Welcome To Team 6A!

The Teachers on 6A are so excited to have your child in our Personalized Learning class and are looking forwardto a successful year of working together and learning! We know that entering into middle school is intimidating and juggling 6 different classes (and teachers) in one day will be a new challenge. So in order for your child’s success please see the 5 steps below:

Step One: School Supplies
-1 Three Ring Binder 3inch or more
-8 Subject Dividers
-Index Cards/ Post-it Notes
-Pencils, Pen, Markers and Highlighters
-Colored Pencils
-Glue Sticks/Scotch Tape
-2 boxes Tissues
-Hand Sanitizer
-9 70 Page Spiral Notebooks
-Graph Paper / -Enclosed Pencil Sharpener
-Candy for the Teacher (suggested)
-Dry Erase Markers
-Dry Erase Eraser or Wash Cloth
-Copy Paper 1 Ream
-2 Green Poly Pocket Folders with Brads
-Loose Leaf Paper
-1 Roll Paper Towels
-1 Flash Drive
-Earbuds for Technology
Step Two: REMIND 101 APP
Remind 101 is an App for our students and parents. The app allows the teachers to text important homework and message reminders. Students and parents can text a message to the following number: 81010 They should enter the following for the message@hb77c
Step Three: Weekly Emails
Every week the teachers will send out one weekly email update on what to expect for that week. We highly encourage you to join our list. To do this please email Mr. St.Clair () in the subject line please type your name/ your child’s name. If you would like to leave a current contact phone number we would greatly appreciate it.
Step Four: LiveSchool
LiveSchool is a web based application where students and parents can keep track of their student’s school wide behavioral records (infractions and positive points) in real time. Students who exhibit good behavior will accumulate points to purchase special privileges and rewards throughout the year. Students will be issued a detention after 3 infractions. All students will be given a unique code to share with their parents and create an account. Students and parents can follow their progress via an app or the world wide web. For more information visit
Step Five: Skyward
Keep up to date with your child’s assignments and grades by checking Skyward. If you had access in elementary school it should carry over, if not please see the front office for the access form.
For Information on how to set up an account to view your child's progress,
please access at the following web address:

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask, Thank you for your support!