2013-2014Request for Proposal (RFP) for Discretionary, Competitive Projects
Division of Career and Adult Education, Farmworker Jobs and Education Program Office
Program Name
National Farmworker Jobs and Education Program (NFJP), Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Title I, Section 167Statewide Emergency Assistance
Specific Funding Authority(ies)
Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Title I, Section 167 (National Farmworker Jobs Program), CFDA # 17.264
Funding Purpose/Priorities
To implement a statewide Emergency Assistance ServiceSystem throughout the state which strengthens the ability of eligible farmworkers and their families to achieve economic self-sufficiency (Refer to Attachment A)
Target Population(s)
Disadvantaged migrant and seasonal farmworkers, as in Part 669, §669.110, of the Federal Register / Vol. 65. No. 156 / Friday, August 11, 2000 / Rules and Regulations (Refer to Attachment B)
Eligible Applicant(s)
Public and private non-profit organizations or agencies in the State of Florida.
Requirement for Eligible Applicants
Applicantmust understand the problems of eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers, including their dependents; have familiarity with the geographic area to be served; and demonstrate the capacity to effectively administer a diversified program of workforce investment activities and related assistance, as stated in Part 669, §669.200 of the Federal Register /Vol. 65. No.156/ Friday, August 11, 2000/Rules and Regulations.
The awarded agency will be required to implement Emergency Assistance services system that supports all NFJP providers throughout the state.
Application Due Date
May 1, 2013. The due date refers to the date of receipt in the Office of Grants Management.
Facsimile and e-mail submissions are not acceptable.
Total Funding Amount/Approximate Number of Awards
$40,000(Allocation is contingent on Florida’s 2013 Federal Award)
- The Florida Department of Education is conducting this competition before the passage of the United States Department of Labor’s (USDOL) Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 appropriation in anticipation of the appropriation of funds for Program Year (PY) 2013Farmworker Jobs and Education Program grants, but we will not obligate any funds for PY 2013 grants unless and until they are appropriated and Florida Department of Education has received its federal award notification from USDOL.Therefore, the selection of grantees and award of funds under this competition is contingent upon the enactment of a PY 2013 appropriation for the Workforce Investment Act.
- Statewide emergency assistance recipientsmustprovide services in non-contiguous counties.
- The allocation posted in the Request for Proposal is subject to change, based on Florida’s federal award notification.
- The Commissioner may recommend an amount greater or less than the amount requested in the proposal.
Matching Requirement
Budget/Program Performance Period
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Federal programs: Project effective date will be the date that the application is received within Florida Department of Education (DOE) in Substantially Approvable Form, or the effective date of the Federal Award Notification, whichever is later.
Contact Persons
Program Office Contact Grants Management Contact
Mario Zuniga / Paula Starling/
813.224.1920 / 850.245.0711
The Florida Department of Education developed and implemented a document entitled General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with:
•34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) which requires Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE);
•Applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and
•State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.
In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Florida Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to these General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text may be found at:
School Districts, Florida Colleges, Universities, and State Agencies
The certification of adherence, currently on file with the Department of Education Comptroller’s Office, shall remain in effect indefinitely. The certification does not need to be resubmitted with this application, unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term, assurance, or condition.
Private Colleges, Community-Based Organizations, and Other Agencies
In order to complete requirements for funding, applicants must certify adherence to the General Terms, Assurances, and Conditions by submitting the certification of adherence page, signed by the agency head.
Private colleges, Community- and Faith-Based Organizations, and other non-public agencies must also submit upon approval of award, after the completion of the competition, prior to the issuance of a project award, the following upon notification by the DOE program manager:
(1) A copy of the organization’s current budget,
(2) A list of the board of directors
(3) Chart of Accounts
(4) Proof of Eligibility to operate a business in Florida, and if available,
(5) A copy of the institution or agency’s most recent annual audit report prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant licensed in this state.
NARRATIVE COMPONENTS AND SCORING CRITERIAThe Instructions describe what the applicant must include in each Narrative Component.
Following the Instructions, within each Narrative Component, are Criteria.These are the bulleted, italicized statements used by proposal reviewers to assess and score each Narrative Component.
Complete the application using the same sequence presented in this narrative section.
Maximum number of pages for addressing Narrative Components (1-7) is 20. Any pages that exceed the 20 page maximum will not be included in the evaluation. This does not include any required forms or agreements.
The standard scoring Criteria are based on a 100 point scale, with a minimum score of 70 points required for an application to be considered eligible for funding.
- Project Abstract or Summary FIXED REQUIREMENT
Provide a brief summary of the proposed project including general purpose, specific goals, and brief program design for providing emergency assistance to eligible NFJP participants throughout the state.
- The proposed project is described in a brief summary, including general purpose, specific goals, brief program design for providing statewide emergency assistance to NFJP participants.
- It is clear that the proposed project aligns with the intended Funding Purpose / Priorities section.
- The applicant has stated whether they are currently operating a Farmworker Jobs and Education Program (FJEP) project or will be a new provider.
- Project Need 10 points
Describe the need for the proposed project and provide supporting data as evidence relative to local factors and conditions that may affect a farmworker and his / her family’s ability to achieve economic self-sufficiency, socio-economic and educational barriers.
- The geographic service area of the proposed project is clearly identified.
- The socio-economic needs and problems of farmworkers in the identified service area are comprehensive and clearly stated.
- The magnitude or severity of the problem is evident, compelling, and clearly linked to the outcome(s) of the proposed project.
- The proposed project focuses on service or otherwise addresses the identified needs of the targeted population(s).
- It is evident that the proposed project is focused on those with greatest needs.
- Gaps or weaknesses in services are explained, including the nature and magnitude of the gaps and / or weaknesses.
- Project Design and Implementation
(Section 3. a – e is assigned a total of 60 points as specified below.)
a. Instructions – Objectives and Timelines 5 points
Describe the measurable objectives and activities for the proposed project.
- The goals, objectives, and outcomes are clearly specified and measurable.
- The objectives are measurable, qualitative, challenging, yet achievable, and address all expected outcomes of the proposed project.
- The design of the proposed project aligns with, and will successfully address, the needs of the target population or other identified needs.
b. Instructions – Assessing Participant Need for Emergency Assistance 10 points
Describe the methodology and criteria to be used for assessing NFJP participant eligibility and need for emergency assistance and the procedures used to developsupport for eligible participants.
- Methodology and criteria used for assessing participant eligibility and emergency assistance needs are appropriate and in keeping with NFJP guidelines.
- Procedures and methodology used to complete the participant’s application for support are appropriate for determining amount and type of support needed.
c. Instructions – Emergency Assistance Services 15 points
Explain the types of emergency assistance services to be provided that will help farmworkers and their families overcome socio-economic and educational barriers and promote self-sufficiency. Include the strategies that will be used to stabilize participants and ensure that all program requirements are met to include either working through a local NFJP provider to provide these services, or where necessary, directly with an eligible participant.
- Gaps or weaknesses in services are explained, including the nature and magnitude of the gaps and/or weaknesses.
- Supportive services are clearly identified and will enable participants to overcome barriers.
d. Instructions - Collaboration with Local Agency Resources 15 points
Describe the project’s plan for collaboration and / or sub-contracting with agency resources in the community that will provide emergency assistance services to the farmworker population.
Include the following information for all collaborating and/or subcontracted agencies Collaboration Agreement(s):
- Agency Name
- Contact Person
- Address
- Phone Number
- Types of services to be provided
- Timeline for services to be provided
- Total funding amount to the sub-recipient – if applicable
Note: The applicant is solely responsible for all programmatic, reporting and fiscal management of the project and ensuring that sub-contractors who provide emergency assistance services accurately report ALL required data for the program.
- The activities coordinate with other available resources in the community, such as establishing strong links with social service agencies.
- The roles, activities and expected contributions of each collaborative partner are clearly stated in the Collaboration Agreement and are aligned with the proposed project.
- Collaboration Agreements are included and are signed by both partners (the applicant and the collaborating agency head).
Note: The signed Collaborative Agreement(s) are not included in the maximum page count for the Narrative Components.
e. Instructions – Evidence of Capability 15 points
Provide evidence of capability to operate WIA Title I, Section 167 programs. Explain past experiences, successes, and obstacles with the target population and provide supportive data that covers operations for the time period of July 1, 2010, through March 31, 2013.
- Number of participants served during the specified period is reasonable.
- Participant outcomes for emergency assistance goals are provided and include both thetotal number of participants who were provided emergency assistance and their location in the state.
- Evaluation 10 points
Describe the instruments and method(s) for on-going evaluation of the proposed project. The applicant’s internal evaluation should go beyond the evaluation that is conducted by the Florida Department of Education. It should be comprehensive and include an approach that leads to necessary adjustments that will result in successful outcomes.
Elements for conducting an internal evaluation can include data collection or management tools; reports generated by the Florida Department of Education; monthly activity reports; review of staffing requirements; regularly scheduled staff meetings; and monthly expenditure reports.
- The evaluation methods are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of the migrant farmworker project.
- The evaluation methods provide for examining the effectiveness of project implementation strategies and are appropriate to the context within which the project operates.
- The methods include the use of objective performance measures that clearly relate to the intended outcomes of the proposed project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data.
- The methods are likely to produce timely guidance for quality assurance.
- The evaluation process is comprehensive, likely to result in a successful project, and includes an effective approach for using evaluation results to guide necessary adjustments to the proposed project.
- The evaluation instruments are designed to effectively measure program progress and success.
- Support for Strategic ImperativesFIXED REQUIREMENT
Incorporate one or more of the Florida State Board of Education (SBE) Strategic Imperatives. URL:
Describe how the proposed project will address the reading and math / science initiatives of the Department of Education.
Just Read Florida
Math / Science Initiative
- The applicant has included effective methods for incorporating one or more of the SBE Strategic Imperatives.
- The proposed project utilizes a comprehensive plan for integrating pertinent aspects of the Just Read, Florida and the math / science initiatives.
- Dissemination Plan 10 points
Describe the methods / strategies to disseminate and share information about NFJP emergency assistance to appropriate populations (migrant farmworkers and collaborating agencies). Information should include services to be offered, where and when services can be obtained, and information on eligibility for receipt of services. Dissemination of information should incorporate proactive outreach and recruitment efforts, such as the agriculture community, day labor and health care organizations serving farmworkers and their families, home and school visits, attendance of interagency meetings, and the use of radio, television, and print media.
- The applicant’s dissemination plan will use effective and realistic means to reach the appropriate audiences, including the target population(s), the local community, and other organized entities, if / when indicated.
- The methods strategies used to share services provided by the proposed project are innovative.
- The dissemination plan reflects a thorough grasp of the proposed project and the positive impact on the targeted population(s).
- Budget 10 points
When completing the Budget NarrativeForm, DOE 101S, located on the website, underColumn (3), Account Title and Narrative, for each line item specify the budgetary expendituressuch as salaries, equipment and supplies. Expenditures should focus on performanceimprovement, as noted in the application.
See the Program Management Resources section toaccess the budget form and the instructions for completing the form. All NFJP applicants must use the Budget Narrative DOE 101S budget form. All NFJP applications must also include a separate Budget Narrative Form, DOE 101S, for each participating fiscal partner.
This Budget Narrative Component is in addition to completing the DOE 101S, Budget Narrative Form. When applying points, reviewers will consider both the DOE 101S form submitted in the application as well as the budget narrative provided.
Required Forms:
1. The DOE 101S, Budget Narrative Form, is not included in the maximum page count for the Narrative Components section.
2. The DOE 599, Project Disbursement Form, must be submitted with the application, and is not included in the maximum page count for the Narrative Components section.
Please visit our Division’s website at to access all forms.
Present a budget that reflects objectives and proposed costs of the project. Demonstrate how project funds will be used in a cost-effective and cost-efficient manner, alone or in combination with other resources and that planned expenditures are realistic, reasonable, and support project activities and objectives.
Describeany in-kind contributions that will be made by the applicant and assign a monetary value to the contributions.
- The budget is thorough, specific, and supports the proposed project.
- The proposed project budget presents expenses that are allowable, realistic, accurate, and clearly relate to and reflect project activities, objectives, and outcomes.
- The costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential significance of the proposed project.
- The costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the anticipated results and benefits.
- The required personnel, professional and technical services, and / or travel for the proposed project are clearly and adequately explained.
- The justifications for expenditures are reasonable and clearly explained.
- The in-kind contributions clearly support the program goals and monetary values are assigned.
Funding Method (s)
All applicants are advised that grantees will be funded according to the projected outcomes in their applications. In the event that performances do not meet projected goals and result in overpayment, the overpayment must be returned to the Florida Department of Education by August 20, 2014, along with the final DOE 599 form. Monitoring and performance reports will assist grantees in achieving their performance goals and avoiding overpayment.
Funded recipients will receive their allocation (to be determined by the Florida Department of Education) and will be specified on the Project Award Notification, DOE 200.
CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System
Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance must be made on the CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System. If it is determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus cash in transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal Cash Advance distribution on the CARDS System.
Reimbursement with Performance (P)
Payment is rendered upon submission of documented allowable disbursements, plus documentation of completion of specified performance objectives.
Quarterly Advance to Public Entity (S)
For quarterly advances of non-federal funding to state agencies and local education agencies (LEAs) made in accordance within the authority of the General Appropriations Act. Disbursements must be documented and reported to DOE at the end of the project period. The recipient must have detailed documentation supporting all requests for advances and disbursements that are reported on the final DOE financial report.