Flash Fiction Rubric

(20 – 18) / Artful
(17 – 16) / Developing
(15 -14)
The “Craft” / ·  Sophisticated narrative that shows an awareness of plot structure
·  Concrete, specific details regarding character(s) and setting
·  Voice and/or mood is sharply developed and easy to identify
·  Powerful opening/powerful closing / ·  Strong narrative that shows an awareness of plot structure
·  Mostly concrete, specific details with a few generalities regarding character(s) and setting
·  Voice and/or mood is present and can be identified
·  Strong opening/strong closing / ·  Plot is undeveloped or absent; there is no problem; reads more like an essay
·  Good start but it lacks concrete/specific details; general, vague; underdeveloped character(s) and setting
·  Lacks voice and/or mood– there is no identifiable “attitude” or “feeling”
·  Need to develop the opening and/or closing
The “Polish” / ·  Remarkable effort in polish; no errors
·  Remarkable awareness of sentence style, word choice, and overall readability / ·  Strong effort in polish; very few surface errors
·  Strong awareness of sentence style, word choice, and overall readability / ·  Minimal effort in polish; several errors (that easily could be corrected with a thorough proofread)
·  Lacks awareness of sentence style, word choice, and overall readability
Your best move: / Next time, try this: