Formula Modifications
Practice Test 10
1. How is jin gui shen qi wan (golden cabinet kidney qi pill) modified forpainful urination due to cold in the lower burner?
a)Add lu rong (cornu cervi parvum) and chen xiang (lignum aquuilariae)
b)Addsheng jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis recens)
c)Increase fu zi (radixaconiti)
d)Increase gui zhi (ramulus cinnamomi)
2. How is wu ling san (five-ingredient powder with poria) modified when there is thirst and urinary difficulties due to cold-damp obstruction?
a)Add fang feng (radix ledebouriellae)
b)Add qiang huo (rhizoma et radixnotopterygii)
c)Add bai zhi (radix angelica dahurica)
d)Add sheng jiang(rhizoma zingiberis)
3. How is dao chi san (guide out the red powder) modified when there isblood in the urine?
a)Add han lian cao (herba ecliptae prostratae) and bai mao gen (rhizomaimperatae cylindricae)
b)Add hu po (succinum) and mu tong (caulismutong)
c)Add hei zhi ma (semen sesami) and sang ji sheng (ramulusloranthus)
d)Add han lian cao (herba ecliptae prostratae) and che qian cao(herba plantaginis)
4. How is yu nu jian (jade woman decoction) modified when there is a darkpurple tongue with no coating?
a)Add bai shao (radix paeoniae) and chuan xiong (radix ligusticichuanxiong)
b)Add sang ji sheng (ramulus loranthus) and bie jia(sinensis)
c)Add sha shen (radix adenophorae seu glehniae) and shi hu(herba dendrobii)
d)Add dang gui (radix angelicae sinensis) and xiang fu(cyperi rotundi)
5. How is si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction) modified forindigestion, poor appetite, abdominal distention, and weight loss?
a)Add ban xia (rhizoma pinelliae) and increase bai zhu (rhizomaatractylodis)
b)Add xiang fu (rhizoma cyperi rotundi) and hou po (cortexmagnoliae officinalis)
c)Add chen pi (pericarpium citri) and cang zhu(rhizoma atractylodis)
d)Add hou po (cortex magnoliae officinalis) and dahuang (radix et rhizoma rhei)
6. How is qing hao bie jia tang (artemesia annua and soft-shelled turtleshell decoction) modified when there is fever of unknown origin due todeficient yin?
a)Add mai men dong (tuber ophiopogonis japnici) and sheng di huang (radixrehmannia)
b)Add bie jia (carapax amydae sinensis) and di gu pi (cortexlycii radicis)
c)Add mu dan pi (cortex moutan) and sheng di huang (radixrehmannia)
d)Add di gu pi (cortex lycii radicis) and bai wei (radixcynanchi baiwei)
7. How is huang lian jie du tang (coptis decoction to relieve toxicity)modified when there is jaundice due to obstruction of heat?
a)Add hu zhang (radix et rhizoma polygoni) and yin chen hao (herbaartemisiae yinchen hao)
b)Add long dan cao (radix gentianae) and mu tong(caulis mutong)
c)Add yin chen hao (herba artemisiae yinchenhao) and dahuang (radix et rhizoma rhei)
d)Add da huang (radix et rhizoma rhei) andincrease zhi zi (fructus gardeniae)
8. How is si jun zi tang (four gentlemen decoction) modified for morningsickness?
a)Add sheng jiang (rhizoma zingiberis) and and gan jiang (rhizomazingiberis recens)
b)Add ban xia (rhizoma pinelliae) and huo xiang (herbaagastaches seu pogostemi)
c)Add hou po (cortex magnoliae officinalis) and cangzhu (rhizoma atractylodis)
d)Add sha ren (fructus amomi) and chen pi(pericarpium citri reticulatae)
9. How is wu ling san (five-ingredient powder with poria) modified whenthere is damp-heat diarrhea?
a)Remove bai zhu (rhizoma atracylodis) and gui zhi (ramulucinnamomi)
b)Remove fu ling (sclerotium poriae)
c)Add lian qiao (frutusforsythia) and yi yi ren (herba artemisia)
d)Add yin chen hao (herbaartemisiae yinchenhao) and jin yin hua (flos lonicerae japonicae)
10. Which herb would not be included in modifying yue ju wan (escaperestraint pill) when stagnant Qi predominates?
a)Add e zhu (rhizoma curcuma)
b)Add wu yao (radix linderae)
c)Add yu jin (tubercurcumae)
d)Add mu xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)
11. How is ma xing shi gan tang (ephedra, apricot kernel, gypsum, andlicorice decoction) modified when there is wheezing, coughing andcopious phlegm?
a)Add ge jie (gecko) and hu tao ren (semen juglandis regiae)
b)Add sang ye(follium mori) and bai guo (semen biloba ginkgo)
c)Add su zi (fructusperillae frutescentis) and ting li zi (semen descurainiae seulepidii)
d)Add da zao (frucuts zizyphi jujubae) and ting ling zi (semen seulepidii)
12. How is fang ji huang qi tang (stephania and astragalus decoction)modified when there is severe dampness with a heavy sensation in thelower back and legs?
a)Add hua shi (talcum) and qu mai (herba dianthi)
b)Increase dosage of hanfang ji (radix stephanaie tetrandrae)
c)Add che qian zi (semen plantaginis)and niu xi (radix achyranthis bidentatae)
d)Add fu ling (sclerotium poriaecocos) and cang zhu (rhizoma atractylodis)
13. How is huo xiang zheng qi san (agastache powder to rectify the qi)modified when there is a very greasy and thick tongue coating due tosevere dampness?
a)Add qu mai (herba dianthi)
b)Substitute cang zhu (rhizoma atractylodis) forbai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)
c)Add ban xia (rhizomapinellia)
d)Increase dosage of fu ling (sclerotium poriae) and bai zhu(rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)
14. How is long dan xie gan tang (gentiana longdancao decoction to drain theLiver) modified when there is pale-red leukorrhea and a wiry, fast pulse?
a)Add chi shao (radix paeoniae rubrae) and lian xu (nelumbinisnuciferae)
b)Add huang bai (cortex phellodendri) and che qian zi (semenplantaginis)
c)Add shan yao (radix dioscoreae) and bian dou (semendolichoris lablab)
d)Add chuan xiong (radix ligustici) and tao ren (semenpesica)
15. How is zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction) modified when there isfrequent urination?
a)Remove bai zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)
b)Remove fu zi (radixaconiti)
c)Remove fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)
d)Add wu wei zi (fructusschisandrae chinensis)
16. How is zhen wu tang (true warrior decoction) modified when there issevere deficient Spleen Yang with diarrhea?
a)Add ren shen (radix ginseng) and shan yao (radix dioscoreaoppositae)
b)Remove fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos) and bai zhu (rhizomaatractylodis macrocephalae)
c)Remove bai shao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae)and add gan jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis)
d)Add chen pi(pericarpium citri riticulatae) and qing pi (pericarpium citri viride)
17. What would not be added to bai hu tang (white tiger decoction) whenthere is exterior wind-cold?
a)Add gui zhi (ramulus cinnamomi)
b)Add xi xin (herba cum radice asari)
c)Addcong bai (bulbus allii fistulosi)
d)Add dan dou chi (semen sojae praeparata)
18. Which herb would not be included in modifying wu ling san(five-ingredient powder with poria) for severe edema?
a)Add fu shen (cortex cocos poria)
b)Add da fu pi (pericarpium arecaecatechu)
c)Add chen pi (pericaripum citri reticulae)
d)Add sang bai pi (cortexmori albae)
19. What would not be combined with wu pi san (five-peel powder) fordamp-heat in the lower burner with edema below the waist?
a)Add hua shi (talcum)
b)Add yi yi ren (semen coicis)
c)Add qu mai (herbadianthi)
d)Add che qian zi (semen plantaginis)
20. How is zhu ling tang (polyporus decoction) modified when there is hotand painful urination?
a)Add zhi zi (fructus gardeniae) and bian xu (herba polygoniavicularis)
b)Increase fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos) and ze xie(rhizoma alismatis orientalis)
c)Increase fu ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)and add bian xu (herba polygoni avicularis)
d)Add qu mai (herba dianthi)and zhi zi (fructus gardeniae)
Formula Modifications Practice Test 10 – Answer Key
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. A