Title of role / Youth and Schools Campaigns Assistant (voluntary internship)
Location / Oxfam London Office (Victoria)
Commitment / Approx. 25 hours per week (flexi-time) from October to March 2011.
The successful applicant will manage a workload including project management and face-to-face support of young people campaigning with Oxfam across London and the South East.
Some work outside office hours/at weekends will be required.
Some UK travel will be required. All relevant travel costs will be reimbursed.
Appointment to the role depends on a satisfactory Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check being completed by the successful applicant
Department name and brief description / This role is in the Campaigns and Policy Division. The Oxfam London and the South East Campaigns Team focuses on influencing regional political structures, supporting regional activism and building strategic alliances. It does this by raising the profile and understanding of Oxfam’s campaigns in the regional media, community activism, political lobbying, special events and work with youth and schools.
Oxfam’s youth and schools work aims to empower young people as active global citizens with the knowledge, skills and commitment to make a real difference in the world.
What the intern will be doing / This is a new and exciting role that provides the successful applicant with the opportunity to take a creative and youth-centred approach to build upon Oxfam’s successful existing work with young people.
This will include:
- Project management and resource development.
- Establishing and building strong links with schools, volunteers and youth groups in the region.
- Face-to-face support of young people working on Oxfam youth and schools projects.
- Support and communications for Oxfam’s Youth and Schools volunteers.
- Creative approach to generating new projects and content, including new media.
- Collating evidence and reporting on youth and schools actions to ensure Oxfam campaigns have maximum impact.
- Communicating with the youth and schools audience in an inspiring and accessible way.
- Managing the administration, monitoring and evaluation of projects.
- Assisting and contributing to the work of the London and South East campaigns team as applicable.
What skills or experience the intern needs to have /
- Strong organisational and team-working skills; and the ability to manage multiple projects to meet deadlines, prioritising as necessary. You will work to the highest standards of project and event management (essential)
- Excellent communication skills and able to motivate and inspire young people from a wide range of backgrounds (essential)
- Attention to detail and ‘finishing’ skills to get the job done (essential)
- Can-do attitude (essential)
- Creative approach to public communications and problem solving (essential)
- Calm under pressure (essential)
- Passion to inspire action supporting Oxfam’ campaigns (essential)
- Proven success of working with young people and schools (essential)
- Knowledge and understanding of the formal education sector and the youth and schools environment (desirable)
Your name or the contact for further information / John McLaverty, Youth and Schools Campaigner, London and the South East.
Your contact details (eg email, postal address) so that applicants can send you their internship application forms / Visit the following webpage and download an application form:
Completed applications should be sent to John McLaverty
Post: John McLaverty, Oxfam Education & Youth, 232-242 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1AU
Closing date for applications / Tuesday 28th September 2010 at 12 noon
Interview date / Week commencing Monday 4th October 2010
Start date / Monday 11 October 2010 or asap – exact date negotiable