?
Yes No
If yes, please indicate the agreement number and the amount received:
ü  N° 2004/ grant received in euros:
ü  N° 2003/ grant received in euros:
ü  N° 2002/ grant received in euros:
K. Other grants requested from the Commission for activities planned in 2005
Will your organisation be submitting - or has your organisation submitted – other grant applications to Directorate-General Education and Culture or to other Commission Directorates-General for activities planned in 2005? If so, please indicate, for each grant, the activity, the Directorate-General and the programme concerned, as well as the amount requested.
Applicants shall immediately inform the Commission of any request for funding submitted to, or approved by, other Commission departments or Community institutions after submission of this application (contact details indicated in section 12.5 of the call for proposals).
PART II. Member organisations
Please give details below for EACH organisation concerned
A. Details on the member organisations affiliated to the applicant organisation
Country[1] / Year of adhesion / Member organisation:
name, acronym, address, telephone, fax,
e-mail / Number of young members active in the organisation
B. Details on the organisations which the applicant is affiliated to (if applicable)
Country[2] / Year of adhesion / Organisation which the applicant is affiliated to:
name, acronym, address, telephone, fax, e-mail
PART III. Work programme
It is crucial for the evaluation of your application - which will be examined by a selection panel - to have an exhaustive qualitative description. This will be helpful in order to judge the quality and feasibility of the activities proposed and improve the chances of your application being granted funding. Please therefore give as many details as possible. The points mentioned below refer to the minimum information required. Any further input is welcome.
Please give below the detailed calendar of the youth activities organised directly by the organisation submitting this application or to which this organisation is contributing to, with the exception of activities undertaken entirely by member organisations. Please specify, where applicable, the tasks which the applicant is envisaging to subcontract to another organisation/company.
Where an award is granted, this part of the application shall be an integral part of the agreement.
A. Activities of the organisation for 2005 (1 January – 31 December), except statutory meetings
Venue / Type of activity / Theme / Objectives /
Expected results / Number of young participants from eligible countries [3]
Group 1 – Representation of the views and interests of young people in all their diversity at Community level
Group 2 – Youth exchanges and voluntary services
Group 3 – Informal and non-formal learning and work programmes
Group 4 – Promotion of intercultural learning and understanding
Group 5 – Debate on European matters and European Union policies or youth policies
Group 6 – Dissemination of information on Community action
Group 7 – Actions promoting young citizens’ participation and initiative
B. Statutory activities of the organisation for 2005 (1 January – 31 December)
Venue / Type of activity / Objectives / Number of young participants from eligible countries [4]
C. Any other activities (if appropriate)
Venue / Type of activity / Objectives / Number of young participants from eligible countries [5]
PART IV. Provisional budget
Estimated running costs and sources of financing for the calendar year 2005
(1 January – 31 December)
All items must be expressed in euros
The maximum grant will not exceed 50% of the running costs of the organisation for 2005 and will not exceed 35.000 euros. The total estimated running costs must be equal to the total estimated sources of financing, including the amount sought under article
We suggest calculating the provisional budget based on the actual running costs and sources of financing of these in the previous year.
All expenses indicated must be entered into the organisation's accounts, and be identifiable and verifiable. The following running costs incurred in 2005 (1 January – 31 December) and corresponding to the stipulations of the call for proposals can be included, providing they are reasonable and essential to the good operation of the organisation and of the normal activities provided for in the programme of activities:
ü  Personnel costs
The costs of personnel paid by the organisation submitting the grant application will be based on gross real emoluments or salaries plus social charges and other costs included in the remuneration, to the exclusion of all other expenses. These emoluments or salaries will be in conformity with the good practice in the country concerned.
ü  Rental and associated costs
The cost of rental or depreciation of the building, maintenance, heating, electricity and insurance are calculated based on the principles, rules and accounting methods in effect at the beneficiary organisation.
ü  Equipment [6]
Where fixed assets are purchased, only the annual depreciation can be taken into account.
ü  Telecommunications and post
ü  Office supplies
ü  Travel and accommodation
This item relates to the travel (using the most economic form of transportation) and accommodation costs incurred for the statutory meetings of the organisation, as well as any other working meetings necessary for the normal operation of the organisation. This does not include costs linked directly to any one-off activity of the organisation.
ü  Meetings
This item relates to the costs incurred for the organisation of the statutory meetings as well as any other working meetings necessary for the normal operation of the organisation (only the costs not covered by the other budget headings). This does not include costs linked directly to any one-off activity of the organisation.
ü  Publications, information and dissemination
These costs may include the costs of the organisation's regular publications and information activities, insofar as these are not included under another budget heading. Please give, for each publication, an estimate of the number of pages and planned circulation, the frequency, an indication of the production costs per copy, any translation expenses, as well as an estimate of the dissemination costs (if not included under the item 'Telecommunications and post'). In case some publications are to be sold, please indicate this; in this case, you should also indicate the corresponding estimated income, under Point B 'Sources of financing', item II.3. 'Others'.
ü  Other costs
These costs may include bank charges, insurance costs and fees. It is imperative to specify what these costs are.
A. RUNNING COSTS (in euros)
A.1. Overview of expenditures
COSTS / Amounts
1. / Personnel costs
2. / Overheads:
a) Rental and associated costs
b) Equipment
c) Telecommunications / post
d) Office supplies
3. / Travel / accommodation for the personnel of the applicant organisation
4. / Meetings
5. / Publications, information, dissemination
6. / Other costs: bank charges, insurance costs, fees
(to be specified)
(should be equal to the total of the sources of financing given under point B)

A.2. Detail of expenditures


Please detail the personnel costs
Name / Function / Tasks / Total number of days (a) / Average cost per day (b) / Total costs (a x b)
Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 1 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)


a) Rental and associated costs
Please detail the rental and associated costs
Description / Total costs
b) Equipment
Please detail the equipment costs
Description / Number of items / Cost of purchase or rent / Depreciation rate % / Total costs
c) Telecommunications / post
Please detail the telecommunications and postal costs
Description / Total costs
d) Office supplies
Please detail the office supplies costs
Description / Total costs
Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 2 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)


Please detail the travel / accommodation costs related to the personnel of the applicant organisation
Venue and purpose of journey / Number of return journeys (a) / Average travel costs per journey
(b) / Average accommodation costs per day (c) / Number of days’ accommodation
(d) / Total costs
Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 3 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)


Please detail the meeting costs
Description /

Total costs

Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 4 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)


Please detail the publication, information and dissemination costs
Description /

Total costs

Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 5 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)


Please detail the other costs (bank charges, insurance costs, fees)
Description /

Total costs

Please note that the total costs should be identical to the amount presented under item 6 of the overview of expenditures (Table A.1)



Only sources of financing used to cover running costs should be indicated.

It is imperative to indicate the amount requested from the Commission (point I.1).

For item I.4: Please specify the full legal name, address and contact person concerned.

I.1. / Grant sought from DG EAC under heading (Former A-3029)
Any amounts received from other EU programmes
I.2 / International public institutions (to be specified)
I.3. / National / Regional / Local public institutions
(to be specified)
I.4. / Private enterprises (to be specified)
II.1. / Membership subscriptions
II.2 / Contribution by the applicant
II.3 / Others (to be specified)
Sub-total / .
(should be equal to the total of expenditures given under point A.1)




Please note that this amount should be identical to the total amount presented in Part A and in Part B

Please detail the contributions in kind
Description /

Total costs


Please note that the value calculated for the contributions in kind must not exceed:

ü  the actual costs as substantiated by accounting documents of the third parties who made these contributions to the applicant free of charge but bear the corresponding costs;

ü  the costs generally accepted on the market in question for the type of contribution concerned when no actual costs are borne.

Contributions involving buildings can not be considered as contributions in kind.

GRAND TOTAL (C.1. + C.2.)

Declaration on honour

To be completed by the person authorised to enter into legally binding commitments on behalf of the applicant organisation