Form Part a 3 to Be Submitted in English Language

Form Part a 3 to Be Submitted in English Language

Form Part A 3 to be submitted in English language.

Form Part A 3
Version 1.0 – June 2018

Project title: / project title (max. 150 characters)
Project acronym: / Acronym (max. 20 characters)
Mandatory registration number of Climate and Energy Fund: / registration number of the Climate and Energy Fund
Applicant: / name of applying institution (e.g. university, enterprise, institute). PLEASE NOTE: The here quoted applicant will be contracting party if the project is funded.

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1 Aims and Methodology

1.1 Technical and Scientific Content, Objectives and applied Methodology of the Project

(10 pages maximum)

The description should include the following contents:

  • Description of project objectives and motivation: Description of the project objectives, the questions to be addressed (hypotheses to be tested), key questions/hypothesis and project’s improvement on existing solutions;
  • Key scientific fields/disciplines addressed: listing of the competencies needed to cover all aspects of the projects;
  • Advancement of current knowledge: description of the state of the art (essential literature) and how the project will advance science;
  • Methodology: description of the methodological approach for achieving the project aims, innovative aspects of the methodology, models, the scientific uncertainties and how they will be handled;
  • Short description of any pre-projects of members of the research team funded within ACRP and relevant for the current application including title and internet link to published papers, interim reports or any other results: Identify overlaps and new aspects;
  • Are you aware of research projects addressing similar topics to yours funded by ACRP or other funding agencies? (for ACRP-funded projects see:
  • Applicability and use of the project: description of the user value for the target group(s) of your research. What will be the user value for decision makers, stakeholder groups or the general public on the one hand and for the scientific community (Austrian and international) on the other?

1.2 Research Plan

1.2.1Description of the Work Packages, the Work Plan and the Schedule

A. Overview

Please fill in Table 1 below:

Table 1

WP no. / Title
Work Package (WP) / Duration

Please indicate the amounts (in EUR) for the cost categories listed and for the total costs in the table below:

PLEASE NOTE: In principle, the value-added tax attributable to the services to be funded is not an expenditure eligible for funding unless the funding recipient can prove that she or he is not entitled to value-added tax (i.e. input tax) reduction. Furthermore overheads to the amount of 25% (flat rate) of personnel, material and travel costs as well as RTD investment are recognised.

Table 2

WP no. / Personnel costs
/ RTD investments
(depreciation) / Travel costs / Costs of materials / Subcontracts / Total costs

B. Project Workflow Plan (PWP) – Gantt Diagram:

Clear and detailed graphic description of the work plan and time schedule (recommended length: 1 page).

C. Detailed Description of Individual Work Packages (WPs)

For describing the individual work packages, please use the structure below. For more than one Work Package please copy the table below.
(recommended length: 1 page per work package):

WP no. x / Title of the WP:
Start: MM/YY
End: MM/YY / Total costs of the WP (EUR):
Work Package Leader (organisation’s and scientists name):
Name of participating institute or enterprise / Share of total costs of the WP (euro) / Brief qualitative description of costs
e.g. mainly personnel costs
Objectives of the WP:
Methodology (e.g. modelling, interviews, literature review):

2 Applicants and Project Partners

2.1 Overview

Please note that this data has to be matched with Form B (Sheet “9 Total Costs and Funding”)!

Table 3

Applicant (A) /
Partner no. (P x) / Type of organisation* / (Federal) state** / Share of costs in total costs [EUR] / [%] / Funding applied for [EUR] / [%]
Sum of total costs / 100% / 100%

* Add type of organisation: Please use the following acronyms

Large enterprises / LE
Medium-sized enterprises / ME
Small enterprises / SE
Research institutions – universities, universities of applied sciences / RI-U
Research institutions – non-university research institutions / RI-N
Research institutions – individual researchers / RI-I
Research institutions – others / RI-O

** Add Federal state: Please use the following acronyms

B: Burgenland, K: Carinthia, NÖ: Lower Austria, OÖ: Upper Austria, S: Salzburg,
ST: Styria, T: Tyrol, V: Vorarlberg, W: Vienna.

For international partner: country code.

Table 4

Applicant (A) /
Partner no. (P x) / Scientific field/ discipline / Main task in the project

2.2 Description of Applicant and Partners (1 page maximum per partner)

a) Name of institution or enterprise, or name of scientist

(PLEASE NOTE: The applicant will be the contracting party if the project is funded)

b) Information on the scientific competence of the organisation and of the persons participating in the project (if international partners, please indicate how they will contribute to building Austrian research competence). Focus on know-how relevant to the project
(CVs are to be enclosed in the annex)

c) Description of existing project-relevant infrastructure and other aspects of capacity for carrying out the project.

2.3 Subcontractors

Please list the following information for all subcontractors with subcontracts > EUR 2,000.

1) Basic information

Relevant WP(s) / Subcontractor to A/Px
Name of subcontractor
Subcontractor’s address
Costs of the subcontract [EUR]
Types of costs (stated in %) / e.g.: 50% personnel costs and 50% investments

2) Description of the subcontracted activity

3) Offer (if available)

2.4 Consortium and Management

(2 pages maximum)

Please describe the items listed below:

  • Potential of the consortium for implementing the project objectives; coverage of all addressed topics by experts (if one topic is not covered please specify how the lack of expertise will be dealt with); management structure for reaching these project objectives
  • Use of tools for comprehensive review of the project objectives (self-evaluation: catalogue of evaluation criteria and concept)
  • Building up competence and other medium to long-term advantages for the individual partners

In individual projects, the relevant information refers to the applicant and has to be focussed accordingly.

3 Dissemination

(3 pages maximum)

3.1 Current project

3.1.1 Expected publications for this project

Please describe planned publications (journals, books, conferences, etc) and other planned dissemination activities (stakeholder meeting, public dissemination, etc.)

3.1.2 Expected resulting data sets and / or tools

Please describe which data sets and/or tools (e.g. models, methodologies, checklists, ...) are expected to be generated and who will benefit from them (i.e. what is the added value for potential users)

3.2 Previous ACRP projects, if relevant

Please refer to 6.5.3 of the Guide for the submission of Proposals

3.2.1 Publication by the project leader

Please list the publications resulting from previous ACRP projects by the project leader (linked to the person). This record will be taken into account by the Steering Committee when evaluating research proposals.

3.2.2 Usefulness for the Community

Please describe the usefulness of the previous ACRP researches for the Community

4 Climate friendly research activities

(1 page maximum)

The scientific community needs to critically reflect its own role in climate change and unsustainable behaviours. Therefore please describe proposed climate friendly solutions regarding operational aspects of this project, such as travel, meetings, paper, computer and internet use.

In consideration of the grand societal challenge of climate change that is central to research initiated by the ACRP, the project teams shall seek to contribute to mitigating the carbon footprint of their work. In doing so, the ACRP and the project teams show commitment to increasing the credibility of climate change research and function as a role model for other groups of society in terms of responsible science.

Therefore please tick-off or describe proposed climate friendly solutions regarding operational aspects of this project, such as travel, meetings, paper, computer and internet use. Note that the use of low-carbon means for national and European travel is strongly encouraged by the Steering Committee.

Checklist (Please indicate, which measures you and your project partners are planning to take):

Travel and meetings:

 Where possible, substitute in-person meetings with virtual meetings using video-conferencing technologies

 Where possible, use of web-based technology for the joint development of working documents

 Select locations for project meetings that keep distances travelled to a minimum and are easily reachable via public ground transport (e.g. trains) by the highest number of participants

 Locate the venue and time the meetings to account for the accessibility/centrality of the venue as well as arrival and departure times of important train connections

 In case of international meetings, encourage participants to use (night-)trains as mode for long-distance travel to attend the meetings, by supplying information or information links

 Offset emissions in case car or air travel are necessary

 Organise virtual and non-virtual meetings in acknowledgement of the UNEP Green Meeting Guide ( or the Austrian Green Meeting Standard (

If these standards cannot be adhered to:

 Use energy intensity of meeting location infrastructure as criteria for/against selection of venue

 Procure Organic/Regional/Seasonal/Vegetarian food

 Use climate friendly accommodation.

Office and Infrastructure:

 Where possible, use of renewable energy sources, in particular green web-hosting, for (virtual) infrastructure

 Support the principles of sustainable procurement (e.g. Ökokauf Wien) in the organisations of all involved partners, in particular with respect of purchases in the context of the project

 Keep purchases of office technologies to a minimum, selecting necessary purchases according to environmentally sound principles (i.e. Greenpeace guide to greener electronics)

Further measures and comments:

5 Annex list

Please list the documents you will attach as an annex at the end of this form.

  1. CVs: please insert maximum 1 page per key person into this document, including description of a maximum of 10 publications relevant to the project
  2. Letters of Intent, if some.

6 Information on Evaluators

6.1 Suggestion of Evaluators

Please indicate here international experts, including their field of expertise, you feel qualified to review ACRP proposals.

Name / Enterprise /institute / E-Mail / Field of Expertise

(NOTE: Those experts could be invited to participate in evaluation process of future ACRP Calls. Please make sure to transmit personal data of experts only in case experts have given their prior consent!)

6.2 Exclusion of Evaluators

Please indicate here if there are any international evaluators/enterprises/organisations that you wish to exclude from evaluating your current application („blocking note“). Please indicate the name of the evaluator / the enterprise / the organisation, including a short justification for excluding them.

Name of evaluator / Enterprise /institute / E-Mail / Reason of exclusion

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