№ 1(34) 2010
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ISSN 2074-9120
Preventive and clinical medicine (Herald of the Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg state medical academy).
2010 № 1 (34), 241 pp.
Subscription index: 42363-полугод, 42364-год / Editor-in-chief
Academician of RAMS, Honoured scientist of RF, M.D., Professor A.V.Shabrov
Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.G.ARTAMONOVA (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.M.BOLSHAKOV (Moscow), A.A.BORISOV (Saint-Petersburg), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.A.DOTSENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor L.P.ZUEVA (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.I.IVANOV (Moscow), M.D., Professor A.V.ISTOMIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor V.R.KUCHMA (Moscow), M.D., Professor B.V.LIMIN (Vologda), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.S.LUCHKEVICH (Saint-Petersburg), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.G.MAIMULOV (vice-editor-in-chief, Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor G.G.ONISCHENKO (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor Yu.Р.PIVOVAROV (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor S.N.PUZIN (Moscow), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor, Yu.A.RAKHMANIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor P.G.ROMASHOV (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor P.I.SIDOROV (Arkhangelsk), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor G.A.SOFRONOV (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.I.STARODUBOV (Moscow), M.D., Professor E.I.TKACHENKO (Saint-Petersburg), Academician of RAMS, Honoured Scientist of RF, Professor V.A.TUTELIYAN (Moscow), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor V.P.CHASCHIN (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor T.S.CHERNYAKINA (executive secretary, Saint-Petersburg)
Corresponding member of RAMS, M.D., Professor N.M.ANICHKOV (Saint-Petersburg), Candidate of Medicine A.I.VERESCHAGIN (Moscow), M.D., Professor L.I.GLUSHKOVA (Syktyvkar), M.D., Professor S.A.GORBANEV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.A.DADALI (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor G.I.DIYACHUK (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding member of RAMS, M.D., Professor N.V.Zaitseva (Perm), M.D., Professor A.L.ZELDIN (Saint-Petersburg), Doctor of Biology, Professor A.L.KOVALENKO (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding member of RAMS, Professor B.A.KURLYANDSKY (Moscow), M.D., Professor S.A.LINNIK (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.V.MELTSER (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.V.NAGORNY (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.I.NIKOLAEV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.M.PETRENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor L.G.PODUNOVA (Moscow), Honoured Scientist of RF, M.D., Professor I.V.POLYAKOV (Saint-Petersburg), Candidate of Medicine I.A.RAKITIN (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor V.G.RADCHENKO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor A.V.Skalny (Moskow), M.D., Professor E.G.TOPUZOV (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor S.A.KHOTIMCHENKO (Moscow), M.D., Professor A.G. SHIMAN (Saint-Petersburg), Corresponding Member of RAMS, M.D., Professor A.P.SCHERBO (Saint-Petersburg), M.D., Professor I.Sh.YAKUBOVA (Saint-Petersburg)
Orel V.I., Tsiteladze A.A. Problems of physical examination of teenagers entering military educational institutions of the general secondary education
Sayed Kamruzzaman, Krasnenkov V. L., Vinogradov A.F. Analysis of infantile death rate and factors influencing its decrease at realization of target programs in the Tver region
Petrova N.N. Characteristics of pathological ear, nose and throat diseases of the Saint-Petersburg industrial enterprise workers
Eliovich I.G., Gorbanev S.A., Nekhoroshev А.С. On regional information databases of social-hygienic monitoring improvement
Scherbuk A.Yu., Bashkov L.L., Donskov V.V. Experience of regenerative treatment organization in a megacity in patients surviving hi-tech operations (St.-Petersburg as an example)
Morozko P. N. Assessment of health and the academic progress of sports high school students
Israilova G.M, Eshmuradova S.T., Turaev I.E. Hygienic evaluation of risk factors of contamination of dairy and meat products manufactured under water shortage conditions
Khamrakulova M.A. Carbohydrate-energy metabolism disorders in the liver under the influence of decys pesticide and their correction by introduction of biologically active substances
Chernushevich N.I. Upper extremities functional state in persons working in trades with various kinds of physical activity
Figurovsky A.P., Mozzhukhina N.N., Alikbaeva L.A., Khomulo D.P., Yermolaev-Makovsky M. A. Hygienic characteristic of working conditions at manufacturing chipboard
Nikolaev V.I., Denisenko M.D. Special characteristics of emotional tension and hemodynamic change in man during psychoemotional stress
Minko B.A., Prokhorov D.G., Semeonova A.A., Shevtsov I.V. Ultrasonic examination of patients with renal cancer at small-invasive surgical interventions
Kasumov V.R. Method of subpial transections in a system of surgical treatment of multifocal epilepsy
Reznikova T.N., Semivolos V.I., Ilves A.G., Seliverstova N.A. Characteristics of intrinsic pattern of illness at demyelination foci localization in the brain of patients with multiple sclerosis
Zborovsky A.B., Zavodovsky B.V., Nikitina N.V., Yashina Yu.V., Budkova E.V., Doronina I.V., Pavlova A.B., Zborovskaya I.A. Clinical-pathogenetic value of metabolic syndrome markers determination in patients with osteoarthritis
Komyakov B. K., Akimov A.N., Tagirov N.S., Lazarenko I.B., Gadzhiev N.K. Combined coral calculi treatment
Kosinets V.A. Efficacy of metabolic drug "Cytoflavin" use in experimental widespread purulent peritonitis
Sayganov S.A., Khurtsilava O.G. Acute cardiac insufficiency treatment in myocardium infarction of the right ventricle
Shuster P.I., Tselebrovskaya O.N., Sagidullin F.A. Hypogonadism androgen therapy efficacy and safety in patients with hyperuricemy and radically eliminated urolithiasis
Ishinova V.A. Dynamics of tactile sensitivity in patients with psychogenic pain in the course of mental relaxation
Galeev Sh.I., Topuzov M. E., Rubtsov M.A. Prognosis of severe acute pancreatitis: whether consensus “Atlanta 1992” criteria enough?
Teplov A.Yu., Grishin S.N., Farkhutdinov A.M. Possible mechanisms of contractile function change in isolated murine striated muscles at allergic body change
Ermolov S.Yu., Ermolova T.V., Dobkes A.L. Role of hemodynamic factors in evaluation of plasmaphoresis efficacy in patients with chronic liver diseases
Grinevich V.B., Lapteva E.N., Egorov D.V., Kravchuk Y.A. Estimation of the index of body´s mass by the method of two-frequency bioelectrical impedance analisis at the patients with discompensative cirrhosis of the liver
Chuprov I.N. The updated complex description of the skin basal cell carcinoma
Akhmedova M.D., Imamova I.A. Early risk prognosis of acute renal insufficiency development in acute enteric infections in children
Gulyamov N.G., Dalimov T.K., Mirzajanova D.B. Adrenal gland cortex functional insufficiency in typhoid fever infection: hormonal and immunological aspects of pathogenicity
Shoumarov S.B., Gulyamov N.G., Smagin A.A. Causes and ways of seronegativity formation overcoming in vaccinal prevention of typhoid fever
Shvedova N.M., Mikhailova E.V., Khmilevskaya S.A. Epstein-Barr virus mononucleosis in children. Pharmacoeconomical substantiation of immunotropic therapy
Khalikova S.A., Daminova M.N. Amino acid spectrum and nitrogen oxide state in blood serum of children with chronic virus hepatitis C
Khayitov R.Kh., Akhmedova H.Yu. On causes and possibility of frequency rate decrease of human HBV, HCV and HIV infection through donor blood
Aleksandrova E.A., Kazimirova N.E., Lepilin A.V., Shuldyakov A.A. Clinical-pathogenetic aspects of periodontitis development in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Zarubaev V.V., Kovalenko A.L., Sologub T.V., Romantsov M. G, Petrov A.Yu. Comparative efficacy of antiviral drugs in experimental influenza infection caused by viruses А/Swine (Н1N1), Puerto (Н1N1), Мallard|PennsyLvania (H5 N2)
Romantsov M.G, Isakov V.A., Rybalkin S.B., Krasnov V.V., Kovalenko A.L. Modern approaches to the treatment of herpetic infection (clinical review)
Romantsov M.G., Goryacheva L.G., Kovalenko A.L. Cycloferon for treatment and prevention of children diseases (clinical review)
Gaykovaya L.B., Kukharchik G.A., Burbello A.T., Vavilova T.V. Laboratory studies in efficacy and safety evaluation of medicinal therapy of ischemic heart disease
Romantsov M.G., Grebenyuk T.B., Sologub T.V., Danilenkova G.G. Principles of constructive pedagogics in educational process of higher medical schools
1320 Орел
© V.I.Oryol, A.A.Tsiteladze, 2010
UDC 613.956:616-071.2:378
Orel V.I., Tsiteladze A.A. Problems of physical examination of teenagers entering military educational institutions of the general secondary education // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - №1 (34). – Р.7-11.
¹State educational institution for high professional education «Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy by Federal agency for health services and social development»; 194100, Saint-Petersburg, Litovskaya str., 2; tel./fax: (8-812) 554-05-83; e-mail: .
²State general secondary education school «Saint-Petersburg Military Suvorov School»; 194011, Saint-Petersburg, Sadovaya str., 26; tel./fax: 310-18-00, e-mail: spb-svu.nm.ru.
Summary: The study conducted the analysis of the medical examination of adolescents to enroll in military schools, a comprehensive assessment of their health status. In reforming the military education system interagency integration is necessary in carrying out the basic stages of a medical examination of young people entering the military school in child health clinics of the Ministry of Health.
Key words: military school of general secondary education (college); assessment of adolescent health status; medical examination; interdepartmental integration.
1. Баранов А.А. Профилактические основы развития приоритетного национального проекта в сфере здравоохранения в интересах детей. / Баранов А.А., Кучма В.Р. // Здравоохранение Российской Федерации.– 2008. – №1. – С. 10-11.
2. Рапопорт И.К. Состояние здоровья школьников и проблемы выбора профессии. / Рапопорт И.К. // Гигиена и санитария. – 2009. – №2. – С. 36-38
3. Varni JW, et al. The Peds QLä: Measurement Model for the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory. Medical Care, 1999; 37(2):126-139
4. Куликов А.А. Оптимизация учебно-воспитательного процесса на основе мониторинга здоровья школьников. / Куликов А.А., Лебедев СБ., Шевченко В.Н. // Регион: Политика. Экономика. Социология. – 2000. – №4. С. 132-135.
5. Пажеский Его Императорского Величества корпус за сто лет: в 2 т. / авт.-сост. Д.М. Левшин. – СПб.; «Т-во Художественной печати», 1902. – с Т.1 – С. 204-216.
6. Постановление Правительства РФ от 25 февраля 2003 г. № 123 «Об утверждении Положения о военно-врачебной экспертизе». / Собрание законодательства РФ. – 2003. – №10. ст. 902.
Information about the authors:
Oryol V.I. Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honoured Scientist of FR, head of State educational institution for high professional education «Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy by Federal agency for health services and social development»; 194100, Saint-Petersburg, Litovskaya str. 2; work tel. (812) 554-05-83, mobile phone 8-921-949-41-47; e-mail: .
Tsiteladze A.A. Chief Physician of Saint-Petersburg Military Suvorov School; work tel. (812) 310-18-00, mobile phone 8-921-791-20-66; e-mail: .
Accepted 14.10.2009 г.
1242 Сайед
UDC 614.1: 312.2: 616-053.3 (471.331)
© К. Sayed, A.G. Ivanov, 2010
The Analysis of Infant Mortality and Factors Lowering its Rate
while Implementing Strategic Programs in Tver Region
K. Sayed, A.G. Ivanov
State Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Education
“Tver State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and
Social Development” Tver, Russia
Sayed K., Ivanov A.G. Analysis of infantile death rate and factors influencing // Preventive and clinical medicine. – 2010. - №1 (34). – Р.11-14.
State Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Education «Tver State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development». Russia, 170100, Tver, Sovetskay str., 4. Tel. 8 (4822) 32-17-79, fax: 8 (4822) 34-43-09. E-mail:
Summary: The research represents the analysis of infant mortality and factors determining its rate in Tver Region for the period of 1996-2007. It reveals a positive dynamics in the indexes of infant mortality for the last 11 years which is to large extent can be attributed to the implementation of the «Complex Program on Women and Child Care and Child Mortality Reduction» in Tver Region, carried out in 1989-2010. It also proves the effectiveness of developing and launching strategic programs on fighting both the rate and the definite causes of death among the population.
Kеy words: infant mortality; manageable, partially manageable and unmanageable factors; strategic regional programs.
Infant mortality belongs to the leading index of not only the effectiveness of the State Health Service but the national well-being on the whole. For several decades Tver Region has been among the regions with the highest infant mortality rates both in The Central Federal District and in Russian Federation on the whole.
The aim of research was to substantiate the necessity of developing and implementing strategic programs to lower the rate of mortality among the population especially occurring due to definite causes.
Material and Methods of Research: The research represents the analysis of statistic data provided by the Local Committee of Federal Statistic Data Service of Tver Region on infant mortality, perinatal mortality including early neonatal one and mortinatality.
Multi-factor analysis applied determined quantitatively the importance and share of different factors influencing the rate of infant mortality.
Results of the research and their discussion. The rates of infant mortality in Tver Region in 1997-2007 fluctuated between 19.3‰ in 1998 and 9.8‰ in 2007. Since 1999 the positive dynamics of this index might be observed – there has been a gradual decrease in infant mortality. On the whole the index fell down by 46.2% (from 18.2‰ in 1996 to 9.8‰ in 2007). But at the same time it continued exceeding the average rates of child mortality in Russia. By 2007 this difference has amounted 4.3% (9.4‰ throughout Russia and 25.6% throughout the Central Federal District (7.8‰).
Similar trend could be observed in urban areas of the Region since 1999 but in the rural area this process started a bit later – in 2002. The comparison of mortality rates among urban and rural infants aged less than 1 year old displayed the exceeding of deaths the latter above the former (except in the years of 1998, 2000 and 2006 when the mortality among rural children was lower than among the urban ones.) At the same time infant mortality in urban settlements fluctuated between 8.3‰ in 2007 and 19.9‰ in 1998, as for the rural ones the figures were 10.2‰ in 2006 and 24.1‰ in 1996. Thus positive dynamics in the rates of infant mortality could be equally observed both in urban and in rural areas. The indexes of 1996 dropped (by 47.8% and 42.7% correspondingly) and the most rapid changes could be observed in rural settlements since 1996 to 2006.
In the urban districts of Tver Region the rates of infant mortality in 2007 remained within the boundaries of 5.0‰ and 16.2‰. In comparison to 1996 the indexes decreased by 8.5% that is they became 3.6 times lower. Among the municipal districts the range of infant mortality indexes varied considerably between 2.8‰ and 43‰. At the same time the changes in indexes for the studied period proved diverse in different districts of the region: the increase in infant mortality was reported in 12 districts with the decrease in 14 ones; it remained practically the same in 4 districts and in 6 ones the cases of infant mortality were not registered at all.