Full name of Company (Bidder):Full name of Company (Bidder):
Contact name for enquiries about this PQQ:
Contact position (Job Title):
Post Code:
Telephone number(s):
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Company/ Registered Provider or Charity registration number (if applicable - please specify registering body):
Country of Registration:
Type of organisation:
(Please tick one) /
- a public limited company
- a limited company
- a limited liability partnership
- other partnership
- other (please specify)
Name and registration number of immediate parent company (if applicable):
Name and registration number of ultimate parent company (if applicable):
Type of organisation (as specified by the UK Companies Act of 2006 /
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Gender composition of ownership of the bidding firm / Male:
Gender composition of Board / Male:
Do you consider yourself an environmentally friendly business?
Have you complied with the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015? Yes/ No
- General
Important Notice:
Any Bidder who is unable to answer 'Yes' to the following question will be disqualified from the tender process.
Is the Bidder: / Answer(Yes or No)
a.Able to service the requirement as outlined in Annex 1 of this PQQ?
- Mandatory grounds for rejection
Important Notice:
Any Bidder who answers “Yes” to any question in this section will be disqualified from the tender process.
Please answer each question.
Has the Bidder or any of its directors or partners or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control been convicted of: / Answer(Yes or No)
e.the offence of cheating the Government's Tax Authority
f.the offence of conspiracy to defraud
h.fraudulent trading
i.fraudulent evasion of taxation
j.destroying, defacing or concealing of documents
k.making, adapting, supplying or offering to supply articles for use in frauds laundering offence in connection with the proceeds of criminal conduct offence in connection with the proceeds of drug trafficking
o.a criminal offence relating to the conduct of his/her business or profession
p.committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of his/her business or profession;
- Discretionary Grounds for Rejection
Any Bidder who answers “Yes” to any question in this section may be disqualified from the tender process.
In the event that you answer “Yes” to any question, please set out in a separate Annex, full details of the relevant incident and any remedial action taken subsequently. The information provided may be taken into account by the Secretariat in considering whether or not you will be able to proceed any further in respect of this tender process.
Has the bidder ever been the subject of any of the following (or the equivalent of any of the following in the applicable jurisdiction): / Answer(Yes or No)
c.debt relief order or restriction
d.administration order
f.arrangement or composition with creditors
g.winding up order (otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation)
- Financial Information
Important Notice:
Any Bidder who answers “No” to the following questions will be disqualified from the process:
Financial Information / Bidder ConfirmationPlease provide copies of your audited accounts or audited financial statements for the three most recent financial years, including profit and loss statements, balance sheet and cash flow for each financial year. / Yes/No
The above information will be used to support the Bidder's answer to question 2 below.
- Minimum Turnover Test – Pass/ Fail
Important Notice:
Any Bidder who answers “No” to this question will be disqualified from the process.
Please confirm that your average annual turnover (taken as the mean average turnover calculated over the last 3 financial years) realised from your operations meets or exceeds the minimum annual turnover threshold set out below:
Minimum Annual Turnover Threshold / Bidder Confirmation£100,000 (One hundred thousand GBP) / Yes/No
- Accreditation
Bidders will receive a score of 5 if they are able to answer ‘Yes’ to the following question with sufficient supporting details; otherwise they will score 0.
Is the Bidder: / Answer(Yes or No)
a.Are you able to provide copies of any professional and/ or trade qualifications of your senior managers proposed to work on this project?
- Experience
Bidders must provide examples demonstrating experience for each of the questions asked.
Scores will be allocated for each project in accordance with the following scoring table, with more recent and relevant projects in terms of the size and reflecting the nature of the Secretariat's requirements likely to score higher marks.
Score / Interpretation5 / Response demonstrates excellent relevant experience
4 / Response demonstrates good relevant experience
3 / Response demonstrates satisfactory relevant experience
2 / Response demonstrates weak relevant experience
1 / Response demonstrates poor relevant experience
0 / Response demonstrates no relevant experience
Project Categories
- Please provide details of two separate projects with a value of at least £30,000 (Thirty thousand GBP) each relating to the terms of reference Annex 1 that have been performed by the Bidder during the past two years that are relevant to the Secretariat's requirements.
Maximum score: 10 marks (5 for each project)
(a) Project 1 / (b) Project 2Customer Organisation (name)
Customer contact name and phone number
Customer address
Works description (purpose and outcome)
Project management approach used
Project value originally quoted
Project value charged
Dates of contract (start date and end date)
Project effort (Total number of person months)
Customer reference letters provided? / Yes/No / Yes/No
On no more than 4 (four) sides on A4 paper, set out your project approach to addressing the Terms of Reference at Annex 1. Your response should include:-
- Project Approach
Set out briefly your thoughts and plans for meeting the Terms of Reference. You may include a brief work plan if you wish.
- Project and Risk Management
Attach and then describe your standard project and risk management framework and its relevance to this project. Where relevant, include your practical examples based on past projects.
- Quality Assurance
Give details of the quality assurance standards and methodology adopted for similar projects your firm has carried out.
- Environmental Cognisance
Please provide your firm’s Environmental Management Policy information/details and/or web link. This document to cover areas such as energy management (ISO 50001), initiatives to reduce your company’s carbon footprint and creating Staff Awareness. Is your company registered with an Environment Agency? If so, please provide your registration details.
- Consultancy Inputs
Please provide CVs of the project team and details of their knowledge, experience and qualifications relevant to this project.
Note: Any attachments, for e.g., on risk management, the environment or the CVs do not count towards the four page limit
Scores will be allocated for each question set out above in accordance with the following scoring table.
Score / Interpretation5 / Response to specific question is rated as excellent
4 / Response to specific question is rated as good
3 / Response to specific question is rated as satisfactory
2 / Response to specific question is rated as weak
1 / Response to specific question is rated as poor
0 / Response to specific question is not appropriate
The weightings in this section are equal across all questions.
When you have completed the PQQ, please ensure that:
- You have answered all the questions;
- You have provided all supporting documentation requested; and
- You have read and signed the undertaking below.
Use the checklist at clause 4.11 to confirm that you have submitted all the information required.
A Partner, Director or authorised signatory, in his/her own name, on behalf of the Bidder must sign the declaration on company letterhead.
I certify that the information supplied is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I accept the conditions and undertakings requested in the PQQ. I understand and accept that false information could result in rejection of the application to be selected to take part in the tender process. I confirm that neither myself nor any of my colleagues are related to any Secretariat member of staff (includes but not limited to spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, or sibling).
By signing and returning this letter, I/we confirm that I/we have not in relation to this opportunity or the PQQ:
- Entered into any agreement with any other person with the aim of preventing bids being made or as to the fixing or adjusting of the amount of any bid or the conditions on which any bid is made or the elements or contents of any bid;
- Informed any other person, other than the Commonwealth Secretariat of any confidential information in relation to the project, except where disclosure, in confidence, was necessary for the purposes of preparing the PQQ;
- Caused or induced any person to enter into such an agreement as is mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) above;
- Committed any offence under applicable anti-bribery or anti money laundering laws and/or regulations;
- Offered or agreed to pay, give or accept any sum of money, inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done, in relation to any proposed bid, any act or omission;
- Offered or agreed to pay, give or accept any sum of money, inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person bidding for the PQQ, or from any person in relation to this project; or
- Agreed to undertake work or services for any other person in connection with the project.
Either - I/ we know of no conflict of interest which, if came to be known, would prohibit my firm from carrying out this work [or] I would like to declare the following conflict/s of Interest (please list).
[Declaring any conflicts of interest does not automatically mean your firm’s exclusion from this RFQ process. If you believe the conflicts do not materially affect your ability to deliver this project should your firm be successful, please explain how the conflicts will be managed].
In this letter the word "person" includes any person, body or association, corporate or incorporate and "agreement" includes any arrangement whether formal or informal and whether legally binding or not.
Telephone No:
Email address:
Position/Status in the organisation: