DATE: Tuesday 6 March 2018
VENUE: The Council ChamberTIME: 10:15am
Present:Sue Carr (SC) / Andrew Boast (AB)
Pam McGowan (PM) / Sheila Ellix (SE)
Sandra Houghton (SH) / Janet Cufflin (JC)
Brian Wills (BW) / Denise Collins (DC)
Sandra Newell (SN) / John Bettison (JB)
Janet Preston (JP) / Cllr Roger Bayliss (RB) NWLDC
Judith Flynn (JF) / Steve Everson (SEV) NWLDC
Colin Statham (CS) / Andy Wallace (AW) NWLDC
Hilary Pym (HPY) / Andy Murray (AM) NWLDC
Ken Farnish (KF) / Peter Warren (PW) NWLDC
Sheila Sharpe (SS) / Justin O’Brien (JO’B) NWLDC
Hilary Prime (HP)
1. / Welcome & Apologies
SEV introduced himself as the new Chair and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
SC introduced new member John Bettison to the group and JF introduced new member Sheila Ellix. The group individually introduced themselves to the new Chair.
Apologies as above.
2. / Minutes of the previous Meeting - 6 February 2018
It is noted that Sheila Ellix had been recorded on the minutes as Sue Ellix, otherwise minutes agreed as a true record.
3. / Matters Arising/ Actions
Improvements at Hood Court were complete, however JF asked if consideration could be given to widening the pathway so benches could be installed. AW to book a site visit.
NB had been asked to consider the logistics of organising a visit to the Linford and Verdon new build sites for the LSWG prior to their handover in early March 2018. AW and AM not aware if anything was in hand. The group were asked if they would still like to visit the site and the majority would. AM to look at dates with Sarah Robinson, Project Officer New Build. SC requested that the visit be done before tenants moved in as they would like to see inside. AW suggested that the Housing Officer, Polly Page would be included. PW to organise transport once a date was agreed.
Following SC’s suggestion at January’s meeting, AW to follow up arrangements for planting to be carried out in Measham to brighten the area. AW asked for this to be included in a wider piece of work looking at estate improvement plans and be added to the forward plan. PW to add to forward plan.
AW to follow up issues relating to the alarm system at Hood Court. AW also asked for this to be added to the forward plan as part of a larger project looking at fire arrangements at our properties. PW to add to forward plan.
AM confirmed the EEIP show home in Albert Village was now open and asked the group if they would like a visit arranging. The group were enthusiastic and the morning of Monday 19 March was suggested. AM to organise along with Sarah Robinson, Project Officer New Build. AW suggested that the trip to the new build properties at Linford & Verdon could be included. PW to arrange transport once date and numbers confirmed.
AM confirmed that the No Parkingsign had been installed on the turning point of Willn Close. SN passed on her thanks as no one had parked there since the sign had been installed.
Neither AW or AM had been made aware of the litter issue after bin collection day during high winds. AM to take up with the relevant department. / AW
4. / Odd Jobs Policy
AW invited SC to open the discussion.SC advised the group that a neighbour called through to the repairs service as a light had stopped working. Repairs asked if the tenant thought the problem was the switch or the bulb, as we would charge £45 to change the bulb if this was found to be the problem. It was suggested that the Lightbulb Project may be able to help, but this could take weeks as the tenant would need to be assessed. As such, SC wonders if NWLDC could suggest or produce a list of trusted handy people for their tenants as many people were wary of letting strangers into their homes.
AW replied that NWLDC do not recommend handy people, as they would then need to be monitored and managed. AW suggested that Trust a Tradermight be an option as these have customer reviews, however this wouldn’t be endorsed by NWLDC. AW suggested that this was part of a wider discussion about whether or not we should charge vulnerable tenants.
AM added that NWLDC can’t and wouldn’t endorse external websites or services, however agreed with AW that we needed to look at the feasibility of supplying extra services.
AW reminded the group that in May we would be looking at how the garden tidy scheme was used, could we utilise this facility for odd jobs?
SC added that Trust a Trader was OK if you had access to the internet, not everyone does. It’s not about the service being free, it just seems that £45 is a lot of money to pay to change a lightbulb.
AW pointed out that it wasn’t just the physical time to change to bulb, it was the whole process including travel time.
JB asked for guidance from AW and AM as he did odd jobs at St Mary’s for other tenants, such as changing bulbs in sealed units and resetting consumer units. Work which he was willing to do, usually after Central Control had suggested that other tenants knock on his door for help.
AW advised that it was best to get written permission from NWLDC before completing any works and his community spirit was admirable, but Central Control shouldn’t be suggesting that tenants knock on other tenants’ doors for help.
KF added that JB needed to be careful of liabilities.
SN informed the group that ageUK had a handyman service, amongst others, there was a minimal charge and that she would bring the information to the next TOFF’s meeting.
SC asked how many operatives there were on Central Control at any one time, as it sometimes took a while for them to answer the call button on the communal front door at St Mary’s Court.
AW replied generally one, two at busy times.
A general discussion then took place about how long it took to raise Central Control and concerns about emergency access. AW advised that this could all be covered in the Fire Arrangements Of Properties/ Emergency Access future topic.
KF raised concerns about how long it took for the Housing Support Service/ Central Control to deal with problems and the definition of Sheltered Scheme. JF also questioned the suitability of sheltered schemes for some residents. A general discussion then took place about the Housing Support Service and Adult Social Care.
AW requested that they take those concerns to the Over Fifties Forum, where Ben Parkinson, the Housing Support Team Leader, would be able to respond to them.
5. / Forward plan 2017-2018
PW to add the following to the forward plan:
- April 2018 – Tenancy Agreement Changes.
- April 2018 – Fire Arrangements Of Properties/ Emergency Access.
- May 2018 – Garden Tidy Scheme, how best to utilise the service.
- May 2018 – Estate Improvement Plans.
- June 2018 – Lightbulb Project
AW replied that he had emailed, where possible, the findings to LSWG members.
SC replied she hadn’t received an email and asked for it to be sent again. PM asked for a paper copy to be sent to her.
AW asked if the group would like it brought for discussion at the LSWG or at a separate meeting.
The group voted and eight members requested a separate meeting to two members who wanted the findings brought to LSWG. AW to arrange another meeting for May/ June 2018.
AW also requested that quarterly updates from Asset Management and Housing Management be added to the forward plan for May 2018, August 2018, etc. / PW
6. / Any Other Business
SC passed on her thanks to the Parks Department for gritting and clearing the snow last week, they cleared up to the doors too.
SN passed on her thanks to her Housing Officer for dealing with a complaint she made about a neighbour.
KF advised the group that he had praised the repairs service at the last meeting, but had to take that praise away as there had been a problem that affected all the flats at Fairfield Court. All the taps had temperature regulators on them to stop the risk of scalding, but on this particular day none of that flats could get any hot water. KF raised the problem with repairs, who sent an operative to sort out the problem at his flat, but none of the others. KF again raised the problem with repairs, who once again sent an operative to his flat, rather than the other flats at Fairfield Court.
KF advised that the tenants at Fairfield Court had been receiving letters about
their rent reductions, but couldn’t understand the letter as it appeared they would be paying more.
SC replied that they would get another letter showing the true rent payments once things such as Housing Benefit had been confirmed for the new financial year.
SE added that she would like to pass on her thanks to AM for doing what he said he would at the last meeting.
7. / Date, timeand venue of next meeting
Tuesday 10April 2018at 10:15am in the Council Chamber.
8. / Meeting close