PRINT Student Last name as it appears on Registration packetPRINT Student First name as it appears on Registration packet
Student’s Year of Graduation: 20_ _ Student’s ID number: ______
August 1, 2010
Students and Parents/Guardians: Please study the rules on the next four pages. They are the general Network rules, Internet access rules, and the GroupWise E-mail access rules. The student must sign their initials after each section, indicating their informed consent to abide by them. Then these pages (1-3) are to be kept so they may be placed in their English Notebook. Finally, the parent/guardian must initial the correct boxes and sign the permission form on the fourth page. Only the last page is to be returned at registration.
The DUSD computer network consists of over 20 fileservers, 1000 computers, 5000 users, and a T1 Internet connection. The following rules are necessary to protect the integrity of our district network:
1. When sitting down to use any DHS computer, all students must first sign-in and place their DHS picture-ID on top of the monitor.
2.Do not use or attempt to use anyone else's account. Observe the courtesy of turning your back as another user enters his or her password.
3.Do not share your password with anyone or allow anyone to use your account. Everyone has a password. Please do not allow anyone to observe you when typing in your password.
4.You are responsible for any files or documents that are in your account.
- Appropriate files only - the school computers are for schoolwork only. Your teacher, administrator and system supervisor can easily read ALL of your files.
- Do not transfer or copy any files on or off the network, Internet, or within the system. There is no public domain or shareware at DUSD. ALL files are to be considered copyrighted material. Copying is against the law. For example, files that should not be copied include: applications, programs, executables, zip files, movie & music files (QuickTime, MP3, etc.), etc.
- The only files that you may legally copy are:
- Ones you personally wrote from scratch.
- Ones for which you personally received written notification from the network administrator stating that a file or group of files may be copied.
- Pictures that will be used as part of a school assignment. Pictures require a lot of storage room. Please limit yourself to only those pictures that will be used in the assignment.
5.Use only the (I:) and (N:)drives, which have been placed on your menu by the network administrator. No Flash/thumb or CD-ROMsmay be used on the network. If it is necessary to copy your files from school to home, please see a teacher, librarian, or the technology coordinator for assistance.
6. Security, Vandalism and Harassment. Security on any computer system is a high priority because there are so many users. Use only those programs, files, & drives which have been placed on your menu by the network administrator. Do not change the desktops or menu bars on the school computers. Do not attempt to “hack” or “circumvent” the system. You do not have the right to invade the DUSD network system. The school network computers cannot be used in the same manner as your home computer. The alibi"I was just exploring" equates to trespassing. If there is something that you want to do that isn't possible using your student menu, please see the Tech Coordinator/Coach, teacher or librarian. If you identify any security problems, it is your duty to notify a DHS staff member at once. You should never demonstrate the problem to other users. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user or any other agencies or networks that are connected to the system. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Harassment is defined as the persistent annoyance of another user, or the interference of another user’s work.
7.No games, except school network games that are on your menu (i.e.Green Globs, etc). No messages, games or programs from home or the Internet.
8.Printers are to be used for schoolwork only. Pay attention when printing. Make sure your document is being sent to the printer of your choice (usually: DHS Library HP5N). Be sure you are printing only the portion(s) of your electronic resource you intend to use (check the Print Preview option, if available, to determine how many pages you are printing). Ask for help from our librarians or teachers. Unnecessary or personal use of the printers will result in your being charged $0.20 per page.
9.If you would like to use the Internet (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox) and/or E-mail (GroupWise) on the DUSD network, there are two additional pages for each that the student must read and initial.
10.Ramifications of Unacceptable Use. Using the DUSD Network is a privilege, not a right. If you fail to follow the above computer rules, you will be penalized and you will lose your rights to the DUSD Network and all Computer Labs. In addition, DHS staff will decide what is appropriate use and their decision is final. The system administrator may limit, deny, revoke, suspend, or close specific user accounts at any time. Inappropriate use may also result in the following: parent conference, suspension, and/or expulsion. The user may also be subject to fines, criminal prosecution, and/or civil liabilities. The school reserves the right to suspend privileges while the user is under investigation for abuse.
I, the student, have read and understand the above DHS Computer Network provisions. (Initial)______
August 1, 2010
DublinHigh School firmly believes in the educational value of the Internet being accessible to all of its students. DHS recognizes the potential of the Internet to support student learning and the curriculum. The school believes that resource sharing, innovation, and communication can all be increased and improved through the use of the Internet.
Students and parents should be aware that the Internet is intended to be used to support instruction in the classroom only. DHS will make every effort to protect students and staff from any misuses or abuses as a result of experiences with the Internet. The school district employs filtering software that blocks most pornographic and other inappropriate sites. (See the rules below for more details about this.) Inappropriate and/or illegal use of the Internet is strictly prohibited.
The following rules are necessary to protect the integrity of our district network, and
to ensure proper and ethical use of the Internet:
1. Personal Responsibility. As a representative of this school, I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of the Internet to a teacher. Misuse may come in many forms, as outlined below.
2. Acceptable Use. The use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and with the educational goals and objectives of DHS in mind. Misuse is commonly viewed as visiting any website that indicates or suggests pornography or obscene material, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language, etc. Transmission of any material in violation of a United States law or other state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening material, or material protected by trade secret. Also, use of commercial activities by for-profit institutions is generally not acceptable, neither is use of product advertisement. Political lobbying is also prohibited.
3. Internet Etiquette and Privacy. You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of etiquette. These rules include (but are not limited to) the following:
- BE POLITE: Never send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages.
- USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE: Remember that you are a representative of your school and district on a non-private system. You may be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally! Never swear, use vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden.
- PRIVACY: Do not reveal any personal information, your home address or personal phone numbers or those of fellow students.
- Use of free e-mail sites is strictly prohibited! Students are encouraged to use the school’s groupwise e-mail instead.
- Use of chat rooms is strictly prohibited!
- internet game sites is strictly prohibited!
4.Encounter of Controversial Material. Users may encounter material which is controversial and which users, parents, teachers or administrator may consider inappropriate or offensive. However, on a global network it is impossible to effectively control all the content of data, and an industrious user may discover controversial material. It is the users’ responsibility not to initiate access to such material. Any decision by DHS to restrict access to material shall not be deemed to impose any duty on DHS to regulate the content of all material on the Internet. If you encounter material that you think might not be appropriate in an education environment, you must report this to your teacher, who will in turn contact the system administrator, who may choose to filter such areas.
- Monitoring. The staff at DHS reserves the right to review all websites visited by students and to monitor file server space in order to insure proper use of the Internet.
6.Ramifications of Unacceptable Use. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. DHS staff will decide what is appropriate use and their decision is final. The system administrator may limit, deny, revoke, suspend, or close specific user accounts at any time. Inappropriate use may also result in the following: parent conference, suspension, and/or expulsion. In addition, the user may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil liabilities. Finally, the school reserves the right to suspend privileges while the user is under investigation for abuse.
I, the student, have read and understand the above DHS Internet Explorer provisions. (Initial)______
August 1, 2010
DublinHigh School firmly believes in the educational value of e-mail being accessible to all of its students. DHS recognizes the potential of e-mail to support student learning and the curriculum. The school believes that resource sharing, innovation, and communication can all be increased and improved through the use of e-mail.
Students and parents should be aware that the availability of GroupWise e-mail does not mean that students will have access to chat rooms or to the internet. E-mail is intended to be used primarily by students and staff for communication, and for sending files to and from home. The high school will make every effort to protect students and staff from any misuses or abuses as a result of e-mail use. Inappropriate and/or illegal use of e-mail is strictly prohibited.
The following rules are necessary to protect the integrity of our district network, and
to ensure proper and ethical use of GroupWise E-mail:
1.Personal Responsibility. As a representative of this school, I will accept personal responsibility for reporting any misuse of e-mail to a teacher. Misuse may come in many forms, as outlined below.
- Acceptable Use. The use of e-mail must be in support of education and research and with the educational goals and objectives of DHS in mind. Misuse is commonly viewed as any message sent or received that indicates or suggests pornography or obscene material, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language, etc. Transmission of any material in violation of a United States law or other state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening material, or material protected by trade secret. Also, use of commercial activities by for-profit institutions is generally not acceptable, neither is use of product advertisement. Political lobbying is also prohibited.
3.E-mail Etiquette and Privacy. You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of etiquette. These rules include (but are not limited to) the following:
- BE POLITE: Never send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages.
- USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE: Remember that you are a representative of your school and district on a non-private system. You may be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally! Never swear, use vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly forbidden.
- PRIVACY: Do not reveal any personal information, your home address or personal phone numbers or those of fellow students.
- Students may not send e-mail to more than 5 people at a time.
- Students are not to send “unwanted” e-mail.
4.Encounter of Controversial Material. Users may encounter material which is controversial and which users, parents, teachers or administrator may consider inappropriate or offensive. However, on a global network it is impossible to effectively control all the content of data, and an industrious user may discover controversial material. It is the users’ responsibility not to initiate access to such material. Any decision by DHS to restrict access to material shall not be deemed to impose any duty on DHS to regulate the content of all material on the Internet. If you encounter material that you think might not be appropriate in an education environment, you must report this to your teacher, who will in turn contact the system administrator, who may choose to filter such areas.
5.Monitoring. The staff at DHS reserves the right to review all websites visited by students and to monitor file server space in order to insure proper use of the Internet.
6.Ramifications of Unacceptable Use. The use of e-mail is a privilege, not a right. DHS staff will decide what is appropriate use and their decision is final. The system administrator may limit, deny, revoke, suspend, or close specific user accounts at any time. Inappropriate use may also result in the following: parent conference, suspension, and/or expulsion. In addition, the user may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil liabilities. Finally, the school reserves the right to suspend privileges while the user is under investigation for abuse.
I, the student, have read and understand the above DHS GroupWise Email provisions. (Initial)______