China Review
Format: The test will consist of matching, multiple choice, T/F, identification and short answer questions.
Terms/people to know:
Spheres of Influence
Opium Wars
Open Door Policy
Sun Yat-sen
Chiang Kai-Shek
Mao Zedong
Long March
Dalai Lama
Great Leap Forward
Cultural Revolution
Red Guards
Deng Xiaopeng
Jiang Zemin
Hu Jintao
Imperialism in China
• What were the competing interests in the Opium Wars? Which European country gained greater influence in China as a result of these conflicts?
• What were spheres of influence? Which countries had a sphere of influence in China?
• Why did the US government promote the Open Door Policy in China?
Nationalism & Civil War:
Know key leaders Nationalist Party – Sun Yat-sen & Chiang Kai-shek and Communist Party -- Mao Zedong.
Civil War/Long March
• Why did the communists undertake the Long March? What was the Long March?
• Why did the Nationalists and the Communists have a temporary pause in the fighting of the Civil War?
• Who won the Civil War?
• What did the Nationalists do in 1949?
Mao Zedong Era:
Great Leap Forward What were the goals of the plan? What major changes/programs did it entail (i.e. Communes? Steel production?) Why and in what ways was it a disaster? What were the economic and political consequences of the Great Leap Forward?
Cultural Revolution What were the goals? What was the Red Guard? Which groups of people were attacked during the Cultural Revolution? Know some examples of what life was like during the Cultural Revolution.
Deng Xiaoping Era: (“Socialism with a capitalist face”)
Economic Reforms What areas were targeted for modernization? In what way did Deng’s reforms introduce capitalist competition to China’s economy? What was the impact of the reforms?
One Child Policy – Why did Deng design this policy? Be familiar with aspects of policy and impact on China.
Tiananmen Square Uprising What was the political climate under Deng like? What sparked the 1989 protests? What kinds of people were involved in the protests? What were their demands/interests? How did the government respond? What might have happened to “Tank Man?”
Miscellaneous Current Topics:
China’s Economic Progress What are some of the reasons for China’s economic growth and strength today? Know/be able to explain economic challenges and successes in China today (i.e. migrant workers, China A vs. China B, conditions and problems workers face, environmental challenges, success of middle class).