SELF EVALUATION REPORT OF [Insert Programme Name]:

[Insert Institution Name]

[Insert Report Date]

Table of Contents

List of Acronyms 4

Glossary of Terms 5



2.1 Goals and Objectives of the Programme 8

2.2 Governance 9

2.4 Programme Design and Development 12

2.5 Teaching and Learning Strategy 14

2.6 Internal Quality Assurance Plan or System 15

2.7 Physical Resources & Infrastructure 16

2.9 Admissions 19

2.10 Assessment of Learner Attainment 21


3.1 Eligibility for Review: 22

3.3 Evaluation Framework 22

3.4 Decision Framework for New Programmes 23


[Insert a list of abbreviations used]



[Provide a short narrative of the purpose of the self-evaluation. Provide also a brief profile of the department/faculty/institution offering the programme and brief remarks on the nature of the programme.]


[Provide a short narrative of how the panel that compiled the self-evaluation was composed; make reference to Table 1.2 below.]

Table 1.2

Name / Qualification & Area of Expertise / Position/Title in Institution

[Provide a short description of the methodology adopted in doing the self-evaluation by the institution and any information that you think may be useful to the reader.]


2.1 Goals and Objectives of the Programme


The programme is in line with the institution’s vision and mission, and forms part of the proposed operational plans to achieve stated goals and objectives. It carries potential to address national needs and articulates well with other relevant programmes locally and internationally.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this standard as identified during the self-evaluation. This should evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the context of constraints, threats and opportunities in which the programme is running.

It should also show the interconnectedness of the various elements of strategic planning and quality management in the provision of the programme. It should take into account changes that have taken place in the programme in the recent past as well as ones anticipated in the future.]


(i)  The objectives of the programmes are in line with national, regional and international needs of the profession;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(ii)  The exit level outcomes are well-articulated, generic, relevant to the profession, workplace, further education and needs of the country;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iii)  The programme to be offered relate to specific strengths of the provider in terms of experience, qualifications, niche area and nature of programmes already on offer;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iv)  The provider has a strategic plan in place with measurable objectives and realistic timeframes;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(v)  Where open and distance education is offered, the programme management team provides a rationale for the use of open and distance education for the delivery of the programme, and the vision and mission are adequately grounded;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vi)  The provider has a plan for monitoring implementation of the strategic plan;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vii)  The goals and objectives of the programme are in line with the vision and mission as articulated in the strategic plan of the provider;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(viii)  The exit level outcomes include problem solving, independent thinking, and critical thinking skills;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(ix)  The exit level outcomes of the programme are comparable with discipline-specific requirements and professional practices that generally apply in the country, region and international world;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(x)  The exit level outcomes are based on professional requirements and are in line with recent developments in the profession.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

2.1.1 List of Documents used as Evidence:

[Insert a list of documents used as evidence as referred to in the narrative above]

2.1.2 Strengths:

[Write a list of strengths as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.1.3 Weaknesses:

[Write a list of weaknesses as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.1.4 Strategy for Improvement:

[Write a list of strategies for improvement as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.2 Governance


The provider of the programme is a properly constituted entity whose governance structures and functions are well defined, relevant to each position or structure, well-understood by those delivering the programme, in line with the stated goals and objectives , and have a potential to create an environment for the delivery of a high-quality programme.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this standard as identified during the self-evaluation. This should evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the context of constraints, threats and opportunities in which the programme is running.

It should also show the interconnectedness of the various elements of strategic planning and quality management in the provision of the programme. It should take into account changes that have taken place in the programme in the recent past as well as ones anticipated in the future.]


(i)  The provider is registered under Companies Act and is registered or has a plan for registration by Registrar in the Ministry of Education and Training;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(ii)  Where relevant and appropriate the provider will have a board, committee or similar structure that provides academic oversight by developing, monitoring, reviewing policies and programmes to ensure high standards of delivery and adherence to national standards and professional requirements;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iii)  The provider has a formal permission of the owner of the programme (if the programme is franchise) or relevant professional body to run the programmes;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iv)  Where ownership of programmes rests with a second party, the provider is accountable for the quality of the programme and efficacy of its delivery;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(v)  The provider has capacity to recruit experienced and competent management team with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of office bearers;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vi)  The governing structures of the provider have potential to enable timely and effective decision-making to ensure effective delivery of the programmes;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vii)  The governance structures set out for each committee, composition, terms of reference, powers, reporting relationships, and delegations will enable provision of high quality professional programmes;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(viii)  The roles and responsibilities of the academic head and other senior officers in relation to the governing board/council providing oversight and other external stakeholders of the provider are clearly articulated;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(ix)  The provider has policies that promote good corporate and academic governance practices that are consistent with best practices in its running of the proposed programme;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(x)  The provider has a clear plan to review and update structures, functions and policies that relate to education, training and continuing professional development to rectify deficiencies and to meet any emerging needs;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(xi)  The students will be appropriately represented in the relevant governance structures of the institution;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(xii)  The provider has adopted clear provisions for ethics, academic integrity and resolution of conflict of interest;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(xiii)  The governing structures for the proposed faculty/department will allow for timely and effective decision-making to ensure proper administration of the new programme;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(xiv)  There are policies that aim at promoting sufficient input from academics, relevant external stakeholders and targeted students where applicable.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

2.2.1 List of Documents used as Evidence:

[Insert a list of documents used as evidence as referred to in the narrative above]

2.2.2 Strengths:

[Write a list of strengths as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.2.3 Weaknesses:

[Write a list of weaknesses as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.2.4 Strategy for Improvement:

[Write a list of strategies for improvement as identified during the self-evaluation]

2.3 Financing of the Programme


The provider has enough financial resources to run the programme, and the planning of the proposed programme is directly linked to the budget processes, amount of resources that are allocated and the sustainability of the funding models used. The provider has sound policies for the management of financial resources.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this standard as identified during the self-evaluation. This should evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the context of constraints, threats and opportunities in which the programme is running.

It should also show the interconnectedness of the various elements of strategic planning and quality management in the provision of the programme. It should take into account changes that have taken place in the programme in the recent past as well as ones anticipated in the future.]


(i)  The provider has sufficient financial resources to run the programme and ensure its sustainability given the projected student enrolment and the academic and support staff complement needed to run the programme;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(ii)  The budget for the programme provides confidence that it will start and continue to run on a long-term basis with adequate support facilities;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iii)  The provider has a well-developed business plan showing projected student enrolments, and the details of how the programme will be financed on a continual basis;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(iv)  The proposed programme budget follows a defined process and procedure;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(v)  Provision has been made for the programme in the institution’s planning and resource allocation processes;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vi)  The proposed programme has a transparent system for distribution of resources; care is taken to avoid passing on the costs of accessing essential learning resources to students (e.g. through printing and internet access for technology supported programmes) especially in situations where e-learning or use of Learning Management System is embraced;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(vii)  The institution has a risk management policy that serves as a guide for responding to financial emergencies and unforeseen occurrences likely to impact negatively on the new programme;

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

(viii)  The provider has sound financial policies and controls to ensure production of unqualified financial audits.

[Insert a descriptive, evaluative and reflective discussion that relate to how the programme performed on this criterion as identified during the self-evaluation.]

2.3.1 List of Documents used as Evidence:

[Insert a list of documents used as evidence as referred to in the narrative above]