Form: Transition Life Planning - Student Questionnaire
High School

Name: ______Birthdate:______Year of Graduation:______

School: ______Teacher of IEP authority: ______Grade: ______Date: ______

After completing your education (high school and post secondary), what are your career plans? ______


What do you need to reach your goal? ______



1. Describe your disability.______


2. How does it interfere with your learning? ______


3. What is the easiest way for you to learn? ______


4. Do you ask for help when needed? ______


5. What academic classes have you enjoyed? ______


6. What elective classes have you enjoyed? (examples: art, physical education, etc.) ______


7. What modifications do you need in your class in order to succeed? ______


8. Do you want to be more involved in your IEP? ______

9. Would you like information about vocational training? ______



1. What community services do you use? (examples library, post office, bank, etc.) ______


2. What school activities or clubs are you involved in? ______


3. What other/activities do you do? ______


4. Do you have a driver's license? ______Do you need help passing driver's education? ______

5. Are you aware that at age 18:

You may register to vote? Yes ______No ______

If you are a male you must register for the draft? Yes ______No ______


1. After high school do you want to:

____ work part-time / ____ go to a trade (technical) school
____ work full-time / ____ go to college
____ work part-time and go to school part-time / ____ other

2. Do you need more information on:

____ career awareness / ____ LRS
____ job applications / ____ OCDD
____ resumes / ____ college support programs
____ finding a job / ____ financial aid for school
____ interview skills / ____ information o specific colleges
____ work experience programs / ____ applying to colleges

3. What part-time jobs have you had? (volunteer or paid) ______


4. What skills will you need to do the job you are interested in? ______


5. These are some important skills necessary for getting and holding a job and being successful in school. Check the ones you still need to work on:

____ following a schedule / ____ being on time
____ starting a task by myself / ____ maintaining good attendance
____ respecting other people and their property / ____ following directions
____ organizing my work / ____ planning study time
____ getting along with others / ____ working to my potential
____ doing work neatly and accurately / ____ finishing a task on time

6. Where do you see your living five years after you get out of high school?______



1. What are your dreams or goals?______


2. What are your strengths?______


3. What are your talents?______


4. What are your needs or concerns?______
