The International Research Foundation

for English Language Education


(last updated 1September 2014)

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Han, Z. (2008). On the role of meaning in focus on form. In Z. Han (Ed.), Understanding secondlanguage process (pp. 45-79). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

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Lightbown, P. (1998). The importance of timing in focus on form. In C. Doughty & J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 177-196). Cambridge, UK: CambridgeUniversity Press.

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Lyster, R. (1998). Recasts, repetition, and ambiguity in L2 classroom discourse. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 20, 51-81.

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Sheen, Y. (2006). Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learneruptake. Language Teaching Research, 10, 361-392.

Spada, N. (1997). Form-focused instruction and second language acquisition: A review ofclassroom and laboratory research. Language Teaching, 29, 73-87.

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Swain, M. (1998). Focus on form through conscious reflection. In C. Doughty & J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom second language acquisition (pp. 64–81). Cambridge, UK: CambridgeUniversity Press.

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