Gold Achievement Award

Name: ______Age: ______

Club: ______County: ______

To achieve the Gold Achievement Award you must have completed the 9th grade and have participated in a UnionCounty 4-H Club. In addition you must have completed all the mandatory items listed below and fifteen of the optional requirements and have achieved the Clover, Bronze and Silver Achievement Award. Check the column at the left with your completed items.

Mandatory Requirements for Gold Achievement Award

___1. Attended half of your club meetings. If you have joined during the year, the majority of the meetings will be based upon the number of meetings remaining following your joining the club.

___ Number of meetings you attended.

___ Number of club meetings.

___2. Completed your record book and submitted for record book judging.

___ 3. Completed a leadership project.

Project completed in leadership: ______

___4. Exhibited one or more projects at the Union County Fair.

___ Number of exhibits.

___ 5. Completed in a citizenship project.

Project completed in citizenship: ______

Optional Requirement for Gold Achievement Award

4-H strives to instill “Life Skills” in young people, skills that will build their confidence and abilities which will benefit them now and in their future. There are four categories of identifiable life skills:

1. Giving and Working3. Managing and Thinking

2. Relating and Caring 4. Living and Being

4-H members applying for the Gold Achievement Award are required to complete fifteen of the optional requirements listed below.

Giving and Working

___ 1. Participated in a club activity.

List and describe the activity and your experience:______



___ 2. Participated in a county activity.

List and describe the activity and your experience: ______



___ 3. Participated in a club service project.

List and describe the activity and your experience:______



___ 4. Hold/held an officer position.

List position: ______

___ 5. Volunteered on your own (example: volunteer at the county or state fair, school,

church, etc.)

List volunteer service and your experience: ______



___ 6. Chair/chaired a club committee.

List committee: ______

___ 7. Applied for an area officer position.

List position: ______

___ 8. Applied for a state officer position.

List position: ______

___ 9. Applied for a state team position.

List position; ______

Relating and Caring

___ 1. Participated in a club presentation.

Explain you presentation and experience: ______



___ 2. Helped a 4-H member with a project.

Explain your experience: ______



___ 3. Tried a new project.

List new project area and your experience: ______



___ 4. Mentored a new 4-H member.

Explain your experience: ______



___ 5. Participated in a presentation to a non 4-H group (presentation must involve 4-H promotion or activity)

List presentation and group: ______


___ 6. Gave a presentation at the county fair.

List presentation: ______

___ 7. Participated in Share the Fun at county fair.

List activity: ______

Managing and Thinking

___ 1. Set yearly project goals.

List your project goals: ______



___ 2. Expanded on a project that you have done before.

List the project and tell how you expanded your knowledge in this area: ______



___ 3. Researched a project area and provide documentation of resources (example: in addition to baking bread include a short research paragraph on the origin or nutritional benefit of the bread). Explain your research experience: ______



Living and Being

___ 1. Participated in a food and nutrition project.

List project and tell about your experience: ______



___ 2. Tell about a time in 4-H were you learned about character (respect, responsibility,

caring, fairness, citizenship, and trust worthy)

Please explain your experience: ______



___ 3. Applied for area awards.

Award applied for: ______

___ 4. Applied for state awards.

Award applied for: ______

___ 5. Provide an example of how 4-H has bettered your life.

Please explain: ______



The above information is correct.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Club Leader Signature: ______Date: ______

4-H Youth Coordinator Signature:______Date: ______

For Selection Committee Use Only:
______Approved ______Deferred Date: ______
Comments: ______