M.S. in Applied Geospatial Sciences
Northern Arizona University
Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation
(form rev. 3 March 2010)
Send to: MS Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation, Northern Arizona University, Box 15016, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5016.
Applications received by February 15 (for Fall semester admission) and October 15 (for Spring semester admission) will receive priority consideration for Graduate Assistantships. The Department must be in possession of your Graduate Record Exam scores, and you must have already applied to the NAU Graduate College before this application will be reviewed. Please type this form.
Assistantship positions are limited. To accept an assistantship is a major responsibility. Failure to successfully fill the expectations of an assistantship may result in dismissal from the program and may be reflected in the overall evaluations of a student's performance. Students should carefully evaluate their financial situation and seek assistantships only if necessary.
EMPHASIS AREA: m Geospatial Technologies
m Planning and Recreation
(check one only) m Custom Emphasis in Geography, Planning and Recreation
Applying for (check all that apply):
__ General Graduate Assistantship and Out-of-state Tuition Waiver
__ Out-of-state Tuition Waiver (without a Graduate Assistantship)
__ In-state Tuition Waiver (may be combined with any of the above, or considered separately)
Specific Geography Dept Assistantships: (please list your specific skills for these positions in the application below)
__ GIS Technician/Lab Assistantship
__ Map Reading and Remote Sensing Lab Assistantship
__ Physical Geography Lab Assistantship
Application Date:______for the Academic Year 20____ - 20____
Name: ______
Predominant Ethnic Background (optional):______
Please list your principal subdiscipline(s) and research interests:
Briefly summarize your ultimate goals in your education:
Relevant Work and Volunteer Experience: (Institution/Organization, Duties, Dates)
Publications, Honors, Citations, Fellowships, Scholarships, Awards (if any):
Statement of Financial Need. If you can afford to undertake graduate studies without working, you will most likely finish faster, and with less stress. Unfortunately, this is not possible for most students. Please explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel places you in particular need for financial assistance?
IMPORTANT FINE PRINT - If you are awarded an assistantship:
(1) Your starting date of work will be ONE WEEK BEFORE classes start. You MUST be prepared to arrive NO LATER THAN the Monday before classes start for the semester that your award begins. You will be required to register with the NAU payroll office on or before that Monday, and you will be required to attend a Graduate Student Orientation workshop, which typically is an all-day event on the Tuesday or Wednesday of that week. Please make a note of this in your personal calendar.
(2) You will be on a PROBATIONARY PERIOD for the first 90 days (for a Research Assistant) or the first semester (for a Teaching Assistant). You must demonstrate satisfactory ability and progress to continue the assistantship beyond the probationary period. Pending the availability of funds, and at the Department's discretion, assistantships may be continued for up to a maximum of two years, but only IF you demonstrate continued satisfactory ability and acceptable progress toward your degree. Tuition Scholarships are awarded for only one year at a time by the NAU e College, not the Geography Department, based on the information on provided this form and the Department's recommendation.