Forestry Tri-Mentoring Program
Mentor Application Form 2014-15
As a mentor, you will be paired with a junior (1st/2nd year) and senior student (3rd/4th year) with whom you will coordinate a minimum of three sessions between October 2014 and March 2015.
The program will begin with a Kick-off Event on Wednesday October 22nd at 6:00 pm, where you will be introduced to your mentees and have an opportunity to meet other professional mentors.
First Name: Last Name:
Date of Birth (optional): Gender: ______
Work Phone #: Cell #:
City: Postal Code:
(NOTE: We will be contacting you at the e-mail address or phone number listed to confirm your participation in the program.)
Your industry/sector:
What year did you graduate?
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Which faculty were you in?
Which degree did you complete?
Additional educational information (i.e. majors, multiple degrees, specializations, professional designations):
Are you a UBC alumni? q Yes q No
Please indicate which undergraduate programs you have an interest/expertise in:
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q Forest Sciences
q Natural Resources Conservation
o Global Perspectives Major
o Science and Management Major
q Wood Products Processing
q Forestry
o Forest Operations
o Forest Resources Management
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Have you been involved with the Tri-Mentoring Program in the past?
q Yes - as a Mentor q Yes - as an eMentor q Yes - as a student q No previous involvement
Motivation for becoming a mentor:
q To give back to the community
q To develop meaningful relationships with students and contribute to their success
q To share knowledge and experience
q To contribute to the future of my field or profession
q To ensure those entering my field are well prepared and have realistic expectations
q To stay connected with UBC
Activities I can participate in with the students I am mentoring include:
q Meet over coffee, lunch or dinner q Tour my mentor’s work place/office
q Attend events at the Faculty of Forestry q Attend networking events
q Attend local professional meetings q Attend educational events such as lectures, talks
q Communicate over Skype, email, phone if we cannot meet in person
q Other:
Topics I can discuss with the students include:
q Career options and job preparation q Job search strategies
q Career building experiences q Resume prep/interview practice
q Academic requirements, graduate school q Work culture/job shadowing
q Professional etiquette q Work-life balance
q Realities of the workplace q My work
q Other: ______
Please list hobbies / personal interests:
Please submit a brief bio (120 – 150 words) of your career path.
May we publish your bio on the Faculty Tri-Mentoring website? q Yes q No
Some mentors have expressed an interest in connecting with other mentors. May we add a link to your LinkedIn profile on our website?
q Yes q No
Do you mind if your contact information is given to the UBC Career Services Tri-Mentoring Manager in addition to our Faculty keeping your contact information? q Yes q No
Do you mind if UBC Career Services contacts you via e-mail three times over the course of the Mentoring Program? qYes q No
If you have any questions about the Forestry Mentoring Program, please contact:
Ileana Costrut
Forestry Mentoring Website:
UBC Tri-Mentoring Website:
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday September 26, 2014 @ 12:00 pm
Please submit your Application and Mentorship Agreement via email to
Statement for Mentee Application Form – 2010
Personal information provided on this Application form is collected pursuant to section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165. This information will be used for the administration of the Tri-Mentoring Program.
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